Huchimingia, a new genus segregated from Millettia (Leguminosae, Millettieae) based on morphological and molecular evidence Author Song, Zhu-Qiu 0000-0002-7763-2431 Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, P. R. China & songzhuqiu @ scbg. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7763 - 2431 Author Li, Shi-Jin 0000-0002-6596-5124 Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, P. R. China & lisj @ scbg. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6596 - 5124 Author Mattapha, Sawai 0000-0003-2911-0740 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Udon Thani Rajabhat University, Udon Thani 41000, Thailand & Indigoferasawai @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2911 - 0740 text Phytotaxa 2022 2022-01-25 532 1 37 56 journal article 2428 10.11646/phytotaxa.532.1.3 9cb10461-a420-4771-8a40-afec4ced8332 1179-3163 5900857 4. Huchimingia trifoliata (Dunn) Z.Q. Song , comb. nov. Millettia trifoliata Dunn, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 41(280): 165. 1912 ( Dunn 1912 ). Type: MYANMAR . Southern Shan State , Polaw , 2000 ft. , on banks of streams, Feb 1910 , W. A. Robertson 126 ( lectotype : K ! [ K000848690 ], designated here ; isolectotypes: BM! [BM012554430], K! [K000848687, K000848688, K000848689], L! [L.2054662], P! [P02141871]). Description. Trees; branches light grey, with white lenticels. Stipules caducous. Leaves alternate, Leaves alternate, imparipinnate; stipels absent; leaflets 3, papery, opposite, narrow oblong to oblong, 7.1–11.7 × 3.1–4.5 cm , length/ width ratio 2–3, base cuneate to round, apex acuminate to caudate, glabrous on both surfaces; principal lateral veins inconspicuous, curved apically near margins. Pseudoracemes laxly flowered, 4–10 cm long, frequently ramous near the base, forming leafy pseudopanicle; brachyblasts very indistinct, each always with 2 flowers; rachis pubescent; bracts caducous; bracteoles absent; pedicel 0.9–1.1 cm long, slender, pubescent. Flowers 1.7–2.1 cm long; receptacle hollow, with distinct longitudinal ridges outside; calyx campanulate, 6.4–7.3 mm high, pubescent outside and slightly hairy inside, 4-toothed; lobes triangular, ca 3.1–3.9 × 3.1 mm ; petalswhite, glabrous; standard petal suborbicular, reflexed; wing petals oblong, ca 11.6 × 3.1 cm , base auriculate, apex obtuse, with a ca 5.5 mm long claw; keel petalsfalcate, 9.6–10.5 × 4.8–5.1 mm , base truncate, apex obtuse, pocketed at side, with a ca 4.8 mm long claw; stamens 10, diadelphous (maybe pseudo-monadelphous with 2 fenestrae at base), staminal tube ca 14 mm high; disk absent; ovary linear, 12.7–13.6 mm high, with 4 ovules, stipitate; stipe ca 3.2 mm long; style 4.3–4.5 mm long, incurved, glabrous; stigma small, capitate. Pod unknown. Distribution and ecology. This species is only known from a single type collection (Polaw, Southern Shan State , Myanmar ) at an altitude of about 600 m . It flowers in February. Due to its inadequate information, this species is tentatively considered as ‘Data Deficient’ (DD) according to IUCN criteria ( IUCN 2012 ). Notes. Huchimingia trifoliata is a poorly known species. The species is clearly related to (or maybe identical with) H. podocarpa within the genus by having symmetric lateral leaflets, leafy pseudopanicles, longer calyx lobes, and 3–4 ovules per ovary, but it differs by having fewer leaflets (3 vs. 3–9) and larger flowers (17–21 vs. 15–18 mm long).