Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae.
Smith, F.
British Museum
Cryptocerus serraticeps
. B.M.
Female. Length 6 lines. - Jet-black: head depressed, slightly convex at the vertex; ocelli distinct; strongly punctured and slightly shining; the lateral margins elevated and finely ser- rated; deeply emarginate anteriorly; antennae short, thick and clavate, the extreme apex ferruginous. Thorax shorter than the abdomen, the disk shining, with large scattered punctures; the lateral angles of the prothorax with a short, stout, acute spine; the metathorax with two short, straight, thick spines; wings hyaline, the nervures thick, and of a blackish-brown; a fuscous cloud occupying the marginal cell, and passing beyond to the apex of the wings; a narrow fuscous stain traverses all the ner- vures ofthe wings, the stigma black; the femora and tibiae with their sides flattened, four-sided, with a few scattered pale setae. Abdomen oblong-ovate, very smooth and shining, with scattered delicate punctures; the apical segments roughened, with their margins smooth and shining; the nodes of the petiole sub- globose.
Hab. Brazil (Ega). (Coll. H. W. Bates.)