Rhinonycteridae Author Don E. Wilson Author Russell A. Mittermeier text 2019 2019-10-31 Lynx Edicions Barcelona Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats 194 209 book chapter 63550 10.5281/zenodo.6611814 5ff4d498-850a-42d7-8450-01f5350eb42b 978-84-16728-19-0 6611814 9. Paulian ’ s Trident Bat Paratriaenops pauliani French: Triaenops de Paulian / German: Pauliari-Dreizahnblattnase / Spanish: Rinonicteno de Paulian Other common nunca Pauharfs Triple Lent-nosed Bat Taxonomy. Triaenopr paulianí Goodman 8c Ranivo, 2008 , “Aldabra Atoll, Picard lsland, c. 09 24 ’ S , 46 12 ’ E ," Seychelles . Although known for a century, I’. pauliani wasjust described in 2008; it was formerly included in Rfunula. Monotypic. Distribution. Known only from Picard Aldabra Atoll, Western Seychelles . Descriptive notes. Tail 17-21 mm, ear 14-& 15-4 mm, hindfoot 5-7-6-2 mm, forearm 41 -4-45-1 mm; weight 6 -5 g (single individual). No specific data are available for hindfoot length. Paulian's Trident Bat is the smallest species of Pamlnkıenops Pelage has slightly darker tinge dorsally than ventrally, being pale gray, brownish gray, or dull gray. Noseleaf is large (length 3-4-4 -0 mm), relatively broad, and rounded, with straplike, longitudinal, and anteriorly shallowly bifurcated projection, acres anterior part of anterior leaf, above anterior medial emargination. Three tall pointed projections are present on posterior part of posterior leaf, its anterior part has in medial position short, laterally flattened, slightly upward directed projection. Tom] width of three posterior projections is almost entire width of posterior leaf. Posterior leaf is satlloped by numerous cells, small and more or less equal in size, ananged in two transversal rows. separated from each other by fleshy septa, except central pair in poste rior row, which are separated by incomplete septum. Tall posterior projections are not emarginated at their bases, lateral two projections are slightly curved medially, and medial projection is markedly broader at its basis than lateral projections. There are no lateral supplementary leaflets, but thickened ridge occurs beneath margin of anterior leaf. Fara are large and pointed, and anterior margin is evenly rounded. Skull has very prominent nasal swellings laterally and dorsally. Braincase is slightly higher than rostrum, and there is depression between rostrum and braincase, with low but long sagittal crest. Wide plates are present on dorsal sides of zygomatic bones. Greatest skull length is 17-1 mm and zygo matic width is 8 -7 mm (single individual). F is bilobed; C' is slender, with slight cingulum; posterior secondary cusp is represented by ridge extending one-third the crown height; P' is small and extruded; C' and P‘ are in or nearly in contact; and M‘ is only little reduced, with metacone. is bicuspid, 1,2 is tricuspid and larger than ll, C, is slender, P? has about twothirds the crown area and one-half the height of P., and M, is unneduced. Baculum has not been described, but it is expected to be same general fonn and size of congeners. Habitat. Known only from autochthonous dry shrubland of various fonnations and introduced coconut plantations. Paulian ‘ Trident Bat is confined Picard s reportedly to lsland, with semiarid climate and rainy season in November-April. Food and Feeding Feeding. Paulian ‘ Trident Bat is insectivorous. Breeding. No information. Activity patterns. Paulian's Trident Bat is nocturnal. Although not confirmed, day roosts of Paulian's Trident Bat are expected to occur in sea caves, cavities in coral cliffs along the seacoast, and crevices in mushroom-shaped formations (Champignons) of derived coral rocks. Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information. Status and Conservation. Classified as Data Deficient on 771e IUCN Rai List. Paulian`s Trident Bat is only confirmed on the small Picard lsland (9 -3 km’), and all records come from the vicinity of an abandoned settlement or the research station of the Seychelles lslands Foundation. The Aldabra Atoll (155-4 km’) is a Nature Reserve and a UNESCO World Heritage Site and still represents one of the last remaining intact ecosystems in the world. Despite the enonnous rarity of Paulian`s Trident Bat. which mightjustify classification as Endangered, it is not under an imminent threat due to the strict ecosystem protection from the Seychelles government. was reported to occur in the Cosmoledo Atoll (Western Seychelles ), c. 115 km east-southeast of the Aldabra Atoll, but these reports are considered incorrect, supposedly caused by mislabeling of museum specimens collected by]. G. F. Fryer during the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the atolls of the Western Seychelles in 1908 and 1909. Paulian's Trident Bat is known only from six museum specimens: four collected in 1908-1909 and two in 1977 and 2004. An observation of one individual in 1992 without further details is also available. Nevertheless, it is possible that Paulian`s Trident Bat inhabits most of or even the entire Aldabra Atoll and notjust the 6 % of its area represented by Picard lsland. Bibliography. von Brandıs (2004), Goodman à Ramvo (2008), Hutson (2004)