Hemiptera Heteroptera of Guam Author Usinger, Robert L. text 1946 1946-12-20 Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Bulletin 189 Honolulu, Hawaii Insects of Guam II 11 103 book chapter 10.5281/zenodo.5173934 e7ce9dca-1d2b-4aad-8471-7ea2c177da53 5173934 FB89F15B-608D-4E39-951E-4568FB4531A0 54. Hyalopeplus guamensis , new species ( fig. 13 ). Elongate with sides subparallel, shining above with pubescence limited almost entirely to costal margins posteriorly, disk of cuneus, and appendages. Head broader across eyes than long, 27: 22; highly polished in front of eyes and duller behind this, the tylus strongly elevated, depressed at hind margin and disk of head convex behind this, the surface faintly, obliquely, arcuately rugose between the eyes. Rostrum reaching apices of middle coxae; proportion of segments 30: 32: 20: 30. Antennae one tenth shorter than length of insect to tip of abdomen, 135: 150; the second segment as long as costal margin of corium and first segment scarcely longer than width of anterior collar of pronotum, 20: 19; proportion of segments 20: 74: 25: 16; first segment thickest, second gradually enlarged to apex; third and fourth segments slender. Pronotum as long as width of head across eyes, over half again as wide across humeri as long, 42: 27, and over twice as wide across humeri as width of anterior collar, 42: 19. Collar one fifth as long as wide, convex and strongly constricted behind, its surface not rugose. Callosities subdepressed and not conspicuously rugose, about twice as long as length of collar. Pronotal disk behind this rather strongly convex, very distinctly, densely rugose, the wrinkles interrupted by ill-defined punctures. Hind margin narrowly smooth and impunctate, feebly sinuate and turned down at middle, rounded and then sinuate and slightly reflexed sublaterally. Humeral angles extending, plate-like, over bases of hemelytra, nearly right-angular. Lateral margins slightly-but distinctly concave, feebly sinuate near the middle. Scutellum (including mesoscutum) slightly longer than pronotum, 30: 27; longer than broad, 30:26. Disk behind mesoscutum feebly depressed at middle and distinctly, finely, transversely rugose. FIGURE 13.--H yalopeplm guanmmis: dorsal view of female . Hemelytra greatly exceeding apex of abdomen, the costal margins gradually dilated to basal third, narrowed behind this and subparallel posteriorly; clavus, corium, and membrane clear hyaline, with only the costal margins and cuneus partially opaque and beset with short, stiff, black hairs postero--laterally. Under surface smooth with short pubescence on abdominal venter and legs. Color_ yellowish ochraceous with two long, interrupted brown stripes laterally and one short median stripe on tylus, a median longitudinal brown stripe on vertex, seven longitudinal stripes on collar. Brown elsewhere as follows: hind margin of pronotum narrowly, eyes, inner margin and commissure of clavus, veins of hind wings and membrane, and apex of rostrum. Cuneus mostly reddish and costal margin of corium and cuneus light brown to ochraceous posteriorly. Antennae reddish with brown at extreme base and apex and brown spots on inner basal half of first segment, brownish apex of second segment, and ochraceous bases and brownish apices of third and fourth segments. Front and middle legs pale with reddish apices of tibiae and reddish tarsi except for brown apices and claws. Hind femora pale with brown spots and red apices, tibiae and tarsi red with brown tarsal apices and claws. Size: length 7.5 mm ., width (basal third of hemelytra) 2.15 mm . Holotype female, Cetti Bay , May 28 , on Thespesia populnea, Usinger. Runs to the west African horvathi Poppins in Poppins' key (Hist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., Ann. 10: 416, 1912) but differs from this and all other species known to me in its immaculate and finely transversely rugose central pronotal disk, short, convex pronotal collar, and absence of hairs on head, pronotum, and scutellum. H. guamensis is related to the Hawaiian pellucidus in body form and opaque reddish cuneus, but pellucidus has the pronotum and scutellum distinctly pubescent. Vitripennis Stal, which is widespread in the Austro­ Oriental region, is larger and paler with hyaline cuneus and three longitudinal stripes on the head and pronotum. Bakeri Poppins from the Philippines has a longer and differently colored pronotum.