Revision of the Neotropical water scavenger beetle genus Tobochares Short & Garcia, 2007 (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Acidocerinae)
Kohlenberg, Alex T.
Short, Andrew Edward Z.
journal article
Tobochares kasikasima Short, 2013
Figs 3C, 4
, 7B, 9D, 10D, 11B, 12A, 13A, 14E, 15, 16F, 17
Short, 2013: 83.
Type material examined.
Holotype (male): "SURINAME: Sipaliwini District/ N2°58.613', W55°24.683', 400m/ Camp 4 (high) Kasikasima/ leg. A. Short; main seepage area/ 24.iii.2012; SR12-0324-01C/ 2012 CI-RAP Survey", "[barcode]/ SEMC1088588/KUNHM-ENT" (NZCS).
material examined
(59). SURINAME: Sipaliwini: Same data as type (1 ex., SEMC); Central Suriname Nature Reserve, near Kappel airstrip, leg. Short & Bloom, 24.viii.2013, seepage flowing into canal/ditch on S. side of airstrip, SR13-0824-02B (32 exs., SEMC, NZCS, includes DNA vouchers SLE1045, SLE1046); Same data but canal/ditch on S. side of airstrip, SR13-0824-02A (1 ex., SEMC); Central Suriname Nature Reserve, Tafelberg Summit, nr. Augustus Creek Camp, large seepage area, leg. Short & Bloom, 14.viii.2013, large seepage area, SR13-0814-03A (1 ex., SEMC); Central Suriname Nature Reserve, Tafelberg Summit, nr. Caiman Creek Camp, leg. Short & Bloom, 19.viii.2013, large seepage area, SR13-0819-01A (13 exs., SEMC, includes DNA vouchers SLE1048, SLE1049); same locality but leg. Short & Bloom, 20.viii.2013, washing seepage, SR13-0820-05A (11 exs., SEMC, including 2 specimens mounted on SEM stubs and DNA voucher SLE1050).
Differential diagnosis.
The weakly impressed striae limited to the posterior third of the elytra (Fig. 11B), darkened apex of the maxillary palps (Fig. 7B), and overall darker body coloration serve to distinguish this species. The aedeagus of
T. kasikasima
(Fig. 14E) is also one of the most distinct within the genus, with its extremely long narrow parameres and broad, parallel sided basal median lobe. It is most similar to
T. sipaliwini
which has more extensive elytral grooves, pale maxillary palps, and an aedeagus of a much different form.
Size and form. Body length 1.6-2.0 mm. Body elongate oval, moderately dorsoventrally compressed. Color and punctation. Dorsum of head very dark brown to black, anterolateral margins of clypeus with very faint paler preocular patches (Fig. 4
); maxillary palps distinctly pale, apex of maxillary palpomere 4 darkened (Fig. 7B). Pronotum very dark brown with the lateral margins paler; elytra very dark brown, slightly paler at lateral margins and posteriorly (Fig. 3C). Meso- and metathoracic ventrites and abdominal ventrites very dark brown (nearly black), with prosternum slightly paler; epipleura, legs, labial palps, and antennae distinctly paler, with antennal club slightly darker than proximal antennal segments. Ground punctation on head, pronotum and elytra moderately fine. Head. Eyes measuring ~100µm anteroposteriorly, continuous with outline of head, emarginate at lateral margin, narrowing to half the width (Fig. 4
). Thorax. Elytra with ten rows of serial punctures which are depressed into very shallow grooves in the posterior third, with depth of the grooves greatest near the elytral suture (Fig. 11B). Metafemora mostly glabrous on ventral face, with narrow band of pubescence along proximal half of anterior margin (Fig. 12A). Elevation of mesoventrite forming a transverse carina with a faint tooth, elevated to the same plane as the ventral surface of the mesocoxae (Fig. 9D). Metaventrite with distinct median ovoid glabrous area that is approximately half to slightly more than half of the total metaventrite length (Fig. 10D), and about half as wide as it is long. Abdomen. Abdominal ventrites uniformly and very densely pubescent, with small spicules interspersed amongst the setae. Aedeagus (Fig. 14E) with parameres thin and strap-like, about as wide as the median lobe in basal half, then gradually tapering in apical half, the apex less than half the width of the median lobe; apex of para
blunt and rounded; apex of median lobe distinctly surpassing the apex of the parameres; median lobe with margins straight and parallel sided throughout, except at apex which is bluntly rounded; gonopore apparently absent (not observed in several examined specimens).
The species was originally described from a single male from Mt. Kasikasima in south-central Suriname. It has subsequently been collected in longer series at several other localities in central and southern Suriname including from the summit of Tafelberg Tepui (Fig. 15).
The first specimen of this species was found in a seepage at the base of Kasikasima (Fig. 16F). This species has been collected in long series in seepages on the summit of Tafelberg Tepui, the only table mountain in Suriname (Fig. 17
); these records represent the highest known collecting event for any
species (c. 733 m). It was also collected on a seepage along the margin of Kappel Airstrip, which is near the base of Tafelberg (Fig. 17
). Both Tafelberg and Kappel Airstrip seepages were on sandstone and sedimentary rock and had an abundance of algal and moss growth.