New Coleoptera records from New Brunswick, Canada: Mycetophagidae, Tetratomidae, and Melandryidae Author Webster, Reginald P. Author Sweeney, Jon D. Author DeMerchant, Ian text ZooKeys 2012 179 215 242 journal article 1313-2970-179-215 Tetratoma tessellata Melsheimer, 1844 Map 8 Material examined. New Brunswick, Carleton Co., Jackson Falls, Bell Forest, 46.2200°N , 67.7231°W , 27.VI.5.VII.2008, 12-19.VII.2008, 19-28.VII.2008, 28. VII- 6.VIII.2008, 6-14.VIII.2008, R. P. Webster, mature hardwood forest, Lindgren funnel traps (8, AFC, NBM, RWC); same locality and habitat data but 21-28.VI.2009, 7-14.VII.2009, 14-19.VII.2009, 19-31.VII.2009, 31.VII-7.VIII.2009, 7-12.VIII.2009, R. Webster & M.-A. Giguere , Lindgren funnel traps (12, AFC, RWC). Charlotte Co., 10 km NW of New River Beach, 45.2110°N , 66.6170°W , 16-30.VI.2010, 16-26.VII.2010, R. Webster & C. MacKay, old growth eastern white cedar forest, Lindgren funnel traps (2, AFC). Queens Co., Cranberry Lake P.N.A., 46.1125°N , 65.6075°W , 21-28.VII.2009, 6-14.VIII.2009, R. Webster & M.-A. Giguere , old red oak forest, Lindgren funnel traps (2, AFC, RWC); same locality data and forest type, 7-22.VI.2011, 20.VII-4.VIII.2011, M. Roy & V. Webster, Lindgren funnel traps (2, NBM); Grand Lake Meadows P.N.A., 45.8227°N , 66.1209°W , 5-19.VII.2011, 5-17.VIII.2011, M. Roy & V. Webster, old silver maple swamp and seasonally flooded marsh, Lindgren funnel traps (2, AFC, NBM). Restigouche Co., Mount Carleton Provincial Park, 47.4042°N , 66.9189°W , 3.IX.2006, R. P. Webster, old hardwood forest, on slightly dried Pleurotus sp. on dead, standing sugar maple (1, RWC);Dionne Brook P.N.A., 47.9030°N , 68.3503°W , 30.V-15.VI.2011, 14-28.VII.2011, M. Roy & V. Webster, old-growth northern hardwood forest, Lindgren funnel traps (2, NBM); same locality and collectors but 47.9064°N , 68.3441°W , 27.VI-14.VII.2011, old-growth white spruce and balsam fir forest, Lindgren funnel trap (1, NBM). Sunbury Co., Acadia Research Forest, 45.9866°N , 66.3841°W , 29.VII-4.VIII.2009, 4-11.VIII.2009, R. Webster & M.-A. Giguere , mature (110 year-old) red spruce forest with scattered red maple and balsam fir, Lindgren funnel traps (3, AFC). York Co., 15 km W of Tracy off Rt. 645, 45.6848°N , 66.8821°W , 29.VII-4.VIII.2009, R. Webster & M.-A. Giguere , old red pine forest, Lindgren funnel trap (1, AFC); same locality data and forest type, 6-18.VII.2011, M. Roy & V. Webster, Lindgren funnel trap (1, NBM). Map 8. Collection localities in New Brunswick, Canada of Tetratoma tessellata . Collection and habitat data. Tetratoma tessellata was found in various forest types in New Brunswick. Adults were found in mature and old hardwood forests with American beech, yellow birch, and sugar maple, an old-growth northern hardwood forest with sugar maple and yellow birch, an old red oak forest, an old silver maple ( Acer saccharinum L.) swamp, an old eastern white cedar ( Thuja occidentalis L.) forest, a mature (110-year-old) red spruce stand, and an old (180-year-old) red pine forest. Most adults were captured in Lindgren funnel traps. One individual was collected from a slightly dried Pleurotus sp. on a dead, standing sugar maple. Most records reported from Nova Scotia by Majka and Pollock (2006) were caught with flight intercept traps in both coniferous and deciduous forests. Adults were collected during June, July, August, and September. Distribution in Canada and Alaska. ON, QC, NB, NS ( LeSage 1991a ; Majka and Pollock 2006 ).