Revision of the Hoplodrina implacata group (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Noctuinae: Caradrinini) of Taiwan, with descriptions of four new species Author Wu, Shipher Author Owada, Mamoru text Zootaxa 2018 2018-08-03 4455 3 571 581 journal article 29095 10.11646/zootaxa.4455.3.13 b70dedd9-d080-4354-9ced-3928e81c63b6 1175-5326 1457393 ED39FED3-C3B5-4103-BE97-6E3192A15399 Hoplodrina cienensis sp. nov. ( Figs 4, 5 , 17 , 26 , 31 ) Type material. Holotype , , TAIWAN , Hualien Co., Ci’en, 1950 m , 13-IX-2013 , leg. S. Wu, preserved in TFRI ; paratypes , 2♂ , same collecting data as the holotype , slide TFRI 143016 ( TFRI ) and TFRI 143017 ( TFRI ); 1♀ same collecting data, slide TFRI 147658 ( TFRI ). Diagnosis. The new species is very similar to the Chinese H. minimalis Kononenko, 1997 ( Figs 9 , 19 ) in external appearance and genitalia. Hoplodrina cienensis can be distinguished in male genitalia by the more protruded valval apex; the apical margin of juxta excurved rather than concave; the more protruded saccus apex; the less developed cornuti. In female genitalia, the new species differs from the congeneric species by the presence of large distolateral half part of sclerotization in corpus bursae and the elongate bursae copulatrix. In female genitalia, H. cienensis differs from H. implacata ( Kononenko, 1997: fig. 11 ) and H. minimalis ( Kononenko, 1997: fig. 14 ) by the strong sclerotized bursa copulatrix and the absence of the band-like transversal signum. Description. Adult ( Figs 4, 5 )—Forewing length 13 14 mm in males (n= 3); 14 mm in female (n= 1). Antenna filiform in male, ciliate in female. Head and thorax covered with lotus root grey scales. Forewing ground color silvery grey. Forewing antemedial line black, irregular, medial part tinged with dark grey band, postmedial line black, serrate; orbicular stigma small, round, reniform stigma wide elliptic, both surrounding with greyish white; submarginal line greyish white, parallel with outer margin; cilia and region between submarginal line and outer margin lotus root grey; distal part of cilia pale ochreous. Hindwing pale ochreous-grey at basal half part than gradually darken as dark grey, discal spot dark grey, distinct; outer margin and cilia pale ochreous. Abdomen pale lotus root grey. FIGURES 16–23. The male genitalia of the genus Hoplodrina species. 16. H. implacata (Wileman & West, 1929) , Taiwan (NSMT); 17. H. cienensis sp. nov. , paratype, Taiwan (TFRI); 18. H. obscura sp. nov. , paratype, Taiwan (TFRI); 19. H. kononenkoi sp. nov. , paratype, Taiwan (TFRI); 20. H. bunun sp. nov. , paratype, Taiwan (NMNS); 21. H. persequora Ronkay, Ronkay, Fu & Wu, 2013 , Taiwan (TFRI); 22. H. minimalis Kononenko, 1997 , China (NSMT); 23. H. euryptera Boursin, 1937 , Japan (NSMT). Photo by Shipher Wu. Male genitalia ( Fig. 17 )—Uncus slender, curved toward anterior part, apical part swollen with acute tip. Tegumen moderate in width, peniculus well developed covered with long hair-like scales. Saccus tapered, Vshaped. Valva gradually widen towards subapical part, then gradually narrowed towards apex; succulus moderate in size, harpe digitiform, straight; corona represented by 8 9 spines. Juxta plate-like, apical margin rounded. Aedeagus about? length of valva. Carina with three sclerotized bands with two small conical spines at ventral side. Vesica with two diverticula, basal one membranous, medial one covered with short dense spines. Tubular extension of vesica pointing anteriorly when fully swollen. Phallobase protruded anteriorly. Female genitalia ( Fig. 26 )—Ovipositor elongated, papillae anales weak. Posterior apophyses thin, 1.5X length of anterior ones. Antrum wide, flat. Ductus bursae wide, flat, gradually narrowed towards anterior part, strongly sclerotized with ¼ and ¾ section from posterior part bent. Bursae copulatrix sclerotized except long apical part where ductus seminalis arising. Corpus bursae slightly granular medially, without signum. Distribution and bionomics. Endemic to Taiwan . This species is distributed in mid-elevation broad-leaved forests of central Taiwan . The adults were only collected in mid-September in Ci’en ( type locality) where the whole year fundamental survey was conducted by the first author during 2012 and 2013 . The externally similar species H. implacata also occurs in Ci’en but only in August. Etymology. Name according to the type locality Ci’en, Hualien County , Taiwan .