Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) in Latin America: synopsis, annotated catalog, diversity and distribution Author Asenjo, Angélico Author Irmler, Ulrich Author Klimaszewski, Jan Author Chandler, Donald S. Author Fierros-López, Hugo Eduardo Author Vieira, Juliana S. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-06-21 4621 1 1 406 journal article 26396 10.11646/zootaxa.4621.1.1 a381190d-7f50-4a66-bc33-3a0417c9f89f 1175-5326 3257228 3D77F329-9BB8-4231-90E4-6A9E0250FCDF Subtribe Athetina Casey, 1910a 0300. Acrotona Thomson, 1859: 38 Type species: Aleochara aterrima Gravenhorst, 1802 Eustrigota Casey, 1911: 165 [synonymized by Gusarov 2 003e: 102] Type species: Strigota seclusa Casey, 1911 Pancota Casey, 1906: 345 [ Newton & Thayer 2003 ] Type species: Pancota collaris Casey, 1906 Subgenera: Acrotona Thomson, 1859: 38 Type species: Aleochara aterrima Gravenhorst, 1802 Colpodota Mulsant & Rey, 1873d: 153 [synonymized by Schülke & Smetana 2015: 506 ] Type species: Homalota parens Mulsant & Rey, 1852 Colpodota Mulsant & Rey, 1873b: 175 [ Newton & Thayer 2003 ] Colpodota Mulsant & Rey, 1874c: 207 [ Newton & Thayer 2003 ] Colpodota Mulsant & Rey, 1874a: 7 [ Newton & Thayer 2003 ] Aremia Casey, 1910a: 145 Type species: Dolosota reclusa Casey, 1910 Arisota Casey, 1910a: 133 Type species: Arisota tetricula Casey, 1910 Dolosota Casey, 1910a: 136 Type species: Eurypronota scopula Casey, 1893 Eurypronota Casey, 1893: 334 Type species: Eurypronota discreta Casey, 1893 Neada Casey, 1910a: 152 Type species: Acrotona lubricans Casey, 1910 Phanerosphena Pace, 1991a: 138 Type species: Atheta rougemonti Pace, 1991 Reania Casey, 1910a: 146 Type species: Dolosota fontinalis Casey, 1910 56 species are included in this genus from Latin America. Characters/Description: Lynch-Arribálzaga 1884: 58 (characters of Colpodota ); Fenyes 1920: 202 (characters as Pancota ), 223 (characters); Lohse et al. 1990: 126 (characters in key), 198 (characters). Key: Newton & Peck 2006: 139 (species of the Galapagos Isl.). Distribution. West Indies: Jamaica , Haiti , Guadeloupe , Saint Vincent & the Grenadines , Grenada . Central America: Guatemala , Costa Rica . South America: Colombia , French Guiana , Ecuador , Galapagos Isl., Peru , Bolivia , Brazil , Paraguay , Chile , Argentina . Other regions: Nearctic, Palaearctic, Ethiopian, Madagascan, Oriental , Australian, Oceanic. 0301. Adota Casey, 1910a: 67 Type species: Atheta massettensis Casey, 1910 Halostiba Yosii & Sawada, 1976: 86 [synonymized by Gusarov 2003b: 4 ] Type species: Ischnopoda ushio Sawada, 1971 Panalota Casey, 1910a: 71 [ Lohse & Smetana 1985: 282 ] Type species: Atheta setositarsis Casey, 1910 Phyconoma Easton, 1971: 24 [synonymized by Lohse 1988: 46] Type species: Atheta immigrans Easton, 1971 1 species is included in this genus from Central America. Characters/Description: Fenyes 1920: 175 (characters), 243 (characters as Panalota ); Gusarov 2003b: 3 (characters). Key: Gusarov 2003b: 8 (Nearctic species). Distribution. Central America: Mexico . Other regions: Nearctic, Palaearctic. 0302. Amidobia Thomson, 1858: 33 Type species: Homalota talpa Heer, 1841 1 species is included in this genus from South America. Characters/Description: Fenyes 1920: 178 (characters). Distribution. South America: Brazil . Other regions: Nearctic, Palaearctic, Oriental . 0303. Amischa Thomson, 1858: 33 Type species: Aleochara analis Gravenhorst, 1802 Arthropycna Bernhauer, 1921c: 162 [synonymized by Blackwelder 1944: 159 ] Type species: Atheta myrmecovagans Bernhauer, 1921 Colposura Casey, 1893: 336 [synonymized by Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz 1926: 592 ] Type species: Colposura praelonga Casey, 1893 15 species are included in this genus from Central and South America. Characters/Description: Fenyes 1920: 178 (characters); Pace 2008a: 280 (characters in key). Distribution. Central America: Guatemala . South America: Colombia , Ecuador , Brazil , Chile , Argentina . Other regions: Nearctic, Palaearctic, Ethiopian, Madagascan, Oriental , Australian, Oceanic. 0304. Atheta Thomson, 1858: 36 ( Figs. 48–49 ) Type species: Aleochara graminicola Gravenhorst, 1806 Iotota Casey, 1910a: 95 [ Newton & Thayer 2003 ] Type species: Iotota tepida Casey, 1910 Megonychiella Marcuzzi, 1977: 17 [ nomen nudum , Newton & Thayer 2003 ] Type species: Atheta oxypodoides Marcuzzi, 1977 Paraceritaxa Marcuzzi, 1977: 16 [ nomen nudum , Newton & Thayer 2003 ] Type species: Atheta sexspinulosa Marcuzzi, 1977 Pseudometaxia Wüsthoff, 1940: 683 [ Blackwelder 1952: 328 ] Rhodeota Casey, 1911: 147 [ Newton & Thayer 2003 ] Type species: Ousipalia tartarea Casey, 1910 Synaptina Casey, 1910a: 131 [ Newton & Thayer 2003 ] Type species: Synaptina merica Casey, 1910 Subgenera: Acromyrmecoxene Scheerpeltz, 1976a: 138 [*] Type species: Atheta acromyrmecicola Scheerpeltz, 1976 Acrotonida Pace, 1991a: 141 Type species: Atheta invicta Fauvel, 1907 Alaobia Thomson, 1858: 36 Type species: Homalota ochracea Erichson, 1837 Anopleta Mulsant & Rey, 1873b: 4 [*] Type species: Homalota lepida Kraatz, 1856 Ouralia Mulsant & Rey, 1873d: 174 [ Smetana 2004: 372 ] Type species: Ouralia picicornis Mulsant & Rey, 1873 Arctostiba Bernhauer, 1928b: 16 Type species: Atheta freyi Bernhauer, 1928 Atheta Thomson, 1858: 36 [*] Type species: Aleochara graminicola Gravenhorst, 1806 Callicerodes Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1960: 1883 [synonymized by Assing 2005: 63 ] Type species: Callicerus velox Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1960 Elytrusa Casey, 1906: 336 [ Smetana 2004: 372 ] Type species: Homalota granulata Mannerheim, 1846 Hypatheta Fenyes, 1918: 23 [ Benick & Lohse 1974: 191 ] Type species: Bolitochara castanoptera Mannerheim, 1830 Megista Mulsant & Rey, 1873b: 591 [ Benick & Lohse 1974: 191 ] Type species: Aleochara graminicola Gravenhorst, 1806 Attatheta Scheerpeltz, 1936: 507 [*] Type species: Atheta anisophthalma Scheerpeltz, 1936 Badura Mulsant & Rey, 1873d: 159 Type species: Badura nudicornis Mulsant & Rey, 1873 Bessobia Thomson, 1858: 35 [*] Type species: Homalota monticola Thomson, 1852 Thrichiota Mulsant & Rey, 1873d: 180 [synonimized by Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz 1926: 625 ] Type species: Bessobia gibbera Mulsant & Rey, 1873 Ceritaxa Mulsant & Rey, 1873d: 164 Type species: Ceritaxa spissata Mulsant & Rey, 1873 Hilara Mulsant & Rey, 1873: 160 [synonimized by Lohse 1971: 77 ] Type species: Microdota fulva Mulsant & Rey, 1873 Neohilara Lohse, 1971: 77 [synonimized by Assing 2015a: 16 ] Type species: Microdota fulva Mulsant & Rey, 1873 Chaetida Mulsant & Rey, 1873b: 272 [*] Type species: Aleochara longicornis Gravenhorst, 1802 Coprothassa Thomson, 1859: 38 [*] Type species: Homalota testudinea Erichson, 1839 Hemitropia Mulsant & Rey, 1873b: 179 [synonimized by Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz 1926: 670 ] Type species: Oxypoda melanaria Mannerheim, 1830 Dabura Cameron, 1948a: 241 Type species: Atheta anommatophila Cameron, 1948 Datomicra Mulsant & Rey, 1873b: 355 [*] Type species: Homalota celata Erichson, 1837 Datostiba Yosii & Sawada, 1976: 18 [ Silfverberg 1992: 29 ] Type species: Atheta lewisiana Cameron, 1933 Hilarina Casey, 1910a: 128 [synonimized by Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz 1926: 666 ] Type species: Datomicra particula Casey, 1910 Micromota Casey, 1910a: 127 [synonimized by Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz 1926: 666 ] Type species: Datomicra filiformis Casey, 1910 Monadia Casey, 1910a: 130 [Synonimized by Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz 1926: 666 ] Type species: Datomicra lucana Casey, 1910 Oligomia Casey, 1910a: 129 [synonimized by Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz 1926: 666 ] Type species: Datomicra scintilla Casey, 1910 Taxicerella Casey, 1910a: 113 [ Smetana 2004: 379 ] Type species: Sableta remissa Casey, 1910 Delphota Casey, 1910a: 17 Type species: Atheta cephalina Casey, 1910 Diaprepota Pace, 2004c: 360 Type species: Atheta ruiliensis Pace, 1998 Diaprepota Pace, 1998: 926 [synonimized by Pace 2004c: 360 ] Type species: [no type species designated] Dimetrota Mulsant & Rey, 1873d: 165 [*] Type species: Homalota tristicula Mulsant & Rey, 1873 Cadaverota Yosii & Sawada, 1976: 55 [ Smetana 2004: 380 ] Type species: Homalota cadaverina Brisout de Barneville, 1860 Coproceramius Gistel, 1857: 9 [ Smetana 2004: 380 ] Type species: Bolitochara impressifrons Mannerheim, 1830 Engamota Casey, 1910a: 151 [ Smetana 2004: 380 ] Type species: Acrotona absona Casey, 1910 Dimetrotina Casey, 1911: 143 Type species: Dimetrota vaniuscula Casey, 1911 Mycetota Ádám, 1987b: 13 [synonymized by Gusarov 2 016: 395] Type species: Aleochara laticollis Stephens, 1832 Donesia Casey, 1910a: 48 Type species: Atheta temporalis Casey, 1910 Dysanomota Pace, 2008d: 431 [*] Type species: Homalota cinctella Erichson, 1839 Ekkliatheta Pace, 2004b: 507 Type species: Atheta aniiensis Pace, 2004 Epimella Peyerimhoff, 1914: 250 Type species: Atheta cinctuta Peyerimhoff, 1914 Eubadura Sawada, 1990: 543 Type species: Atheta akiensis Sawada, 1990 Eugluta Sawada, 1985: 93 Type species: Atheta picticollis Bernhauer, 1915 Eumorphotheta Ádám, 2008: 161 Type species: Atheta siculorum Ádám, 2008 Evaniodera Pace, 1986a: 430 [*] Type species: Atheta apicilutea Pace, 1986 Geostibops Israelson, 1985: 13 Type species: Atheta aptera Israelson, 1985 Gyroatheta Pace, 2014c: 100 [*] Type species: Atheta guyanicola Pace, 2014 Hummleriella Bernhauer, 1929c: 191 Type species: Atheta ponferradae Bernhauer, 1929 Hydrosmectomorpha Klimaszewski & Webster in Klimaszewski et al. , 2018a: 2 Type species: Atheta meduxnekeagensis Webster & Klimaszewski in Klimaszewski et al. , 2018 Hypsostiba Bernhauer, 1929a: 200 [*] Type species: Atheta dampfi Bernhauer, 1929 Ischnoderoecia Scheerpeltz, 1974: 249 Type species: Atheta lunaris Scheerpeltz, 1974 Kamptodota Pace, 2009: 274 Type species: Atheta papuaimitatrix Pace, 2009 Kladobrachydotina Pace, 2008a: 302 [*] Type species: Atheta inflatheca Pace, 2008 Lamiota Casey, 1910a: 17 Type species: Atheta keeni Casey, 1910 Lampratheta Scheerpeltz, 1965b: 334 Type species: Atheta malaisei Scheerpeltz, 1965 Libanostiba Scheerpeltz, 1929: 227 Type species: Atheta ebneri Scheerpeltz, 1929 Lobodota Pace, 2009: 274 Type species: Atheta nabirensis Pace, 2009 Metadimetrota Klimaszewski & Winchester, 2002: 31 Type species: Atheta cheersae Klimaszewski, 2002 Microdota Mulsant & Rey, 1873d: 160 [*] Type species: Microdota sericea Mulsant & Rey, 1873 Anatelloleptusa Scheerpeltz, 1976c: 50 [ Smetana 2004: 384 ] Type species: Leptusa himalayica Scheerpeltz, 1976 Dicolyota Pace, 2004: 359 [ nomen nudum , synonymized by Schülke & Smetana 2015: 542 ] Type species: Atheta praelata Pace, 1986 Dicolyota Pace, 1998: 924 [synonymized by Pace 2004: 359] Type species: [no type species designated] Heteronoma Mulsant & Rey, 1873b: 4 [synonymized by Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz 1926: 630 ] Type species: Homalota luctuosa Mulsant & Rey, 1853 Heterophaena Lynch-Arribálzaga, 1884: 45 [synonymized by Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz 1 926: 630] Type species: Heterophaena palliditarsis Lynch-Arribálzaga, 1884 Metamischa Peyerimhoff, 1938: 65 [synonymized by Pace 1990c: 915 ] Type species: Homalota scrobicollis Kraatz, 1859 Meoticaemorpha Scheerpeltz, 1976c: 66 [ Smetana 2004: 384 ] Type species: Meoticaemorpha janetscheki Scheerpeltz, 1976 Physadota Pace, 1990c: 907 [synonymized by Pace 2004c: 359 ] Type species: Atheta subscabra Cameron, 1939 Sonomota Casey, 1911: 158 [synonymized by Lohse & Smetana 1988: 270 ] Type species: Sipalia lippa Casey, 1911 Microdotina Scheerpeltz, 1974: 254 Type species: Atheta xanthopyga Scheerpeltz, 1974 Nemota Casey, 1910a: 56 Type species: Atheta paganella Casey, 1910 Niphetodroma Scheerpeltz, 1947: 288 Type species: Niphetodroma obsolescens Scheerpeltz, 1947 Oligatheta Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz, 1926: 605 [*] Type species: Atheta cordillerana Bernhauer, 1921 Micratheta Bernhauer, 1921b: 179 [synonymized by Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz 1926: 605 ] Type species: Atheta cordillerana Bernhauer, 1921 Oreostiba Ganglbauer, 1895: 219 Type species: Homalota tibialis Heer, 1839 Agaphygra Tottenham, 1949c: 78 [ Smetana 2004: 31 ] Type species: Homalota subglabra Sharp, 1869 Orientatheta Sawada, 1985: 99 Type species: Atheta chinkiangensis Bernhauer, 1939 Oxypodera Bernhauer, 1915d: 185 Type species: Atheta kilimandjarensis Bernhauer, 1915 Pachyatheta Münster, 1925: 11 Type species: Homalota cribrate Kraatz, 1856 Paradota Sawada, 1989: 274 Type species: Atheta liberta Sawada, 1989 Parameotica Ganglbauer, 1895: 228 [*] Type species: Homalota laticeps Thomson, 1856 Parametaxya Jeannel & Paulian, 1945: 106 Type species: Atheta jeanneliana Bernhauer, 1944 Paramidobia Bernhauer, 1908: 356 [*] Type species: Amidobia longiceps Bernhauer, 1908 Parataxicera Brundin, 1943: 27 Type species: Atheta moczarskii Bernhauer, 1915 Peliolurga Tottenham, 1939b: 228 Type species: Bolitochara luridipennis Mannerheim, 1830 Pelurga Mulsant & Rey, 1873b: 577 [synonymized by Tottenham 1939b: 228 ] Type species: Bolitochara luridipennis Mannerheim, 1830 Pelmatheta Scheerpeltz, 1965b: 335 Type species: Atheta crassitarsis Scheerpeltz, 1965 Philacrotona Pace, 1991c: 140 Type species: Atheta newar Pace, 1991 Polydota Pace, 1983d: 310 [*] Type species: Atheta uhligi Pace, 1983 Poromicrodota Pace, 1990c: 907 Type species: Atheta subamicula Cameron, 1939 Pseudhygroecia Jeannel & Paulian, 1945: 104 Type species: Atheta elgonensis Bernhauer, 1944 Pseudobessobia Bernhauer, 1921b: 177 [*] Type species: Atheta weiseri Bernhauer, 1921 Pseudohygroecia Bernhauer, 1929c: 189 Type species: Atheta crisiana Bernhauer, 1929 Pseudoleptonia Bernhauer, 1934c: 507 [*] Type species: Atheta polyporina Bernhauer, 1934 Pseudophilygra Bernhauer, 1929c: 190 Type species: Atheta holtzi Bernhauer, 1929 Pseudota Casey, 1910a: 114 Type species: Pseudota dissensa Casey, 1910 Pseudothinoecia Bernhauer, 1899: 20 Type species: Atheta puellaris Bernhauer, 1899 Rhagocneme Münster, 1923: 206 Type species: Atheta fractipes Münster, 1923 Sepedomicra Sawada, 1985: 97 Type species: Atheta mycetophaga Cameron, 1920 Sipalatheta Pace, 1993: 92 Type species: Atheta difformis Pace, 1993 Spelaeolla Rambousek, 1915b: 31 Type species: Atheta absoloni Rambousek, 1915 Stictatheta Cameron, 1939a: 5 Type species: Atheta quadripunctula Cameron, 1939 Stilbatheta Scheerpeltz, 1962a: 596 Type species: Atheta speculiventris Scheerpeltz, 1962 Strobilocera Ganglbauer, 1895: 191 Type species: Homalota capitulata Eppelsheim, 1880 Suensonia Bernhauer, 1936d: 314 Type species: Atheta obsoletepunctata Bernhauer, 1936 Synaloconota Scheerpeltz, 1974: 247 Type species: Atheta cascadensis Scheerpeltz, 1974 Tachynota Bernhauer, 1901b: 113 Type species: Atheta thinodromoides Bernhauer, 1901 Tetropla Mulsant & Rey, 1873b: 492 Type species: Aleochara nigritula Gravenhorst, 1802 Thinobaena Thomson, 1859: 39 Type species: Aleochara quisquiliarum Gyllenhal, 1810 Parabessobia Scheerpeltz, 1958: 32 [synonymized by G. Benick 1973: 187 ] Type species: Atheta serricauda Eppelsheim, 1878 Traumoecia Mulsant & Rey, 1873b: 631 Type species: Aleochara excavata Gyllenhal, 1827 Trochanterella Brundin, 1953: 428 Type species: Atheta cribripennis J. Sahlberg, 1890 Tropatheta Bernhauer, 1927a: 81 Type species: Atheta gestroi Bernhauer, 1927 Umbala Blackwelder, 1952: 402 Type species: Atheta mimetica Cameron, 1939 Stictatheta Cameron, 1939b: 336 [synonymized by Blackwelder 1952: 402 ] Type species: Atheta mimetica Cameron, 1939 Xenota Mulsant & Rey, 1873b: 397 [*] Type species: Homalota myrmecobia Kraatz, 1856 Mycota Mulsant & Rey, 1873b: 502 [ Newton & Thayer 2003 ] Type species: Homalota humeralis Kraatz, 1856 Xestota Bernhauer, 1908: 361 [*] Type species: Atheta biarmata Bernhauer, 1908 353 species are included in this genus from Latin America. Characters/Description: Lynch-Arribálzaga 1884: 50 (characters of subgenus Microdota ); Fenyes 1920: 181 (characters), 201 (characters as Synaptina ), 210 (characters subgenus Atheta ), 238 (characters as Iotota ), 247 (characters as Rhodeota ); Lohse et al. 1990: 125 (characters in key), 126 (characters in key of Bessobia ), 126 (characters in key of Dimetrota ), 178 (characters of Dimetrota ), 188 (characters); Ashe 2002b: 128 (characters in key); Pace 2008a: 281 (characters in key); Aballay et al. 2014: 103 (characters in key). Key: Fenyes 1920: 182 (subgenera); Pace 1988: 88 (some species of Chile ); Pace 1996c: 652 (some species of Ecuador ); Klimaszewski & Peck, 1998: 236 (species of the Galapagos Isl.); Pace 2000a: 428 (some species of Chile ); Pace 2008a: 294 (subgenera of Ecuador and Peru ), 302 (species of the subgenus Acrotona of Ecuador and Peru ), 305 (species of the subgenus Xestota of Ecuador and Peru ), 307 (species of the subgenus Microdota of Ecuador and Peru ), 310 (species of the subgenus Kladobrachydotina of Ecuador and Peru ), 312 (species of the subgenus Datomicra of Ecuador and Peru ), 317 (species of the subgenus Dimetrota of Ecuador and Peru ), 319–321 (species of the subgenus Pseudobessobia of Ecuador and Peru ); Newton & Peck 2006: 139 (species of the Galapagos Isl.). Distribution. West Indies: Cuba , Cayman Is., Jamaica , Haiti , Puerto Rico , US Virgin Isl., British Virgin Isl., Guadeloupe , St. Lucia , St. Vincent & Grenadines , Grenada . Central America: Mexico , Guatemala , Belize , Nicaragua , Costa Rica , Panama . South America: Colombia , Venezuela , Suriname , French Guiana , Ecuador , Galapagos Isl., Peru , Bolivia , Brazil , Paraguay , Chile , Argentina . Other regions: Nearctic, Palaearctic, Ethiopian, Madagascan, Oriental , Australian, Oceanic. 0305. Brundinia Tottenham, 1949c: 78 Type species: Metaxya apricans Mulsant & Rey, 1873 Metaxya Mulsant & Rey, 1873d: 181 [synonymized by Tottenham 1949c: 78 ] Type species: Metaxya apricans Mulsant & Rey, 1873 4 species are included in this genus from South America. Characters/Description: Fenyes 1920: 197 (characters as Metaxya ). Distribution. South America: Peru , Argentina . Other regions: Nearctic, Palaearctic, Ethiopian, Madagascan, Oriental , Australian. 0306. Dalotia Casey, 1910a: 106 Type species: Dimetrota pectorina Casey, 1910 1 species is included in this genus from the West Indies and South America. Key: Newton & Peck 2006: 139 (species of the Galapagos Isl.). Distribution. West Indies: Dominican Republic . South America: Ecuador , Galapagos Isl., Bolivia , Brazil , Chile , Argentina . Other regions: Nearctic, Palaearctic, Ethiopian, Madagascan, Oriental , Australian. 0307. Dochmonota Thomson, 1859: 40 Type species: Homalota funebris Thomson, 1856 1 species is included in this genus from South America. Characters/Description: Fenyes 1920: 189 (characters). Distribution. South America: Argentina . Other regions: Nearctic, Palaearctic. 0308. Homia Blackwelder, 1952: 190 Type species: Daya occipitalis Fauvel, 1878 Daya Fauvel, 1878d: 147 [synonymized by Blackwelder 1952: 118 ] Type species: Daya occipitalis Fauvel, 1878 1 species is included in this genus from South America. Characters/Description: Fenyes 1920: 230 (characters as Daya ). Distribution. South America: Brazil . Other regions: Nearctic, Palaearctic. 0309. Hydrosmecta Thomson, 1858: 33 Type species: Homalota longula Heer, 1839 Actocharina Bernhauer in Ganglbauer, 1907: 185 [synonymized by Elven et al. 2012: 633 ] Type species: Atheta leptotyphloides Bernhauer in Ganglbauer, 1907 Doliponta Blackwelder, 1952: 132 [synonymized by Blackwelder 1952: 132 ] Type species: Lipodonta veris Fenyes, 1921 Hydrosmectina Ganglbauer, 1895: 232 [ Smetana 2004: 407 ] Type species: Homalota subtilissima Kraatz, 1854 Lipodonta Fenyes, 1921a: 24 [synonymized by Blackwelder 1952: 132 ] Type species: Lipodonta veris Fenyes, 1921 Thinoecia Mulsant & Rey, 1873d: 184 [synonymized by Blackwelder 1952: 386 ] Type species: Thinoecia libitina Mulsant & Rey, 1873 Thinaecia Mulsant & Rey, 1873b: 5 [synonymized by Blackwelder 1952: 386 ] Thinaecia Mulsant & Rey, 1874c: 37 [synonymized by Blackwelder 1952: 386 ] Thinoecia Mulsant & Rey, 1874a: 38 [synonymized by Blackwelder 1952: 386 ] Thinoecia Mulsant & Rey, 1875a: 260 [synonymized by Blackwelder 1952: 386 ] Thinoecia Mulsant & Rey, 1875c: 234 [synonymized by Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz 1 926: 605] 7 species are included in this genus from Central and South America. Characters/Description: Fenyes 1920: 174 (characters as Actocharina ), 236 (characters), 237 (characters as Hydrosmectina ); Lohse et al. 1990: 125 (characters in key), 147 (characters); Pace 2008a: 280 (characters in key). Distribution. Central America: Mexico , Guatemala , Panama . South America: Ecuador , Chile , Argentina . Other regions: Nearctic, Palaearctic, Ethiopian, Madagascan, Oriental, Australian, Oceanic. 0310. Nehemitropia Lohse, 1971: 81 Type species: Staphylinus sordidus Marsham, 1802 1 species is included in this genus from South America. Distribution. South America: Peru , Bolivia , Brazil , Paraguay , Uruguay , Chile , Argentina . Other regions: Nearctic, Palaearctic, Ethiopian, Madagascan, Oriental , Australian. 0311. Notothecta Thomson, 1858: 33 Type species: Aleochara flavipes Gravenhorst, 1806 Subgenera: Kraatzia Saulcy, 1862: 289 Type species: Kraatzia attophila Saulcy, 1862 Notothecta Thomson, 1858: 33 Type species: Aleochara flavipes Gravenhorst, 1806 Notothectina Bernhauer, 1912d: 77 [*] Type species: Notothecta attae Bernhauer, 1912 2 species are included in this genus from South America. Characters/Description: Fenyes 1920: 240 (characters), 241 (characters of subgenera Kraatzia and Notothecta ), 242 (characters of subgenus Notothectina ). Key: Fenyes 1920: 241 (subgenera). Distribution. South America: Argentina . Other regions: Palaearctic, Oriental . 0312. Philhygra Mulsant & Rey, 1873d: 160 Type species: Microdota perdubia Mulsant & Rey, 1873 Amphibitherion Notman, 1921: 155 [ Seevers 1978: 123 ] Type species: Amphibitherion demissum Notman, 1921 Homalotusa Casey, 1906: 340 [ Smetana 2004: 390 ] Type species: Homalotusa helenica Casey, 1906 Hygroecia Mulsant & Rey, 1873d: 187 [ Schülke & Smetana 2015: 547 ] Type species: Hygroecia parca Mulsant & Rey, 1873 Phryogora Mulsant & Rey, 1873b: 625 [ Schülke & Smetana 2015: 548 ] Type species: Homalota hygrobia Thomson, 1856 Plagiarthrina Keys, 1920: 131 [ Smetana 2004: 390 ] Type species: Metaxya fordhamiana Keys, 1920 Valenusa Casey, 1906: 342 [ Newton & Thayer 2003 ] Type species: Valenusa parallela Casey, 1906 2 species are included in this genus from South America. Characters/Description: Fenyes 1920: 200 (characters); Lohse et al. 1990: 126 (characters in key), 167 (characters). Distribution. South America: Colombia , Brazil . Other regions: Neartic, Palaearctic, Ethiopian. 0313. Platyola Mulsant & Rey, 1875e: 249 Type species: Homalota fusicornis Mulsant & Rey, 1853 Australoplatyola Scheerpeltz, 1959b: 10 [ nomen nudum ] Type species: Platyola antarctica Bernhauer, 1920 Neoplatyola Pace, 1996b: 399 [ nomen nudum ] Platyola Mulsant & Rey, 1875d: 411 [synonymized by Blackwelder 1952: 313 ] 3 species are included in this genus from South America. Characters/Description: Fenyes 1920: 376 (characters). Distribution. South America: Colombia , Peru , Bolivia , Brazil . Other regions: Palaearctic, Oriental . 0314. Pycnota Mulsant & Rey, 1873b: 377 Type species: Homalota paradoxa Mulsant & Rey, 1861 1 species is included in this genus from South America. Characters/Description: Fenyes 1920: 246 (characters). Key: Pace, 1988: 86 (some species of Chile ). Distribution. South America: Brazil . Other regions: Palaearctic. 0315. Schistoglossa Kraatz, 1856b: 344 Type species: Homalota viduata Erichson, 1837 Hölzelia Scheerpeltz, 1952b: 765 [ Smetana 2004: 416 ] Type species: Hoelzelia caricis Scheerpeltz, 1952 Protoskiusa Bernhauer, 1900b: 200 [synonymized by Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz 1926: 591 ] Type species: Protoskiusa paradoxa Bernhauer, 1900 1 species is included in this genus from South America. Characters/Description: Fenyes 1920: 248 (characters). Distribution. South America: Ecuador , Peru . Other regions: Nearctic, Palaearctic, Oriental . 0316. Stethusa Casey, 1910a: 4 Type species: Atheta klimschi Bernhauer, 1909 3 species are included in this genus from the West Indies and South America. Characters/Description: Gusarov 2003c: 5 (characters). Key: Gusarov 2003c: 12 (species of the genus); Newton & Peck 2006: 139 (species of the Galapagos Isl.). Distribution. West Indies: US Virgin Isl., Guadeloupe , St. Lucia ., Grenada . South America: Venezuela , French Guiana , Galapagos Isl., Bolivia , Brazil , Paraguay , Uruguay , Argentina . Other regions: Nearctic, Palaearctic?.