Systematics of the green lacewing tribe Ankylopterygini Navás, 1910 (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae: Chrysopinae) from China Author Wu, Jingyu 0000-0001-6677-7726 Department of Entomology, College of Plant Protection, China Agricultural University, Beijing, 100193, China wujingyu 176 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6677 - 7726 Corresponding author: xingyue _ liu @ yahoo. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9168 - 0659 Author Liu, Xingyue 0000-0001-6677-7726 Department of Entomology, College of Plant Protection, China Agricultural University, Beijing, 100193, China wujingyu 176 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6677 - 7726 Corresponding author: xingyue _ liu @ yahoo. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9168 - 0659 text Zootaxa 2024 2024-11-22 5540 1 1 169 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5540.1.1 1175-5334 14240496 4DBD3A92-F14B-4C5B-95B3-2B430EC197DD [30] Tumeochrysa ( Nineta ) inpunctata (Reuter, 1894) comb. nov. ( Figs 37 , 84 ) Chrysopa setpempunctata var. inpunctata Reuter, 1894: 20 . Type locality: Finland (Pargas). Type depository unknown. Chrysopa impunctata Klingstedt, 1935: 15 . Chrysopa ( Nineta ) impunctata : Hölzel, 1965: 92 . Nineta reuteri Tjeder, 1967: 229 . Nineta impunctata : Gepp, 1978: 281. Nineta inpunctata : Aspöck, 1980: 241 . Diagnosis. This species is characterized by the presence of the relatively small body, the head and thorax without spots, the brown veins of forewing and hindwing, the male sternum IX slightly elongated and curved upwards dorsal apically, the quadrate median arch of gonarcus concaved at middle of posterior margin, the arcessus swollen at base, and the length of female subgenitale slightly longer than wide. Description. Male. Body length 13.2 mm , forewing length 14.4 mm , hindwing length 12.4 mm . Head without spots, vertex raised. Compound eyes prominent and black. Antennae yellow, scape and pedicel wider than flagellum. Frons, clypeus and gena without spots. Maxillary palpi with brown stripe on outer side, labial palpi brownish yellow. Pronotum anterior margin shorter than posterior margin, with brown markings on lateral margin. Mesonotum and metanotum without markings. Legs with dense setae and without spots. Pretarsal claws brown, with basal dilation. Forewing broad, veins all black. Pterostigma indistinct. Costal area with 25–27 crossveins; 15–16 radial crossveins present. m1 smaller than m2 ; im ovoid; 10 psm-psc crossveins present. c1 smaller than c2 , dcc opened. A1 forked, A2 and A3 simple. Inner gradate series with 6–9 crossveins, outer gradate series with 7–9 crossveins. Hindwing slightly narrow. Pterostigma indistinct. Costal area with 18–20 crossveins; 14–16 radial crossveins and 9 psm-psc crossveins present. Inner gradate series with 6–7 crossveins, outer gradate series with 8–9 crossveins. Abdomen with dense setae. Tergum VII and sternum VII subquadrate in lateral view; tergum VIII and sternum VIII about 1/3 as long as tergum VII; sternum IX slightly elongated and curved towards dorsal apically; tergum IX fused with ectoproct. Callus cerci ovoid. Gonarcus arcuate, median arch quadrate, concaved at middle of posterior margin, lateral arms expanded; entoprocessus broad; arcessus swollen at base and curved slightly. Female. Body length 11.5–11.9 mm , forewing length 15.5–17.3 mm , hindwing length 15.3–16.7 mm . FIGURE 37. Tumoechrysa ( Nineta ) inpunctata (Reuter, 1894) comb. nov. A. Dorsal habitus; B. Head, frontal view; C. Head, lateral view; D. Thorax, dorsal view; E. Male genitalia, lateral view; F. Gonarcal complex, dorsal view; G. Gonarcal complex, lateral view; H. Female genitalia, lateral view; I. Subgenitale; J. Spermatheca. Scale bar: 5 mm (A), 1 mm (B–D). Sternum VII slightly longer than tergum VII; tergum VII subquadrate in lateral view; tergum VIII shorter than tergum VII obviously; tergum IX fused with ectoproct. Callus cerci ovoid. Subgenitale bilobed apically, length slightly longer than width; spermatheca thick, vela short, ventral impression absent, duct long and coiled. Material. 2♀ , China , Heilongjiang , Tongjiang , Jiejinkou , Hezhezu , Jiangshengtun , 116 m , 2022.VII.18 , Xueyuan Wang ( CAU ) ; 1♂ , China , Heilongjiang , Yichun , Fenglin , Wuying , Fenglin National Nature Reserve , 288 m , 2022.VII.19 , Xueyuan Wang ( CAU ) ; 2♀ , China , Sichuan , Ganzi , Yajiang , 3683 m , 2020.VI.26 , Yuezheng Tu & Di Li ( CAU ) ; 3♀ , China , Sichuan , Ganzi , Yajiang , 3595 m , 2019.VII.01 , Yuezheng Tu & Di Li ( CAU ) . Distribution. China ( Heilongjiang , Sichuan ); widespread in Europe. Remarks. This species is unique because of its relatively small body size, the brown veins, the slightly elongated and curved male sternum IX, the quadrate median arch of gonarcus, and the arcessus swollen at base. This species is firstly recorded from China .