Twenty-six additional new combinations in the Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) of China and Vietnam Author Callaghan, Christopher B. Australian Bicentennial Arboretum, P. O. Box 88, Penshurst. NSW 2222. Australia Author Png, Siak K. Australian Bicentennial Arboretum, P. O. Box 88, Penshurst. NSW 2222. Australia text PhytoKeys 2020 146 1 35 journal article 1314-2003-146-1 F634881ACA0A5039A93E4C0FFCB056DF Magnolia rubriflora (Y.W. Law & R.Z. Zhou ex F.G. Wang, Q.W. Zeng, R.Z. Zhou & F.W. Xing) C.B. Callaghan & S.K. Png comb. nov. Basionym. Michelia rubriflora Y.W. Law & R.Z. Zhou ex F.G. Wang et al., Pakistan J. Bot. 37(3): 559, fig. 1 (2005). Chinese name. 红花含笑 meaning "red-flowered michelia" Type. CHINA. Hainan: Mount Jianfengling, 500-600 m, 31 October 2001, Zhou Ren-zhang 0265 (holotype: IBSC n.v.). Guangdong Province: Guangzhou, Magnolia Garden of Guangdong Forest Research Institute, 8 October 2001, Zhou Ren-zhang 0265b (paratypes: IBSC!; P online image!). Digital image of paratype specimen below accessed 19 March 2019: paratype [P: P00852399]: Michelia mediocris Dandy. In: Xia et al. (2008 : 85), p.p. quoad syn. Michelia rubriflora Y.W. Law & R.Z. Zhou. Note. While Michelia rubriflora is noted as a synonym of M. mediocris in Flora of China ( Xia et al. 2008 ), the present authors agree with Wang and co-authors that Michelia rubriflora can be more than sufficiently differentiated from M. mediocris by the diagnostic features of these two species included in Table 1 of their paper ( Wang et al. 2005 ), to substantiate its species status. A more comprehensive analysis of their differentiating features is compiled in Table 7 below. Michelia rubriflora also does not key out with the original validating description for M. subulifera ( Dandy 1930 :212), with which it shares synonymy under M. mediocris in Flora of China. Evidently an independent species, Michelia rubriflora is transferred in the present paper to the genus Magnolia by reason of the past reduction of the remaining genera of subfamily Magnolioideae to that genus. Table 7. Differentiating features of the species Michelia rubriflora and M. mediocris .
Plant feature Michelia rubriflora Y.W. Law & R.Z. Zhou Michelia mediocris Dandy
tree dimensions to 15 m x 25 cm dbh 35 m x 90 cm dbh† (30 m x 190 cm dbh)‡
indumentum of buds greyish-white or pale brown appressed pilose rufous appressed puberulent¶
indumentum of branchlets greyish-white or pale brown appressed pilose appressed grey or yellowish-brown tomentose
leaf shape ovate-elliptic elliptic or elliptic-oblong
leaf dimensions 5-9 x 2.5-3.5 cm 6-13 x 3-5 cm§
leaf indumentum abaxially greyish-white or pale brown appressed pilose initially appressed greyish pubescent (greyish-white appressed puberulent)¶
leaf texture leathery thinly leathery¶
lateral leaf veins 9-11 either side of midrib 12-15 either side of midrib
stipular scars 1-2 mm long none¶
petiole length and indumentum 1-2.5 cm, greyish-white or pale brown appressed pilose 1.5-3 cm§, initially appressed grey tomentellous, then glabrescent
tepal number /colour 9, red 9-10#, white¶
tepal size and shape 2.5-3.5 x 1.0-1.2 cm, lanceolate 1.8-2.2 x 0.5-0.8 cm, spathulate§
stamen length /colour 1.5-1.7 cm, red 1.0-1.5 cm§, yellowish-green
gynophore not exserted above androecium extended well above androecium (illustration)¶
flowering period October-November December-January¶ [China] February-March # [Vietnam]
fruiting period October-November of the next year August-September ¶ [China] September-October# [Vietnam] of the same year
The differentiating features of Michelia rubriflora are from F.G. Wang et al. (2005) and those of M. mediocris are from Dandy (1928a) , supplemented by Chen and Nooteboom (1993 : 1073)†, Deng and Yang (2015 : 142)‡, Law et al. (1996 : 180)§, Liu et al. (2004 : 292)¶, Sam et al. (2004) #.