Eusyllinae (Polychaeta: Syllidae) from Australia with the Description of a New Genus and Fifteen New Species Author San Martin, G Author Hutchings, PA text Records of the Australian Museum 2006 58 257 370 journal article 2201-4349 Pionosyllis augeneri Hartmann-Schröder, 1979 Figs 57A–J, 58A–F Pionosyllis augeneri Hartmann-Schröder, 1979: 98 , figs 119–125; 1980: 52; 1981: 32, fig. 52. Non Hartmann-Schröder 1991: 35 . Material examined . HOLOTYPE ( HMZ P-15474), PARATYPES ( HMZ P-15475, P-21018, P-16796) AUSTRALIA : WESTERN AUSTRALIA : Broome, 17°58'S 122°14'E , mangrove, sand & detritus, intertidal. NEW SOUTH WALES : Palm Beach, Pittwater, 33°35'S 151°19'E , Halophila & Posidonia seagrass beds, sand, 3 m , coll. J.K. Lowry & R.T. Springthorpe, 28 Apr 1983 , 3 ( AM W28406) + 1 on SEM stub ( AM W28898); Midstream between Juno Head & Hungry Beach, Hawkesbury R., 33°34'S 151°16'E , muddy sand, 10 m , coll. A.R. Jones & C. Watson-Russell, 12 Jan 1977 , 1 ( AM W22130). SOUTH AUSTRALIA : 1 km NW of 5th Creek, Port Pirie , Spencer Gulf , 33°12'S 137°55'E , 0.8 m , Zostera , T.J. Ward et al . coll, Mar 1980 , 1 ( AM W22106) , 1 ( AM W22105) ; Boston Bay , Port Lincoln , 34°51'S 135°51'E , washings from sheltered weedy rocks, 2 m , coll. I. Loch , 12 Feb 1985 , 1 on SEM stub ( AM W28880) . QUEENSLAND : Halifax Bay , 19°10'S 146°44'E , 5 m , Queensland Nickel , Feb 1985 , Judell , Platt , Thomas & Assoc. , 2 ( AM W28206) . Halifax Bay , 19°10'S 146°44'E , 5 m , Queensland Nickel , Feb 1985 , Judell , Platt , Thomas & Assoc. , 2 ( AM W28459) . Triangular Islets , Shoalwater Bay , 22°23' 150°31'E , J.A. Lewis & J.R. Forsyth , 1981, 17 ( AM W202630 ) ; Heron Island , 23°27'S 151°55'E , sand, intertidal, ( HMZ P-21018, P-16796) . Description . Body fragile, holotype 3.8 mm long with 36 chaetigers, longest specimen 4.9 mm long, with 52 chaetigers; normally colourless, but some with black spots. Anterior part of body enlarged, after proventricle, body Fig. 58. SEM of Pionosyllis augeneri Hartmann-Schröder, 1979 . ( A ) incomplete specimen, dorsal view; ( B ) anterior compound chaetae; ( C ) long, spiniger-like compound chaetae, anterior parapodium; ( D ) falcigers, midbody; ( E ) compound chaetae, midbody; ( F ) falcigers with long basal spines, posterior parapodium. AM W28898. becoming thinner. Prostomium pentagonal, sometimes eyes absent in fixed material, but normally 4 eyes in open trapezoidal arrangement (Fig. 57A). Antennae cylindrical, smooth, long; median antenna inserted between posterior eyes, longer than combined length of prostomium and palps; lateral antennae inserted close to anterior eyes, shorter than median antenna. Palps longer than prostomium, triangular, basally fused (Figs 57A, 58A). Peristomium similar in length to subsequent segments; tentacular cirri similar to antennae; usually dorsal tentacular cirri longer than ventral tentacular cirri. Some dorsal cirri of anterior segments long, slender, filiform, others slightly shorter than body width, rest shorter than half of body width (Figs 57A, 58A); on midbody dorsal cirri alternating long and short. Parapodia of anterior segments large, subrectangular, becoming slender from proventricle segments (Fig. 57A). Ventral cirri digitiform, shorter than parapodial lobes.Anterior segments with transverse row of long cilia; from proventricular segments, 2 rows of dorsal cilia per segment (Fig. 57A). Anterior parapodia with numerous compound chaetae, about 15, with elongated blades, distally stout, with short subdistal tooth, and coarse spines on margin (Figs 57B, 58B,C), spines slightly longer on ventral chaetae (Fig. 58D); from proventricle posteriorly, some compound chaetae becoming more elongated, spiniger-like, with filiform blades, apparently unidentate (Figs 57C, 58E); other chaetae with blades falcigerous, distally rounded, with subdistal tooth, and long spines distally directed (Fig. 57D). Posteriorly, falcigers with shorter blades, with longer and thinner spines on margin, especially basally (Fig. 57F), and longer spiniger-like chaetae (Fig. 57E). Midbody and posterior parapodia with 1 spiniger-like chaetae and 6 falcigers; posteriorly 1 spiniger-like and 4 falcigers (Figs 57F, 58F), some with long basal spines on margin. Dorsal simple chaetae from midbody, distally provided with spines of varying length (Fig. 57G), longer spines on posterior parapodia (Fig. 57H). Ventral simple chaetae on posterior parapodia, distally bidentate, both teeth similar and well separated, with some long subdistal spines (Fig. 57I). Habitat . Occurring in coarse coralline sand, muddy sand, and sediment in seagrasses beds, from intertidal to shallow depths.