Revision Of Leucophoropterini: Diagnoses, Key To Genera, Redescription Of The Australian Fauna, And Descriptions Of New Indo-Pacific Genera And Species (Insecta: Hemiptera: Miridae) Author Menard, Katrina L. Author Schuh, Randall T. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2011 2011-11-23 2011 361 1 159 journal article 10.1206/361.1 0003-0090 5410834 4CE18A11-140F-4C45-BBC8-D397EA03510D Leucophoroptera kangarooina , new species Figures 25 , 26 A–D ; plates 6, 8 DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by small size, welldefined transparent areas on posterolateral margin of corium (pl. 6), distally white pro- and mesofemora, completely white pro- and mesotibiae, and lack of a protuberance on ventral-posterior surface of pygophore. Female also recognized by pronotum less boxlike in appearance than in L. quadrimaculata and appearing more trapezoidal in dorsal view. DESCRIPTION: Male : Macropterous, small, elongate, and parallel sided. Total length 2.62–2.77, width pronotum 0.68–0.73, maximum width across hemelytra 0.84–0.89. COLORATION: Eyes red to pinkish. Antennal segment 1s gold, segment 2 completely dark brown, segment 3 pale basally and dark on distal half, segment 4 dark basally. Dorsolateral margin of metepisternum and scent gland with relatively thick white band, width equal to about third of total width of scent gland. All coxae dark brown basally, white distally for approximately half of length of coxae. Pro- and mesofemora brown basally white distally, metafemur completely brown. Pro- and mesotibiae white, metatibia white anteriorly at joint with metafemur with remainder of surface dark brown with parallel rows of dark spicules. Basal tarsomeres light, distally dark brown. Hemelytron primarily dark brown with translucent to whitish transverse fascia occupying most of anterior margin of corium and part of clavus at approximately posterior L of length of claval suture, with dark brown posterior margin transversing entirety of hemelytron (pl. 6). Lateral margin of corium posterior to transverse fascia distinctly transparent. Anterior half of cuneus white, posterior portion dark brown to reddish brown. Membrane pale brown with dark-brown veins. Frons convex, clypeus exserted and partially visible in dorsal view. Vertex convex, posterior margin flat, width almost two times width of one eye. Area below eyes at least M total height of head in lateral view, gula well developed. Eyes confluent with dorsal surface of vertex in anterior view, posterior margin partially obscuring anterior margin of pronotum in lateral view. GENITALIA (fig. 26A–D): Secondary gonopore relatively large, horse-collar shaped (fig. 26B). Right paramere knife shaped (fig. 26A). Posterior process of left paramere directed ventrally, relatively narrow (fig. 26C). Female: Macropterous, medium sized, with nearly parallel lateral hemelytral margins. Total length 2.47–2.52, width pronotum 0.71–0.73, maximum width across hemelytra 0.72–0.74. COLORATION: Same pattern as in male. STRUCTURE: Antennal segment 2 less than 1.3 times total head width. Width of vertex over two times width of one eye. Abdomen tapering anteriorly. Remaining characters as in generic description. GENI- TALIA: As in generic description. ETYMOLOGY: Named after the collecting locality of Kangaroo Island. HOSTS: Unknown. DISTRIBUTION: Kangaroo Island, South Australia . DISCUSSION: Most specimens of this species are in poor condition and appear to be partially bleached, causing a paler coloration than is probably seen in nature. HOLOTYPE : AUSTRALIA : South Australia : Kangaroo Island , Kelley Hills Caves Cons. Park, 35.98818 ° S 136.87859 ° E , 13 m , 27 Dec 1989 , R. Wharton , 18 (00248080) ( SAMA ). PARATYPES : AUSTRALIA : South Australia : Kangaroo Island, Flinders Chase National Park, Rocky River., 35.95831 ° S 136.65853 ° E , 38 m , 25 Dec 198906 Jan 1990 , R. Wharton, 1♀ (00248087) ( USNM ). Kangaroo Island, Kelley Hills Caves Cons. Park, 35.98818 ° S 136.87859 ° E , 13 m , 27 Dec 1989 , R. Wharton, 18 (00248085), 1♀ (00248084) ( AM ), 28 (00248079, 00248081) ( AMNH ), 28 (00248076, 00248082) ( TAMU ), 18 (00248083) ( TAMU ), 18 (00248077) ( USNM ).