Taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of ghost spiders of the genus Tafana Simon, 1903 (Araneae: Dionycha, Anyphaenidae), with the descriptions of twelve new species Author De Oliveira, Luiz Fernando M. 06C42876-2925-4007-A19D-053BD0058F25 Laboratório de Coleções Zoológicas, Instituto Butantan - Av. Vital Brazil, 1500, 05503 - 900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. & Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, Rua do Matão, 321, 05508 - 090, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Author Brescovit, Antonio Domingos D5B81D79-AFAE-47B1-8A6E-DAB448A24BCC Laboratório de Coleções Zoológicas, Instituto Butantan - Av. Vital Brazil, 1500, 05503 - 900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2021 2021-03-31 742 1 77 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2021.742.1291 62f9dc57-bade-4fbc-8af7-f92ff107593c 2118-9773 4655404 23424EC3-8440-4C72-AD9E-C1EC3087F7CA Tafana oliviae sp. nov. A7E716C9-A0F8-4F4E-A451-E6D94A3E82CD Figs 29 , 33G , 35 Diagnosis Males of Tafana oliviae sp. nov. differ from those of the other species in the silhavyi group by having the apophysis at the base of the embolus finger-shaped, retrolateral tibial apophysis bifid with anterior branch short and flattened, posterior branch triangular and median tibial apophysis bifid in dorsal position on the tibia ( Fig. 29C–E ). Females differ by having the epigynal plate with lateral lobes extremely projected to the sides and by having the small primary spermathecae ( Figs 29F–G , 33G ). Etymology The specific name is a matronymic in memory of Olivia de Moura Oliveira, the first author’s mother. Material examined Holotype ARGENTINA1 ♂ ; Misiones , Santa María ; [ 27°56′04″ S , 55°24′25″ W ]; Nov–Dec. 1913 ; M.J. Viana leg.; MACN-Ar 3565 . Paratype ARGENTINA1 ♀ ; Misiones , Cataratas del Iguazú , near the Puerto Iguazú ; [ 25°41′43″ S , 54°26′12″ W ]; Nov. 1970 ; M.E. Galiano leg.; MCZ . Remark The male and female were matched by their close localities in Misiones, Argentina . Despite the different colorations of the male and female, the morphology of the genitalia suggests that both exemplars belong to Tafana oliviae sp. nov. Description Male ( holotype , MACN-Ar 3565) COLOR. Exemplar probably discolored. Carapace orange, darker in cephalic region ( Fig. 29A ). Labium, sternum and endites yellow. Chelicerae reddish. Legs I–IV yellow. Abdomen yellow with lateral dark spots and a yellow spot in the middle ( Fig. 29A ). MEASUREMENTS. Total length 3.9, carapace length 1.7, width 1.4. Clypeus height 0.04. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.06, ALE 0.08, PME 0.08, PLE 0.06; AME–AME 0.02, AME–ALE 0.04, PME–PME 0.1, PME–PLE 0.06, ALE–PLE 0.02. Chelicerae 1.0 long, with four promarginal teeth and six retromarginal denticles. LEG MEASUREMENTS. I—femur 2.1 /patella 0.7/ tibia 2.5/ metatarsus 2.2/ tarsus 1.1 /total 8.6; II— 1.6/ 0.5/ 1.7 /1.5 / 0.7/ 6.0; III—1.3 / 0.6/ 0.9/ 1.2/ 0.4/ 4.4; IV—2.0 / 0.6/ 1.3/ 2.1 /0.6 / 6.6. LEG SPINATION. I—tibia v2-2-0, metatarsus v2-0-1; II—tibia v1-2-0; III—tibia v1-1-0, p1-1-0, r1-1-0, metatarsus v2-1-2, r1-0-1; IV—tibia v0-1-1, p1-1-1, r1-1-0. PALP. Retrolateral tibial apophysis bifid; cymbium without retrolateral projection; embolus short and bifurcate at the apex; median apophysis long and curved apically; sperm duct with secondary looping reaching the apex of the tegulum ( Fig. 29C–E ). ABDOMEN. Length 2.1, epigastric furrow 0.6 from tracheal spiracle, spiracle 1.0 from base of spinnerets. Female ( paratype , MCZ) COLOR. Exemplar probably discolored. Coloration as in males of this species except for legs yellow, darker at tarsi. Abdomen yellow ( Fig. 29B ). Fig. 29. Tafana oliviae sp. nov. (A, C–E =holotype, ♂, MACN-Ar 3565; B, F–G=paratype, ♀, MCZ). A . Habitus, dorsal view. B . Habitus, dorsal view. C . Left palp, ventral view. D . Left palp, retrolateral view. E . Left palp, retrolateral view. F . Epigynum, ventral view. G . Vulva, dorsal view. Abbreviations: A=atrium; ABE =apophysis of base of the embolus; aRTA= anterior branch of the retrolateral tibial apophysis; CD=copulatory ducts; CO =copulatory opening; E =embolus; FD =fertilization ducts; H =hood; LL =lateral lobes; MA=median apophysis; MTA= median tibial apophysis; pRTA=posterior branch of the retrolateral tibial apophysis; RTA =retrolateral tibial apophysis; S1 =primary spermathecae; S2 =secondary spermathecae; T =tegulum. Scale bars: A–B= 3.5 mm; C–G =0.25 mm. MEASUREMENTS. Total length 5.7, carapace length 2.7, width 1.8. Clypeus height 0.04. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.08, ALE 0.08, PME 0.1, PLE 0.1; AME–AME 0.08, AME–ALE 0.08, PME– PME 0.18, PME–PLE 0.16, ALE–PLE 0.04. Chelicerae 1.1 long, with four promarginal teeth and four retromarginal denticles. LEG MEASUREMENTS. I—femur 2.0 /patella 0.9/ tibia 1.8/ metatarsus 1.4/ tarsus 0.8 /total 6.9; II— 1.9/ 0.9/ 1.1 /1.3 / 0.63 /5.83; III—1.5/ 0.72 / 1.1/ 1.23 / 0.5/ 5.05; IV—2.25/ 0.8/ 1.72 / 2.1/ 0.7/ 7.57. LEG SPINATION. I—tibia v2-2-0, metatarsus v2-0-0; II—tibia v2-2-0; III—tibia v1-1-2, p0-0-1, r0-0-1, metatarsus v2-1-2; IV—tibia v1-1-2, p1-1-1. EPIGYNUM. Hood semicircular and thick; lateral lobes curved in anterior region; wide atrium; epigynal plate covered by cuticle in the posterior region. Internally, copulatory ducts long and narrow; secondary spermathecae in the anterior region of the copulatory ducts; primary spermathecae small and fertilization ducts longer than primary spermathecae ( Figs 29F–G , 33G ). ABDOMEN. Length 2.9, epigastric furrow 0.7 from tracheal spiracle, spiracle 1.4 from base of spinnerets. Distribution Known only from Misiones, Argentina ( Fig. 35 ).