The millipede family Diplomaragnidae Attems, 1907 in the Asian part of Russia with the descriptions of two new genera and seven new species (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida)
Mikhaljova, Elena V.
journal article
Key to valid
genera and species occurring in the Asian part of
(based only on males)
1(2) Telopodites of anterior gonopods freely positioned regardless of colpocoxites. Mesal sheath processes transformed into a high trapezoidal structure, strongly curved forward (
Fig. 2
)............ Genus
gen. nov.
A. rodionovi
sp. nov.
2(1) Telopodites of anterior gonopods positioned inside sheath grooves on posterior surfaces of colpocoxites or in the concave colpocoxites. Mesal sheath processes, if present, different................................................... 3
3(12) Telopodites of anterior gonopods broad or thick all along their length, excluding apical branch, if present............................................................................................... Genus
4(9) Distal part of anterior gonopod telopodite branched........................................................ 5
5(6) Lateral process of posterior gonopod colpocoxite sheath groove long............................
A. longibrachiatum
6(5) Lateral process of posterior gonopod colpocoxite sheath groove like a plate or absent............................. 7
7(8) Anterior gonopod telopodite with long, subulate branch hidden in the upper part of colpocoxite...........
A. subulatum
8(7) Anterior gonopod telopodite with long, tongue-shaped branch not hidden in the upper part of colpocoxite..
A. ramiferum
9(4) Distal part of anterior gonopod telopodite not branched................................................... 10
10(11) Posterior angiocoxal process present............................................................
A. ryvkini
11(10) Posterior angiocoxal process absent...........................................................
A. feynmani
12(3) Telopodites of anterior gonopods subflagelliform or flagelliform, or, if broad, then broadened only at base........... 13
13(18) Basal part of anterior gonopod telopodite dilated, distal part acuminate............................. Genus
14(15) Colpocoxite of posterior gonopod with strongly narrowed apex.................................
A. communicantis
15(14) Colpocoxite of posterior gonopod with rounded apex..................................................... 16
16(17) Mesal process of the colpocoxite sheath groove with a small apical outgrowth..........................
A. similata
17(16) Mesal process of the colpocoxite without a small apical outgrowth...................................
A. sajanica
18(13) Basal part of anterior gonopod telopodite not dilated, distal part flagelliform or subflagelliform.................... 19
19(22) Colpocoxites of posterior gonopods flattened on sides, not sagittally. Lateral sheath process very long and broad (
Fig. 28
).................................................................................... Genus
20(21) Lateral edge of posterior gonopod colpocoxite like a narrow bolster..................................
O. dahurica
21(20) Lateral edge of posterior gonopod colpocoxite like a wide lobe..................................
O. bureyinskaya
22(19) Colpocoxites of posterior gonopods different, if flattened, then frontocaudally. Lateral sheath process not very long and broad........................................................................................... 23
23(32) Posterior gonopod colpocoxite with a large front prominence............................... Genus
24(25) Telopodite of anterior gonopod spiralling......................................................
S. basarukini
25(24) Telopodite of anterior gonopod not coiled into a spiral..................................................... 26
26(27) Male coxa 11 with a digitiform process......................................................
S. tuberculatum
27(26) Male coxa 11 without a digitiform process.............................................................. 28
28(29) Lateral process of colpocoxite sheath groove as a large, apically papillate globula.....................
S. globuliferum
29(28) Lateral process of colpocoxite sheath groove cylindrical, curved.....................................
S. curvatum
30(31) Lateral process of colpocoxite sheath groove broad, with a blunt apex...............................
S. molodovae
31(30) Lateral process of colpocoxite sheath groove large, conical, with a pointed apex.....................
S. sakhalinicum
32(23) Posterior gonopod colpocoxite without a large front prominence............................................ 33
33(36) Male leg 4 femora with depressed glabrous area, framed by group of setae (
Fig. 18
gen. nov.
34(35) Posterior angiocoxal process as a two-lobed lump (
Fig. 21
). Male body size:
15–16 mm
L. anisimovka
sp. nov.
35(34) Posterior angiocoxal process laminate, curved in semicircle. Male body size: about
12 mm
L. lysaya
comb. nov.
36(33) Male leg 4 femora without depressed glabrous area, framed by group of setae.................................. 37
37(68) Gonopod anterior angiocoxal process long, subflagelliform to flagelliform.................................... 38
38(59) Gonopod anterior angiocoxal processes passing through a foramen, between colpocoxites along midline or each process placed inside a fold of colpocoxite (
Fig. 5
)............................................... Genus
39(44) Male coxa 11 ventrofrontally with papillate field and rounded outgrowth distally................................ 40
40(41) Posterior angiocoxal processes with apical and subapical strong teeth and subbasal papillate rounded outgrowth, medially contiguous..............................................................................
D. konyukhovi
41(40) Posterior angiocoxal processes different: elongted vertically, at base with mesal outgrowths meeting in midline (
Fig. 13
D. provecta
42(43) Edges of front colpocoxital folds set horizontally to body axis, posterior angiocoxal process with a pointed apex..............................................................................................
D. kedrovaya
43(42) Edges of front colpocoxital folds set obliquely to body axis, posterior angiocoxal process with a blunt apex (
Fig. 15
D. yakovlevka
44(39) Male coxa 11 ventrofrontally without papillate field and rounded outgrowth distally............................. 45
45(46) Apex of gonopod posterior angiocoxal process expanded, with large and small teeth meeting in midline.....
D. terricolor
46(45) Apex of gonopod posterior angiocoxal process different....................................................47
47(48) Posterior gonopod colpocoxite with a broad blunt tip................................................
D. ganini
48(47) Posterior gonopod colpocoxite with a narrow, often pointed, sometimes unciform tip............................ 49
49(54) Posterior angiocoxal process like a caudally convex plate...................................................50
50(51) Posterior angiocoxal process with a small process-tooth subbasally (
Fig. 9
D. dentifer
sp. nov.
51(50) Posterior angiocoxal process without a small process-tooth subbasally........................................ 52
52(53) Distal part of the colpocoxite flagelliform, tip hooked...........................................
D. zimoveinaya
53(52) Distal part of the colpocoxite not flagelliform, slightly curved caudally, tip hooked (
Fig. 3
D. budilovi
sp. nov.
54(49) Posterior angiocoxal process not like a caudally convex plate............................................... 55
55(56) Colpocoxites of posterior gonopods strongly curved caudad and deeply emarginate at each mesal edge, forming a large cordiform foramen........................................................................
D. anuchino
56(55) Colpocoxites of posterior gonopods either not curved strongly caudad or only their tips curved; no deep emargination at each mesal colpocoxital edge........................................................................ 57
57(58) Posterior angiocoxal process curved forward distally as well as with a long, slender, median spine.......
D. dalnegorica
58(57) Posterior angiocoxal process not curved forward distally as well as without a long, slender median spine............ 59
59(38) Gonopod anterior angiocoxal processes either piercing the colpocoxites or sheathed on anterior face of colpocoxites.................................................................................... Genus
60(61) Anterior angiocoxal process positioned on stick-shaped outgrowth of angiocoxite, as result it looks divided into two unequal parts........................................................................................
M. antis
61(60) Anterior angiocoxal process not positioned on stick-shaped outgrowth of angiocoxite, as result it not looks divided into two unequal parts..................................................................................... 62
62(63) Anterior angiocoxal process piercing the colpocoxite...............................................
M. turova
63(62) Anterior angiocoxal process sheathed on anterior face of colpocoxite..........................................64
64(65) Posterior angiocoxal process not like a caudad convex plate........................................
M. reductum
65(64) Posterior angiocoxal process like a caudad convex plate................................................... 66
66(67) Posterior angiocoxal process with a long, slender, distal process.......................................
M. piceum
67(66) Posterior angiocoxal process with an apical and a median pointed horn strongly separated..............
M. schawalleri
68(37) Gonopod anterior angiocoxal process shorter, of a different shape............................................69
69(82) Colpocoxite sheath groove without evident processes........................................Genus
70(79) Colpocoxites completely or only posteriorly densely covered with papillae and/or pointed spinules................. 71
71(76) Posterior angiocoxal process without clawlike outgrowth but with rounded pappilate/spinulate outgrowth............ 72
72(73) Colpocoxite only posteriorly densely covered with papillae..................................
P. shabalini
sp. nov.
73(72) Colpocoxite completely densely covered with pointed spinules and papillae................................... 74
74(75) Apex of colpocoxite pointed...................................................................
P. koiensis
75(74) Apex of colpocoxite not pointed...............................................................
P. asperum
76(71) Posterior angiocoxal process with clawlike outgrowth..................................................... 77
77(78) Mesal margin of gonopod colpocoxite drawn into a triangular plate (
Fig. 56
P. triangulatum
sp. nov.
78(77) Mesal margin of gonopod colpocoxite not drawn into a triangular plate (
Fig. 32
P. acutum
sp. nov.
79(70) Colpocoxites completely or only posteriorly not covered with papillae and/or pointed spinules.................... 80
80(81) Anterior angiocoxal processes of posterior gonopods present (
Fig. 45
P. cristofer
81(80) Anterior angiocoxal processes of posterior gonopods absent..........................................
P. kuruma
82(69) Colpocoxite sheath groove with evident (at least with mesal sheath process) processes........................... 83
83(94) Posterior angiocoxal process of posterior gonopod medium-sized, very small or absent. Colpocoxite (sub)cyathiform in shape................................................................................. Genus
84(89) Mesal sheath processes fused into a large cup-shaped structure.............................................. 85
85(86) Posterior angiocoxal process of posterior gonopod rather well-developed...............................
S. oiskaya
86(85) Posterior angiocoxal process of posterior gonopod small, almost absent........................................87
87(88) Anterior angiocoxal process very large, broad, with a small lateral projection.......................
S. shushenskaya
88(87) Anterior angiocoxal process different: bifurcated................................................
S. khakassica
89(84) Mesal sheath processes fused into a small or middle size cup-shaped structure.................................. 90
90(91) Apex of the colpocoxite with a subquadrate excavation. Telopodites of anterior gonopods very long.........
S. rybalovi
91(90) Apex of the colpocoxite different. Telopodites of anterior gonopods shorter.....................................92
92(93) Anterior angiocoxal process very large, broad, with a lateral dentiform projection.......................
S. teletskaya
93(92) Anterior angiocoxal process small, different............................................................ 94
94(95) Posterior gonopod angiocoxite in anterior view with one outgrowth...................................
S. calycina
95(94) Posterior gonopod angiocoxite in anterior view with two outgrowths.................................
S. densecava
96(83) Posterior angiocoxal process of posterior gonopod large. Colpocoxite different.................... Genus
97 (98) Basal half of colpocoxite in anterior view with longitudinal crest...................................
A. kultukensis
98(97) Basal half of colpocoxite in anterior view without longitudinal crest......................................... 99
99(102) Lateral process of colpocoxite sheath groove very long, positioned basally................................... 100
100(101) Posterior angiocoxal process with a large lateral and three smaller mesal teeth........................
A. deplanatum
101(100) Posterior angiocoxal process different: large, curved forward, with pointed apex.......................
A. corniferum
102(99) Lateral process of colpocoxite sheath groove not very long, not basally positioned............................. 103
103(104) Male coxae 12 enlarged, trapezoidal, with small cones on posterior faces...............................
A. coxale
104(103) Male coxae 12 different............................................................................ 105
105(106) Apex of the posterior angiocoxal process without teeth............................................
A. shilenkovi
106(105) Apex of the posterior angiocoxal process with teeth..................................................... 107
107(108) Lateral process of colpocoxite sheath groove as large blade with finger-shape ventrally extending outgrowth.
A. baltyrgan
108(107) Lateral process of colpocoxite sheath groove different................................................... 109
109(110) Lateral process of colpocoxite sheath groove strongly projecting beyond colpocoxite, well visible in anterior view, its tip swollen................................................................................
A. golovatchi
110(109) Lateral process of colpocoxite sheath groove not protruding considerably beyond colpocoxite, almost invisible in anterior view, its apex different............................................................................ 111
111(116) Lateral process of colpocoxite sheath groove with a laterally cupped lamella.................................. 112
112(113) None of the five teeth on posterior angiocoxal process set well apart from the others....................
A. kemerovo
113(112) One of the five teeth on posterior angiocoxal process set well apart from the others............................ 114
114(115) Anterior angiocoxal process of posterior gonopods short..........................................
A. bakurovi
115(114) Anterior angiocoxal process of posterior gonopods long......................................
A. longiprocessum
116(111) Lateral process of colpocoxite sheath groove without a laterally cupped lamella........................
A. katunicum