Revision of the Agrilus vittatus species-group (Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Agrilinae) Author Jendek, Eduard Author Nakládal, Oto text Zootaxa 2019 2019-07-04 4629 1 77 95 journal article 26300 10.11646/zootaxa.4629.1.6 724cf4c6-1901-4318-afdc-257b464a2416 1175-5326 3268303 060A63FD-49EF-4492-BF63-313D7690F026 Agrilus acacivorus sp.nov. ( Figs. 1A , 3A , 5A ) Description of holotype . Size: 4.3 mm . Body dorsally dark bluish-black; eyes slightly smaller than width of vertex (dorsal view); frons brightly greenish-blue; pronotum widest at anterior margin, anterior pronotal lobe absent; each elytron with distinct perisutural, pubescent stripe; prosternal lobe large and strongly arcuate on anterior margin. Variability. Body length: 4.3–5.1 mm . The paratype is bronze; anterior pronotal lobe weak; elytral perisutural stripes obscure. Diagnosis. The species can by reliably distinguished only by the form of aedeagus ( Figs. 3A , 5A ) which lacks a membranous sensory zone and the apex of medial lobe (penis) is broadly rounded with a hook on each side. Type material. Type locality: Burma , Shan State [sic!], Taunggyi (crest), N 21°20’ E 95°59’ [refers to Mandalay state ]. Type specimens. Holotype , 1 ♂ PT ( EJCB ): “ Burma , Shan State , Taunggyi (crest), N 21°20’ E 95°59’ [refers to Mandalay state ], XI.1952 , G. B. Vogt \ Fabaceae Acacia pennata Wild. , BU-26”. Distribution. MYANMAR : Mandalay . Host plant. Larval: Acacia pennata (L.) Willd. Etymology. The specific name is derived from the host plant of the species Acacia and suffix - vorus (devour).