Australian and South African conicostomatine amphipods (Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea: Lysianassidae: Conicostomatinae subfam. nov.) Author Lowry, J. K. Author Stoddart, H. E. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-03-27 3248 1 43 65 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3248.1.4 1175-5326 5249133 Amphorites annasona sp. nov. ( Figs 2 , 3 ) Type material. HOLOTYPE , female, ovigerous ( 3 eggs ), 3.0 mm, P.70311, Middleton Reef , Tasman Sea , 29°27.4’S 159°03.7’E , 12 m , outer reef slope near wreck of MV Annasona , air lift around rocks and rubble with a little algae in gutter, 9 December 1987 , R . T . Springthorpe & J.K. Lowry on RV Flamingo Bay , Australian Museum Elizabeth and Middleton Reefs Expedition , stn 21I . PARATYPES : 2 specimens , AM P.70312, same data as holotype ; 1 specimen , AM P.70308, Middleton Reef , Tasman Sea , 29°27.4’S 159°03.7’E , reef shelf near wreck of Runic , 9–12 m , airlift, 5 December 1987 , R . T . Springthorpe on RV Flamingo Bay , Australian Museum Elizabeth and Middleton Reefs Expedition , stn 8.1a ; 3 specimens , AM P.70310, Middleton Reef , Tasman Sea , 29°27.4’S 159°03.7’E , reef shelf near wreck of Runic , 9–12 m , habitat not recorded, possibly coral rubble, algae and coarse sediment, 5 December 1987 , R . T . Springthorpe & J.K. Lowry on RV Flamingo Bay , Australian Museum Elizabeth and Middleton Reefs Expedition , stn 8.1c ; 1 specimen , AM P.70309, Middleton Reef , Tasman Sea , 29°27.4’S 159°03.7’E , reef shelf near wreck of Runic , 13 m , brown algae, 5 December 1987 , I. Loch on RV Flamingo Bay , Australian Museum Elizabeth and Middleton Reefs Expedition , stn 8.1f . FIGURE 2 . Amphorites annasona sp. nov . Holotype, ovigerous female, 3.0 mm, P.70311, Middleton Reef, Tasman Sea. Scales represent 0.1 mm. FIGURE 3 . Amphorites annasona sp. nov . Holotype, ovigerous female, 3.0 mm, P.70311, Middleton Reef, Tasman Sea. Scales represent 0.2 mm. Additional material examined. 1 specimen , AM P.70313, Taupo Seamount , Tasman Sea , 33° 14.21’ S 156° 10.68’ E , 133 m , very rough maerl bottom, 1.2 m sled, 2 May 1989 , J.K. Lowry and party, RV Franklin , stn FR 05/ 89-7. Type locality. Outer reef slope near wreck of the Annasona , Middleton Reef , Tasman Sea , 29°27.4’S 159°03.7’E , 12 m depth . Etymology. The species is named for its type locality. Diagnosis. Maxilla 1 palp swollen, 1-articulate. Gnathopod 1 coxa anteroventral corner rounded, posteroventral corner subquadrate. Uropod 3 without rami . Description. Head partially covered by pereonite 1 and coxa 1. Body pereon and pleon without dorsal projections. Antenna 1 peduncular article 1 without distal projection; accessory flagellum 2-articulate. Mandible accessory setal row with 7 robust setae; molar a setose lobe. Maxilla 1 palp long, 1-articulate. Maxilliped inner plate styliform; outer plate subovate, distomedial margin smooth, with coarse irregular ridges on distolateral surface; palp 4-articulate. Coxa 1 anteroventral corner rounded, posteroventral corner subquadrate. Gnathopod 1 carpus shorter than propodus, subquadrate, anterior margin not produced anterodistally; dactylus regular simple. Gnathopod 2 dactylus inserted near anterodistal corner of propodus. Pereopod 7 basis, posteroventral corner rounded. Urosomite 1 with dorsal flanges formed by 3 longitudinal carinae. Uropod 1 biramous; inner ramus shorter than outer ramus. Uropod 2 biramous; rami subequal in length. Uropod 3 without rami. Telson hemiacetabulate, emarginate. Remarks. The holotype , an ovigerous female, has oostegites on pereopods 3 to 5. Amphorites annasona is very similar to A. pungapunga from the New Zealand subantarctic but can be distinguished from that species by the emarginate telson, the complete absence of rami on uropod 3 and the 1-articulate palp on maxilla 1. Distribution. Tasman Sea, 9–133 m depth.