Pollen characters and DNA sequence data converge on a monophyletic genus Iresine (Amaranthaceae, Caryophyllales) and help to elucidate its species diversity Author Thomas Borsch Author Hilda Flores-Olvera Author Silvia Zumaya Author Kai Müller text Taxon 2018 2018-10-31 67 5 944 976 journal article 28846 10.12705/675.7 a2afe874-9ec7-4101-8f63-da98506a340b 0024-4082 1488314 Iresine diffusa Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. , Sp. Pl. 4: 765. 1806 ≡ Iresine celosia var. diffusa (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Suess. in Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. München 4: 106. 1952 – Type: JAMAICA. P. Browne s.n. (LINN-288.5). = Iresine elongata Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. , Sp. Pl. 4: 765. 1806 – Holotype: COLOMBIA. Crescit prope Turbago, regione subtemperata Regni Novo-Granatensis, 1 May 1801, Humboldt 1494 (B barcode B -W -18357 -01 0!; isotypes: P barcodes P00129842 [image!], P00129843 [image!], P00129844 [image!] & P00129845 [image!], PH barcode 0 0 0 16088 [image!]). = Iresine mutisii Kunth in Humboldt & al., Nov. Gen. Sp. 2: 200. 1817 – Lectotype (designated here) or possibly holotype: COLOMBIA. No date, Mutis & J.C.B. Bosio s.n. (P barcode P00129841 [image!]; isolectotype [possibly isotype]: M barcode M-0241855! [image!]). = Iresine havanensis Kunth in Humboldt & al., Nov. Gen. Sp. 2: 199. 1818 – Holotype: CUBA. Havana, Mar 1801, Bonpland s.n. (P barcode P00136005 [image!]). = Iresine parvifolia Kunth in Humboldt, Nov. Gen. Sp. 2: 198. 1818 – Holotype: CUBA. Humboldt & Bonpand s.n. (P barcodes P00129847 [image!]; isotypes: B barcodes B 10 0242396! [image!] & B 10 0242397! [image!], P00129848 [image!]). = Iresine polymorpha Mart. , Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 2: 56. 1826 Iresine polymorpha var. effusa Mart. , Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 2: 56. 1826 – Lectotype (designated here) : BRAZIL. S. Pauli, Porto Feliz, Sellow s.n. (P barcode P00623775 [image!]). = Iresine polymorpha var. alopecuroidea Mart. , Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 2: 56, t. 153. 1826 ≡ Iresine celosia var. alopecuroidea (Mart.) Suess. in Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. München 4: 107. 1952 – Lectotype (designated here) : BRAZIL: In sepibus prope Soracaba, Provinciae Min. Ger., Martius s.n. (M barcode M-0241858 [image!]). = Iresine gracilis M.Martens & Galeotti in Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Bruxelles 10: 347. 1843 – Holotype: MEXICO. Veracruz, Mirador, 3000 ft., 1 Jan 1840, H.G. Galeotti 414 (BR!; isotypes: P barcodes P00623763 [image!] & P00623764 [image!]). = Iresine floribunda M.Martens & Galeotti in Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Bruxelles 10: 347. 1843 – Lectotype (designated here) : MEXICO. Oaxaca: Zacuapan, 3000 ft., 1840, H. Galeotti 424 (BR barcode 0 0 0 0 0 6953171 [image!]; isolectotypes: BR barcodes 0 0 0 0 0 6952532 [image!] & 0 0 0 0 0 6950538 [image!], ENCB barcode ENCB008606 [image!], P barcodes P00623765 [image!], P00623766 [image!] & P00623767 [image!]). = Iresine frutescens Moq. in Candolle, Prodr. 13(2): 344. 1849 – Holotype: MEXICO. Prope la Hacienda de la Laguna, C.J.W. Schiede s.n. (P barcode P00438663! [image!]). = Iresine gossypiantha A.Rich., Hist. Fis. Cuba 11: 177. 1850 ≡ Cruzeta gossypiantha (A.Rich.) M.Gomez in Anales Inst. Segunda Ensen. 2: 313. 1896 – Holotype: CUBA. Ramon de la Sagra, s.coll. s.n. (P barcode P00623762 [image!]; isotype: P barcode P00623761 [image!]). = Iresine celosioides var. macrophylla Griseb. in Abh. Königl. Ges. Wiss. Göttingen 19: 82 & Pl. Lorentz.: 34. 1874 ≡ Iresine diffusa var. macrophylla (Griseb.) Pedersen in Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., B, Adansonia 12(1): 88. 1990 – Holotype: ARGENTINA. Tucuman, in barranca profunda pr. Siambon, 8 May 1872, P.G. Lorentz 169 (GOET barcode GOET000086! [image!]; isotype: CORD!). = Iresine spiculigera Seub. in Martius, Fl. Bras. 5(1): 228, t. 70. 1875 ≡ Iresine diffusa var. spiculigera (Seub.) Eliasson in Harling & Andersson, Fl. Ecuador 28: 124. 1987 – Holotype: BRASIL. Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro, A. Glaziou 1601 (P barcode P04971323; isotype: C barcode C10005435 [image!]). = Iresine acicularis Standl . in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 18(3): 93. 1916 – Holotype: GUATEMALA. Sacatepéquez, Volcán de Fuego, alt. 2700 m, 20 Feb 1905, W.A. Kellerman 4549 (US barcode 00102808!; isotype: OS barcode 0 0 0 0 201 [image!]). = Iresine papantlana Loes. in Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 58: 143. 1917 – Lectotype (designated here): MEXICO. Veracruz, Papantla, Hacienda San Miguel del Rincon, 23 Dec 1902, Seler 3645 (GH barcode 00037111! [image!]). = Iresine endlichii Loes. in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 16: 203. 1919 – Holotype: MEXICO. Veracruz: in der Umgebung von Xico, 24 Jan 1907, Endlich 1459 (B barcode B 10 0177103!). = Iresine spiculigera f. pauciglandulosa Herzog in Meded. Rijks-Herb. 46: 9. 1922 – Holotype: BOLIVIA. Im Bergwald des Rio Tocorani, ca. 2400 m, Jul 1911, T.C.J. Herzog 2304 (JE barcode JE00026024 [image!]; isotypes: S No. S 07-12709 [image!], Z barcode Z-000026850!). = Iresine spiculigera f. picta Suess. in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 35: 323. 1934 – Type: COLOMBIA. Comisaria del putomayo, Umbria, 0°54′N, 76°10′W, G. Klug 1756 (S No. S 07-12708 [image!]). = Iresine polymorpha var. verticillata f. albonervosa Suess. in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 39: 11. 1935 – Type: COLOMBIA. Comisaria del putomayo, Umbria, 0°54′N, 76°10′W, G. Klug 1893 (type not located). = Iresine celosioides var. nicotianoides Suess. in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 39: 11. 1935 – Lectotype (designated here) : BOLIVIA. Dept. Cochabamba, Incachaca, S. Antonio, Jul 1926, E. Werdermann 2082 (S No. S 07- 12719 [image!]). = Iresine pilgeri Suess. in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 39: 12. 1935 – Holotype: COLOMBIA. Santa Marta, 1898–1899, H.H. Smith 2605 (S No. S-R-3041! [image!]; isotypes: B barcode B 10 0242398!, E barcode E00296902 [image!], GH barcode 0 0 0 37117 [image!], K barcode K000583150!, MO No. 137136!, PH barcode 0 0 0 16085 [image!], US barcode 00102842!). = Iresine macbridei Standl. in Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 152–153. 1936 – Holotype: PERU. Dept. Junin, open hillside, alt. 1800–2400 m, Jun 1929, E.P. Killip & A.C. Smith 24207 (F No. 613778!; isotypes: NY barcode 0 0 324542 [image!], US barcode 00102830!). = Iresine celosia f. ciliolata Suess. in Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. München 1: 7. 1950 – Lectotype (designated here) : ECUADOR. Westl. Mera 1400 m, H.I.F. Schimpff 703 (M barcode M-0241842!). Note. – For Iresine mutisii there is no designation of any holotype nor any citation of a specimen in the protologue; but the Paris herbarium holds a specimen that might have been used as a type. It has an original label saying “Herbier donné par M. Bonpland en 1833”, which corresponds to the note published at the end of the protologue “A Mutisio cum Bonplandio communicata”. Other Mutis material in US was collected later and came there via Madrid. In order to describe I. polymorpha , Martius worked on Sellow specimens from B (H. Esser, pers. comm.) and the specimen in P has a label “Herb. Reg. Berolinense” but no material could now be located at B. The P specimen therefore is the best original material for lectotypification, assuming that the holotype in B was destroyed in the second world war. As frequently practiced at this time, no nominate variety was established by Martius (1826) . Because “β effusa ” is mentioned on the original label, we treat the nominate variety as a synonym of var. effusa with the same type. No specimen exists of I. papantlana at B. It is very likely that the holotype was destroyed during the second world war, but duplicate original material with a Berlin label exists in GH. The specimen of I. pilgeri at S was labeled as the type by Suessenguth in 1934, whereas he put annotations on the B and K specimens as “co-types”. Suessenguth cites Klug 1893 as the only specimen of I. polymorpha var. verticillata f. albonervosa in the protologue. However, one year earlier, when describing I. spiculigera f. picta Suess. he mentioned the same specimen among the syntypes “desgl. 1893”. So he probably decided later that this specimen should be treated as a different entity. So far this specimen could not be localized in any herbarium. The specimen G. Klug 1756 is one of the syntypes of I. spiculigera f. picta but the locality of G. Klug 1756 is identical to G. Klug 1893 . Since none of the other syntypes could so far be localized a lectotypification is premature as the correct assignment of label data in the publication needs to be checked. Eliasson (1987) did some morphometrics supporting the differentiation of var. spiculigera as a high-elevation Andean taxon. However, his study was only including material from Ecuador, so that the status of this variety within the total variation of Iresine diffusa requires further study before recognizing this and other infraspecific taxa. Taxonomic status: Probably not a monophylum as currently defined, requires further study (C).