Lichenology in North America, 1947 - 1972. Author Homson text Linzer biologische Beiträge 1974 61 45 55 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5434894 0253-116X 5434894 Geostiba ( Sipalotricha ) lucens (BENICK) ( Map 6 ) A d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Turkey : Izmir : 19 [all macropterous], 20 km E Izmir , Nif Da ÷ı, 38°24N , 27°24E , 920 m , plateau, sifted grass roots between stones under shrubs, 26.XII.2005 , leg. Assing (cAss) ; 1 [macropterous], N Izmir , Yamanlar Da ÷ı, 38°33N , 27°09E , 940 m , grassy patch in pine forest, under stones, sifted grass roots, 28.XII.2005 , leg. Assing (cAss) ; 1 [macropterous], ca. 25 km NE Aydın , WSW Hamamköy , Murtat Da ÷ı, 38°01N , 27°57E , 1330 m , N-slope with scattered old oak, sifted grass and oak litter, 9.IV.2004 , leg. Assing (cAss) . Aydın : 1, 1 [macropterous], Dilek Da ÷ı, S Kanyon , 37°40N , 27°11E , 670 m , 17.IV.2006 , leg. Brachat & Meybohm (cAss). Mu ÷la: 1, ca. 12 km NNE Mu ÷la, 37°19N , 28°22E , 1620 m , N-slope, roots of grass, herbs, and pine litter sifted, 12.IV.2006 , leg. Assing (cAss) . Denizli : 1, ca. 35 km SE Kale , above Alpa , 37°12N , 29°05E , 1340 m , N-slope with old cedar, grass roots and cedar litter sifted, 13.IV.2006 , leg. Assing (cAss) . Ankara : 1 ex. [macropterous], SE Ankara , N-Elma Da ÷ı, 1300 m , hollow Salix trunk, 31.X.1995 , leg. Vit (cAss) . C o m m e n t s: This widespread species is relatively common in southern and western 1209 Anatolia ; records from other regions in the Eastern Mediterranean are very rare ( Map 5 ). Remarkably , all 26 specimens are macropterous and the sex ratio is 3: 23 (males: females) .