Four new species and two newly recorded species of Limacodidae (Lepidoptera, Zygaenoidea) from China Author Wu, Jun School of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, 150040, China Author Solovyev, Alexey V. Department of Biology and Chemistry, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk, 432071, Russia Author Han, Hui-Lin School of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, 150040, China text ZooKeys 2022 2022-10-07 1123 205 219 journal article 1313-2970-1123-205 C890909D0AD54E5CADB41129BBECE4FF F0621224B48E58A6821DE71AF8F1D159 7202996 Limacocera pachycera (Hampson, 1897) Figs 13 , 27 Narosa pachycera Hampson, 1897: 294. Type locality: India, "Khasis" [Meghalaya, Khasi Hills]. Limacocera pachycera (Hampson): Hering 1931 : 674. Material examined. 1♂ , China , Xizang Autonomous Region , Linzhi (= Nyingchi) City , Motuo (= Medog) County , Beibeng Countryside , Dergong village , 25.V-4.VI.2021 , HL. Han leg., genit. prep. WuJ-555-1 (NEFU) . Diagnosis. The differences between L. pachycera (Fig. 13 ) and its congener L. hel (Fig. 14 ) are that the former is larger than the latter; the dent of the postmedial line incurved above the cell, whereas the same dent in L. hel is deeper and incurved below the cell. The male genitalia of L. pachycera (Fig. 27 ) bear a long, robust, strongly sclerotized uncus; the gnathos is straight and pointed apically; the valva is narrow. However, in L. hel (Fig. 28 ), the uncus is small and divided into two asymmetrical parts; the gnathos is slender, sinuous, and longer than L. pachycera ; the valva is broad. Bionomics. The single male specimen was collected in late May to early June at an altitude of 1,450 m a.s.l. in a subtropical forest (Fig. 30 ). Distribution. China (Xizang), India. Checklist of the treated genera with distribution data Kitanola Matsumura, 1925 K. uncula (Staudinger, 1887) (China: Heilongjiang; Japan; Korean peninsula; Russia: south-eastern Siberia, Sakhalin) = K. sachalinensis Matsumura, 1925 = Microcampa suzukii Matsumura, 1931 = Microcampa corana Matsumura, 1931 K. masayukii Sasaki, 1998 (Japan) K. meridiana Sasaki, 1998 (Japan) K. albigrisea Wu & Fang, 2008 (China: Shaanxi, Gansu, Henan, Sichuan) K. brachygnatha Wu & Fang, 2008 (China: Yunnan) K. caii Wu & Fang, 2008 (China: Anhui, Henan, Gansu; Japan) K. eurygnatha Wu & Fang, 2008 (China: Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong) K. linea Wu & Fang, 2008 (China: Hubei, Sichuan, Guangxi) K. spina Wu & Fang, 2008 (China: Shaanxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Guizhou) K. spinula Wu & Fang, 2008 (China: Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan) K. shilinensis sp. nov. (China: Yunnan) K. eleganta sp. nov. (China: Xizang) Euphlyctinides Hering, 1931 E. albifusum (Hampson, 1892) (China: Xizang; India; Bhutan; Nepal) = E. rava Hering, 1931 E. indi Solovyev, 2009 (China: Xizang; India) E. aeneola Solovyev, 2009 (China: Yunnan; Thailand) E. laika Solovyev & Witt, 2009 (Vietnam) E. pseudolaika sp. nov. (China: Yunnan) Fignya Solovyev & Witt, 2009 F. melkaya Solovyev & Witt, 2009 (China: Sichuan; Vietnam) F. ravalba sp. nov. (China: Xizang) Limacocera Hering, 1931 L. pachycera (Hampson, 1897) (China: Xizang; India) L. hel Hering, 1931 (China: Guangdong, Chongqing, Hunan; Vietnam)