Two new species of Hydromedusae from Queensland, Australia (Hydrozoa, Leptothecata)
Uribe-Palomino, Julian
Pausina, Sarah
Gershwin, Lisa-ann
journal article
Melicertissa antrichardsoni Uribe-Palomino & Gershwin
sp. n.
Figures 2, 3, 4
?Melicertiasa Haeckel, 1879 [incorrect spelling of
Munro 1940
: 74. No figures or tables related to this specimen.
Type material.
Holotype: QM G335899, Male, BD ca. 2 mm, tentacles six well developed and two rudimentary (Figures 2A, B, C; 4B, C); Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia,
, 1 m, (Study 1), coll. S. Pausina, 15 Feb 2011.
Paratypes: QM G335904, Lot of two specimens, both male, BD ca. 2 mm, SD ca. 1 mm, hemi-gonad: 0.8 mm
0.3 mm, tentacular bulbs seven, one clearly missing, base ca. 0.6 mm diameter (Figure 3B), Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia,
, 1 m, (Study 1), coll. S. Pausina, 3 Dec 2010.
QM G335903, very poor condition, BD ca. 2 mm (Not figured), Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia,
, 1 m, (Study 1), coll. S. Pausina, 19 Apr 2011.
QM G335902, Male, BD ca. 2.4 mm, hemi-gonad: 0.8-0.9 mm x 0.3 mm, tentacle bulbs seven (five well developed, plus two small ones), base ca. 0.6 mm (Figure 4D), Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia,
(Study 2, (CSIRO MB55)), 1-2 m, coll. CSIRO, 27 May 2011.
QM G335900, Male, flattened specimen, BD ca. 2 mm. (Not figured); Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia,
, (Study 2), (CSIRO MB74), 1-2 m, coll. CSIRO, 19 Dec 2011.
QM G335901, Female, flattened specimen, eigth tentacles, BD ca. 2 mm (Figure 3A), Rous Channel, Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia,
, 1-2 m, (Study 3); coll. CSIRO 8 Apr 2014.
Figure 2.
Melicertissa antrichardsoni
sp. n. Holotype QM G335899. A Habitus, ventral view B Detail of tentacle and cordylis C Lateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm (A, C); 200
Figure 3.
Melicertissa antrichardsoni
sp. n. A Paratype QM G335901, female specimen; note ova on gonads (arrows) B Paratype lot of two, QM G335904. Scale bar: 1 mm (A, B).
Other material.
QM G335905, QM G335906, microscope slide nematocyst preparations, Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, 27°S, 153°E, coll. CSIRO, 19/3/2011-20/5/2013 (Figure 4E, F).
with pairs of small oval hemi-gonads near the base of each radial canal; with eight tentacles and approximately two cordyli and one statocyst between successive tentacles; with an extremely small body size at maturity (ca. 2 mm).
Description of holotype.
Umbrella isosceles trapezoid-shaped in lateral view, aborally flattened, with the margin curving inwards at the edges, possibly due to preservation (Figure 2A, C). Velum well developed, encircling the inner side of the umbrellar margin, ca. 1/3 radius (Figure 2A).
Tentacles eight, six fully developed and two incompletely developed; hollow; coiled; more or less evenly located around the bell margin (Figure 2
). Tentacle bulbs voluminous, heart-shaped, short; approximately 0.3 mm across the base. Two ventral rows of nematocysts run parallel along the length of the tentacles (Figure 2B).
Cordyli club-shaped with a swollen end and slender stalk, almost half as long as the tentacle bulbs (Figure 2B), typically two between adjacent tentacles, ca. 200
long; with a nematocyst cap (Figure 4B, C).
adjacent cordyli typically lies another structure different in form, here interpreted as a statocyst. Compared to the tapered stalk of the cordylus, this structure is more evenly columnar or thimble-shaped with straight sides and a rounded distal end (Figure 2A, C). No cirri were observed associated with the tentacles or the umbrella margin.
Stomach amorphously round-ish, broad, nearly 1/2 BD in width (Figure 2A). Manubrium sculpted into eight vertical ridges, similar in appearance to a Greek column. Mouth shaped into eight smoothly rounded lobes with a simple margin (Figure 2A). In lateral view, the stomach occupies almost half the bell cavity, and the mouth nearly reaches the bell margin (Figure 2C).
Radial canals eight, relatively broad, straight-sided throughout length, clearly visible from the stomach to the ring canal (best illustrated in Figure 4D in paratype QM G335902).
Gonads in eight pairs of oval hemi-gonads straddling each radial canal adjacent to the stomach, occupying the proximal third of each radial canal (Figure 2A). Each hemi-gonad is voluminous with a smooth surface, interpreted to be male; approximately 230
long and half as wide.
Colour not noted in living specimen, but preserved specimen has a transparent bell with brown gonads, tentacle bulbs and stomach.
Figure 4.
Melicertissa antrichardsoni
sp. n. A Non-type specimen lost during study, inverted, note dark pigmenting of tentacle bulbs and ocelli (arrow) B Holotype QM G335899, cordylus, note cap-like position of nematocysts C Holotype QM G335899, cordylus, detail of nematocysts D Paratype QM G335902, note conspicuous radial canals (e.g., arrow) E tentacular nematocysts F nematocyst from whole body squash (QM G335905 and QM G335906 collectively). Scale bars: 1 mm (A, D); 50
(B, C); 20
(E, F).
Type locality.
Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia.
Variation from holotype.
One specimen (QM G335901) has lumpy gonads with obvious ova (Figure 3A), and is interpreted as a mature female. All other paratypes, which are nearly the same size, have smooth gonads and are interpreted as male.
Three of the specimens (two in lot QM G335904, and one in QM G335902) are each missing one tentacle bulb; these are not variants in merosity, but rather, they are octamerous with one bulb simply absent (Figure 3B). The holotype also has two tentacles in various stages of development, as one might expect following an injury (Figure 2A).
Paratypes have a transparent and colourless bell and cordyli, pale yellowish gonads, and darkly pigmented tentacle bulbs. A black ocellus is found at the base of each tentacle and cordylus (Figure 4A).
Melicertissa antrichardsoni
sp. n. has a cnidome of two size classes of oval cnidae on the tentacles (Figure 4E). There is only one size class of oval cnidae on the body (Figure 4F) and cordyli (Figure 4B, C).
On the tentacles, the larger size class is nearly 19
long by 10
wide, and bears a conspicuous barb on the free (= aboral) end of the undischarged shaft; we interpret this type as a stenotele. The smaller size class is approximately half the size of the larger, and bears a conspicuous v-shaped notch on the free (= aboral) end; we interpret this type as a microbasic p-mastigophore.
On the cordyli, nematocysts are scattered throughout the tip in a distal cap. The cordyli nematocysts are similar in shape but smaller in size (8
) than the small size class on the tentacles. However, we were unable to observe internal structures and were unable study them directly (Figure 4B, C).
The specific epithet,
, is given to honour Professor Anthony J. Richardson of CSIRO and the University of Queensland. Anthony has encouraged and supported the research of plankton from Moreton Bay and around Australia through the Australian Plankton Survey.
Environmental notes.
Melicertissa antrichardsoni
has been found throughout the warmer months of the year from December to May, in salinities from 26-34 PSU and water temperatures from 18.84-26.5°C.
Systematic remarks.
Melicertissa antrichardsoni
is the eighth species in the genus (Table 1). Its gonads make it entirely unique within the genus, as these organs in other species are linear and either tapering, sinuous, or foliaceous, whereas in
M. antrichardsoni
they are small and oval in tight pairs. Another distinguishing feature is that
M. antrichardsoni
is much smaller than its congeners, being less than 30% the size of the other smaller species,
M. mayeri
Kramp (1959)
M. platygastra
Nair (1951)
Table 1. Summary of main features from each one of the known species of
. Data from original species descriptions along with
Mayer (1910)
Kramp (1961a)
. Abbreviations: bell diameter (BD), radial canals (RC).
Species |
BD |
Bell shape |
Stomach |
Mouth |
Gonads |
Tentacles |
Cordyli |
Ocelli |
Cirri |
Locality |
M. adriatica
M. clavigera
M. malayica
M. mayeri
M. orientalis
M. platygastra
M. rosea
M. antrichardsoni
Compared to the other species with eight tentacles, namely
M. clavigera
Haeckel (1879)
M. platygastra
Nair (1951)
, there are ample differences to separate
M. antrichardsoni
. Firstly, the tentacle bulbs of
M. clavigera
M. platygastra
are both thick and conical, whereas those of
M. antrichardsoni
are so bulbous as to be heart-shaped. Secondly, the lips in
M. platygastra
are lanceolate while those of
M. clavigera
are said to be quadratic, whereas these structures in
M. antrichardsoni
sp. n. are more smoothly rounded as one might expect an eight leafed clover to look.
Melicertissa antrichardsoni
would be unlikely to be confused with
M. malayica
Maas (1905)
, the only other species with gonads adjacent to the stomach: in the latter the gonads are slender and tapered, there are more than 160 tentacles, and the cordyli are irregular, whereas in the former the gonads are oval, there are eight tentacles, and the cordyli are quite regular.
One may wonder about the relationship between
M. orientalis
Kramp (1961b)
M. antrichardsoni
, with both being apparently endemic to Queensland. Both species have heart-shaped tentacle bulbs and nematocyst-studded cordyli however, they are remarkably dissimilar in their tentacles, gonads, and distribution. For example,
M. orientalis
from tropical waters of the Great Barrier Reef has seventeen tentacles and the gonads are in wavy bands along the distal 2/5 of the radial canals, whereas
M. antrichardsoni
from coastal, shallow, sub-tropical waters of southeast Queensland has only half as many tentacles and the gonads are in paired ovals adjacent to the stomach.
With the specimens of
M. antrichardsoni
at only two millimetres in diameter, it is logical to ask whether they might be juveniles. However, this is unlikely as the female specimen (QM G335901) appears to have mature ova and is near the same size as the other specimens. Specimens have been found on numerous occasions throughout the summertime over a period of five years.
Munro (1940)
mentioned finding specimens of
at an area of Moreton Bay locally known as Waterloo Bay, at a sampling station located halfway between Manly and Green Island (not to be confused with Manly in New South Wales or Green Island in the Great Barrier Reef). He gave no other indication as to the identity of his specimens, but we wonder whether these might be the same species as ours. Currently the only species of
known from Australia are
M. orientalis
M. antrichardsoni
We recognise
Melicertissa adriatica
Neppi (1915)
with some caution.
Kramp (1961a)
M. adriatica
to be in the
(p. 143) but noted in the addendum (p. 444) that Picard referred this species to
Octogonade mediterranea
Zoja (1896)
in the
Kramp 1961a
, p. 157). In a subsequent publication,
Kramp (1961b)
elaborated, noting: "Dr. J. Picard (Marseilles) has informed me in a letter that
Melicertissa adriatica
Neppi is identical with
Octogonade mediterranea
Zoja." However,
original illustration of
O. mediterranea
gives no indication of cordyli, which appear to have been clearly described in
M. adriatica
by Neppi, who
them from both tentacles and cirri: "Zwischen je zwei Tentakeln drei bis
Randkolben mit einem schwarzen Ocellus und noch zahlreichere Cirren."
has since been moved to the
Boero et al. 1987
) on the basis of having compound statocysts.
Bouillon and Boero (2000)
Bouillon et al. (2004)
M. adriatica
as a laodiceid (with three types of marginal appendages, namely tentacles, cordyli, and cirri), whereas
has two types of tentacles and neither cordyli or cirri. Schuchert (2016), however, considered
M. adriatica
to be a junior synonym of
. Here, we consider
M. adriatica
to be a laodiceid based on its possession of three types of marginal appendages, whereas
has only two.