Revision of the Rhagovelia angustipes complex (Insecta: Hemiptera: Veliidae from Colombia Author Galindo-Malagón, Ximena Alejandra 0000-0003-0617-9403 Grupo de Investigación Sistemática Biológica-SisBio, Laboratorio de Entomología, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Tunja, BY, Colombia. & ximena. galindo @ uptc. edu. co; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0617 - 9403 Author Morales, Irina 0000-0003-2456-5674 Grupo de Investigación Sistemática Biológica-SisBio, Laboratorio de Entomología, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Tunja, BY, Colombia. & irina. morales @ uptc. edu. co; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2456 - 5674 Author Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo Laboratório de Biodiversidade Entomológica, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. text Zootaxa 2021 2021-04-14 4958 1 167 225 journal article 7165 10.11646/zootaxa.4958.1.11 ef663e33-b442-492e-8d5c-a373429ef059 1175-5326 4691515 ADD5204B-A342-4A85-8F10-778241D70E9E Rhagovelia longipes Gould, 1931 ( Figs. 9F , 10F , 11F , 12F , 19O , 20O , 25C ) Rhagovelia longipes Gould, 1931: 36 . Rhagovelia magdalena Padilla-Gil, 2011: 214 ( new synonym ). Diagnosis . Body length ~3.00 in the male and ~ 3.50 in the female. Antennomere II shorter than III. Tarsal formula 3-3-3. All coxae and trochanters dark brown to black ( Figs. 10F , 12F ), rarely yellow to brown. Male fore tibia curved, very thin for about 3/4 of length, then expanding to apex ( Fig. 21C ). Male hind trochanter without spines. Male hind femur thinner middle femur, without spines ( Fig. 21D ). Ratio of male hind femur/tibia length ~0.64/1.00. Male hind tibia without spines or apical spur ( Figs. 9F ). Lateral margins of male and female abdomen bowed ( Figs. 9F , 11F ). Abdominal mediotergites dull; sometimes a small shiny black spot on last segment. Female abdominal laterotergites horizontal or slightly elevated. Median carina on posterior half of male abdominal sternum VII and on VIII, where it is slightly depressed on each side. Male abdominal segment VIII subcylindrical, with lateral margins bowed, shorter dorsally than mediotergite VII ( Fig. 9F ). Paramere and proctiger as in Figs. 19O , 20O . Distribution . Colombia : Caquetá (this work), Casanare ( Aristizábal 2017 ), Cauca (Padilla-Gil 2011, Padilla-Gil 2020), Huila (Padilla-Gil 2011), Putumayo (Padilla-Gil 2016, Padilla-Gil 2019a ), Santander (this work), Tolima ( Parra-Trujillo et al. 2014 , Aristizábal 2017 ), Valle del Cauca ( Aristizábal 2017 ). Ecuador ( Gould 1931 ). Peru ( Drake & Harris 1935 ) ( Fig. 25C ). Comments . Rhagovelia longipes is one of the few species of the angustipes complex in which spines are lacking in the hind femora of males and females. The other species that share this feature are R. caunapi ; R. danpolhemi Moreira, Pacheco-Chaves & Cordeiro, 2015 ; R. festae Kirkaldy, 1899 ; R. guachiconoense , R. imitatrix Bacon, 1948 ; and R. magdalena . Characteristics distinguishing these species, except for R. caunapi and R. guachiconoense , were detailed by Moreira et al. (2015) . When describing R. magdalena , Padilla-Gil (2011) only compared its paramere with that of R. longipes , stating that in the latter species it would be sharply pointed. However, this is incorrect and the drawing provided by the same author does not correspond to what is observed in specimens of R. longipes (compare Padilla-Gil 2011: Fig. 24 , Bacon 1956 : Fig. 10 , and this work: Fig. 19 O ). Additionaly, after examining types of R. magdalena , we could not find any relevant features to distinguish it from R. longipes , thus we propose synonymizing both species. Rhagovelia guachiconoense might eventualy prove to be another synonym of R. longipes , but we did not have access to the type material in order to confirm this hypothesis. Type material examined. Holotype apterous of R. magdalena ( ICN 054099 ): ‘ Colombia \ Huila \ Oporapa \ Vereda La Vega \ Río Magdalena \ 2001-II-14 \ Col : W. Bonilla’ . Paratypes of R. magdalena , 5 ♂ apterous, 2 ♀ apterous ( ICN 054100 ): same data as holotype . Additional material examined. Caquetá : San José del Fragua , Inspección Yurayaco after town, 2017-IX-16 ( J. Rivera & P. Sterling ): 6 ♂ apterous ( UPTC ) . San José del Fragua , Inspección Yurayaco , road bridge, 2017-IX-16 ( J. Rivera & P. Sterling ): 5 ♂ apterous, 2 ♀ apterous, 1 ♀ macropterous ( UPTC ) . Morelia , before sluice, 2017-IX- 04 ( J. Rivera & P. Sterling ): 6 ♂ apterous ( UPTC ) . Morelia , road bridge, 2017-XI-04 ( J. Rivera & P. Sterling ): 1 ♂ apterous, 1 ♀ apterous ( UPTC ) . Santander : Vado Real , Tolota River , 2017-IX-20 (F. Molano & I. Morales ): 1 ♂ apterous, 1 ♀ macropterous ( UPTC ) . Piedecuesta , Pescadero , Chicamocha River , 2017-IX-20 ( F. Molano & I. Morales ): 3 ♀ apterous ( UPTC ) . San Gil , Parque El Gallineral , Fonse River , 2017-IX-20 ( F. Molano & I. Morales ): 1 ♀ apterous ( UPTC ) . Barrancabermeja , Sogamoso River , 300 m upstream from water catchment site, 2012-IX ( D. Hincapie & C. Pérez ): 1 ♂ apterous ( CLUA035 ) . Barrancabermeja , Sogamoso River , 300 m upstream from water catchment site, 2013- III ( D. Hincapie & C. Pérez ): 1 ♂ apterous ( CLUA035 ) . Barrancabermeja , Sogamoso River , 300 m upstream from water catchment site, 2014-II ( D. Hincapie & C. Pérez ): 1 ♀ apterous ( CLUA035 ) .