Revision of Neosuarius, a subgenus of Chrysopodes (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) Author Tauber, Catherine Cornell University, Davis ,, United States of America text ZooKeys 2010 2010-04-30 44 44 1 104 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.44.387 1900f828-2e5e-41fa-9917-752c41a5315e 1313–2970 576660 Key to Species in Chrysopodes subgenus Neosuarius For ease in identification, the key emphasizes external characters. However, to confirm species identity in most cases, it is essential to clear and examine the genitalia. Thus, features from both the male and female genitalia are included in each couplet where appropriate. 1. Dorsum of body green, usually with yellow median stripe; head yellowish, sometimes with red or reddish brown markings [Faded specimens are creamcolored to tan, and the median stripe may not be obvious.]; frons without pair of brown spots below toruli (Fig. 12); male: terminal segments of abdomen without sclerotized transverse bands or sclerotized invagination on midline of S8+9 (e.g., Fig. 16); female with stout, funnel-shaped spermatheca; bursal duct elongate, usually slender (e.g., Fig. 26 ) .......... collaris species-group (2) – Dorsum of body and head cream colored or tan, with brown markings; frons with pair of brown marks below toruli (Fig. 41); male: terminal segments of abdomen with sclerotized, transverse bands and sometimes sclerotized invagination on midline of S8+9 (e.g., Fig. 43 ); female with robust, tubular spermatheca; bursal duct fluted (e.g., Fig. 48 )......... flavescens species-group (5) 2. Dorsal surface of scapes with pair of longitudinal mesal stripes (Fig. 11d); vertex with dark red V-shaped mark along anterior margin; fronto-clypeal suture without red markings (Fig. 12d); male and female: genitalia as in Figs 37–39 ...................................................................................... oswaldi – Dorsal surface of scapes without stripes (Figs 11a–c); vertex, fronto-clypeal suture with or without reddish marks (Figs 12a–c); male and female: genitalia not as in Figs 37–39 ................................................................................... 3 3. Face with crescent-shaped or transverse, red or reddish brown markings on frons below antennal sockets (toruli) and usually with transverse reddish band at base of clypeus (Figs 12a, 12b); prothorax without pair of reddish sublateral stripes (Figs 11a, 11b); male and female: genitalia not as in Figs 31–35 ........................................................................................................ 4 – Face without markings on frons or clypeus (Fig. 12c); prothorax usually with pair of red longitudinal, sublateral stripes (Fig. 11c); male and female: genitalia as in Figs 31–35 .......................................................................... krugii 4. Vertex either without reddish marks or with light red to red stripes; prothorax with yellow mesal stripe (Fig. 11a); male: apodeme of T9+ectoproct robust, extending beyond callus cerci, with pronounced ventral and caudal arms (Fig. 16), mediuncus with dorsal rods arising from below the gonarcal bridge (Figs 16, 17a); female: bursal duct very long and narrow (greatly exceeding twice the length of the abdomen) (Figs 19, 20) ................................ collaris – Vertex with pair of broad, reddish brown or brown marks; prothorax entirely green or green with brown mesal stripe, without yellow mesal stripe (Fig. 11b); male: apodeme of T9+ectoproct slender, terminating at callus cerci, without ventral or caudal projections ( Fig. 23 ), mediuncus with rods arising from frontal surface of gonarcal bridge ( Fig. 24b ); female: bursal duct not especially narrow or long (̴ the length of abdomen or shorter) ( Figs 26 , 27 ).... figuralis 5. Dorsal surface of vertex with distinct brown or reddish marks; prothorax with pronounced jagged, longitudinal stripes mesally and sublaterally ( Figs 40a, b, f ); wing length 13.9–16.7 mm ; male: without large, eversible membranes on S8+9 or setose ducts on gonosaccus; mainland South America ................................. 6 Dorsal surface of vertex largely unmarked except for brown stripe along anterior margin ( Figs 40 c–e) ; pronotum with light brown marks, not forming pronounced longitudinal stripes; wing length 10.2–13.7 mm ; male: with large, eversible pouches above the tip of S8+9 and thin, elongate, setose ducts originating within the gonosaccus (below mediuncus) ( Figs 58b ); Galápagos Islands ........................................................................................................ 8 6. Basal segments of flagellum dark brown to black; scape with one or no stripes ( Figs 40b, f ); crossveins of forewing green or brown, not marked with white; male genitalia as in Figs 52 , 68 ; female genitalia as in Figs 48b, c ............... 7 – Basal segments of flagellum cream-colored; scape with two longitudinal stripes (one mesal on dorsal surface, one mesolaterally) ( Fig. 40a ); crossveins of forewing prominently white in center, brown to dark brown at base and tips; male and female: genitalia as in Figs 43–47 , 48a ...................... escomeli 7. Longitudinal veins and crossveins of forewings mostly cream-colored, with light brown markings only at junctions; male: genitalia as in Figs 51–52; female with tip of subgenitale rounded, knob-like, extending perpendicularly to base ( Fig. 48b ) .......................................................................... flavescens – Longitudinal veins of forewings cream-colored and extensively marked with dark brown to black, crossveins mostly dark brown throughout; male: genitalia as in Figs 67–68 ; female with tip of subgenitale elongate, flat, angled inward, toward base ( Figs 48c , 71)............................................... porterinus 8. Forewing with extensive, dark brown suffusion around many crossveins ( Fig. 56 ); male: gonarcal arms flared outward, away from mediuncus ( Fig. 58 ); female: sternites without brown marks ( Fig. 57c ) ......................................... ................................................................................................. nigricubitus – Forewing without dark brown suffusion on membrane ( Figs 60 , 63 ); male: gonarcal arms directed inward next to mediuncus (e.g., Figs 61a, b); female: sternites S5, S6 and/or S7 with brown markings ( Figs 57b, d ) ................... 9 9. Small size, wing length not exceeding 13 mm ; pronotum approximately equal in length and width; vertex without brown spots behind ( Fig. 40d ); second intracubital crossvein not bent or swollen ( Fig. 60 ); male: horizontal apodeme on venter of T9+ectoproct arched mesally, with rounded, forked tip ( Figs 64a, c ); female: S5, S6 and S7 (at least basally) marked with brown ( Fig. 57b )......... nigripilosus – Large size, wing length greater than 13 mm ; pronotum longer than wide; vertex with pair of posterolateral brown spots ( Fig. 40e ); second intracubital crossvein slightly bent, with dark brown swelling mesally ( Fig. 63 ); male: horizontal apodeme on venter of T9+ectoproct straight, with acute, unforked tip ( Figs 64b, d ); female: S5 dark brown, S6 partially brown basally (at least basally), S7 cream-colored ( Fig. 57d ) ................................................... pecki