Seven New Species Of Perlomyia (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) From Japan Author Sivec, Ignac Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Prešernova 20, P. O. Box 290, SLO- 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: isivec @ pms-lj. si Author Stark, Bill P. Box 4045, Department of Biology, Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi 39058, U. S. A. E-mail: stark @ mc. edu text Illiesia 2012 8 7 94 103 journal article 7c0977b7-61d4-4a11-a457-dfae853fdb65 1854-0392 4760796 Perlomyia iwate sp. n. ( Figs. 12-15 ) Material examined. Holotype , Japan , Iwate Prefecture , Hienuki River , Oinokubo Riverside Park , 12 km above Hayachine Dam , 4 May 2002 , C.D. Kerst ( PMSL ) . Paratypes : 4♂ , 3♀ ; 3 May 2002 , same locality ; 2♂ , 7♀ , 4 May 2002 , same locality ( PMSL ) . Male. Forewing length 6 mm . General color dark brown to black. Epiproct curved slightly forward in lateral aspect, long, slender and pointed or slightly rounded at tip ( Fig. 14 ). Tergum 9 narrowed posteromesally; tergum 10 with a pair of small mesolateral knobs ( Fig. 12 ). Cerci apically rounded in dorsal aspect, broad, more or less trapezoidal in lateral aspect and without apical spine. Paraprocts fused into a broad, thick process, angulate near midlength and tapered to a narrow apex in lateral aspect ( Fig. 14 ). Sternum 9 curved upward in lateral aspect and broadly triangular in apical half in ventral aspect and extending beyond base of paraprocts. Vesicle broadly rounded at apex, much wider apically than at base ( Fig. 13 ). Female. Forewing length 7 mm . Posterior margin of sternum 7 straight, but slightly swollen ( Fig. 15 ). Sternum 8 bearing a conspicuous pair of large dark median sclerites, narrowly separated on meson; lateral wing-like sclerites directed posterolaterally, wider at apex than at base. Larva. Unknown. Etymology. The species name, used as a noun in apposition, is based on the type locality in Iwate Prefecture . Diagnosis. Among the four species of Japanese Perlomyia which share small knobs on tergum 10 (see P. honshu above) only P. parva and P. iwate lack an expanded apex to the epiproct. In P. parva the epiproct apex is acute and the cerci bear a small apical spine, whereas in P. iwate the epiproct apex is narrowly rounded and the cerci lack the apical spine.