Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 55. New taxa and synonyms in Adelanthaceae (Marchantiophyta) Author Váňa, Jiří Department of Botany, Charles University, Benátská 2, 128 01 Praha 2, Czech Republic; vana @ natur. cuni. cz Author Feldberg, Kathrin Systematic Botany and Mycology, Faculty of Biology, University of Munich (LMU), Menzinger Str. 67, 80638 Munich, Germany; k. feldberg @ biologie. uni-muenchen. de, jheinrichs @ lmu. de Author Söderström, Jochen Heinrichs Lars Author Hagborg, Anders Science and education, The Field Museum, 1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605 - 2496, USA; hagborg @ pobox. com, mvonkonrat @ fieldmuseum. org Author Konrat, Matt Von Science and education, The Field Museum, 1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605 - 2496, USA; hagborg @ pobox. com, mvonkonrat @ fieldmuseum. org text Phytotaxa 2014 2014-06-20 173 1 80 86 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.173.1.7 1179-3163 5149770 Syzygiella contigua The original material ( Nova Granada , Lindig ) of Jungermannia contigua Gottsche (1864: 118) , nom. illeg ., non Jungermannia contigua Nees (1833: 360) , was housed in B and destroyed during World War II. We were not able to locate any duplicate of this collection. Stephani (1902a) replaced the name Jungermannia contigua Gottsche with Syzygiella contigua Stephani (1902a: 470) and cited the above Lindig specimen from Nova Granada as well as material from Brazil collected by Ule. Only the latter collection is available from several herbaria; Munich material of this collection from the Stephani herbarium was already cited by the monographer of the genus, Inoue (1966: 210) . We designate this specimen as neotype of Syzygiella contigua . The neotype agrees perfectly with the description and type material of Syzygiella integerrima Stephani (1917: 117) and the latter is therefore placed in the synonymy of Syzygiella contigua . The type collection of Syzygiella virescens Stephani (1902a: 469) from Brazil (leg. Puiggari) was not found in any herbarium (incl. BM , G , W ) and is probably lost or destroyed. Thus, a neotype is here designated from additional Brazilian collections in the Stephani herbarium ( G ), which Stephani also assigned to S. virescens . Both Brazilian specimens in G agree well with the original description. Inoue (1966: 210) already indicated that Syzygiella virescens “seems to be very similar to Syzygiella integerrima ”. We agree with this statement and place Syzygiella virescens in the synonymy of Syzygiella contigua (= Syzygiella integerrima , see above).