Twenty-one new species of the Neotropical rove beetle genus Neolindus Scheerpeltz (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae) Author Guzman, Yoan Camilo AD8443F6-89D0-4F71-9F67-4040D20ECB02 Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. Author Tokareva, Alexandra F2DB3539-310F-4453-81FA-A6BC0D5C885D Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. Author Koszela, Katarzyna 06C16202-4569-4156-9FB1-EA4DEE14AE88 Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. Author Żyła, Dagmara 0A7FEB0F-308C-4FDF-AD0D-8074BC69F0B3 Museum of Nature Hamburg, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change, Hamburg, Germany. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2024 2024-06-24 942 1 76 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2024.942.2581 2118-9773 12550288 DF991BC4-1761-4C5D-96E5-EFC62F8F7D1A Neolindus elegans Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła sp. nov. F14030CB-549D-48BA-B857-E961C078B08D Fig. 5 ; Supp. file 2 Diagnosis This species is similar to N. milleri in shape of sternite and tergite VIII. However, in N. elegans Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła sp. nov. , the posterior margin of sternite VII has a wide middle emargination with a straight middle part, delimited on sides by 2 long acute processes ( Fig. 5C ). In contrast, N. milleri has a shallower emargination lacking acute processes on the sides ( Herman 1991 ). Furthermore, the aedeagus of N. elegans displays a complex composition of apical sclerites surrounding the median foramen of the median lobe ( Fig. 5F–I ), while the aedeagus of N. milleri has a simpler arrangement of sclerites ( Herman 1991 : fig. 189). Etymology The name is derived from the Latin word elegans ’, which means ‘elegant’ or ‘tasteful’. It refers to the symmetry of the aedeagus in parameral view, particularly the straight angle between the median lobe apex and some apical sclerites. An adjective. Type material Holotype FRENCH GUIANA ; “ Neolindus elegans Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła 2024 HOLOTYPE [red label] \\ Saül , 7 km N, 3 km NW , Les Eaux Claires , Mt. La Fumée trail, 230-400m [m a.s.l.]; 3°39’46’’N , 53°13’19’’W ; 1 Jun 1997 ; J. Ashe , R. Brooks Leg.; FG1AB97 103; ex: fungusy log \\ SM0094312 KUNHM-ENT [barcode]”; KUNHM-ENT . Description MEASUREMENTS . BL (5.2), H (0.42, 0.68), A (1.06), a1 (0.24, 0.08), a2 (0.06, 0.06), a3 (0.09, 0.06), a4 (0.07, 0.06), a5 (0.09, 0.6), a6 (0.08, 0.08), a7 (0.09, 0.08), a8 (0.08, 0.07), a9 (0.08, 0.08), a10 (0.08, 0.07), a11 (0.1, 0.08), NKW (0.31), GL (0.2), P (0.7, 0.8), E (0.92, 0.9), PC (0.3, 0.2), PF (0.5, 0.2), PT (0.2, 0.1), MSC (0.26, 0.2), MSF (0.7, 0.12), MST (0.54, 0.07), MTC (0.2, 0.25), MTF (0.6, 0.16), MTT (0.42, 0.08). COLOURATION . Head and pronotum dark brown; legs brown; abdomen dark brown. HEAD . Head capsule wider than long; anterior margin sinuate, dorsoventrally deflexed, slightly elevated; posterior margin rounded; posterior angles rounded; setation with 1 pair of PCS, 1 row of PMS, and 2 long setae at neck junction. Epicranium with umbilicate, low-density micropunctuation, setation with 1 pair of FS and 1 pair of PFS, without OS. Gena with depression around trichobothria, setation with 1 OT, MS, POS and PTOS; sockets of POS concave. Postgena with row of 2 setae in line from eye to gular suture; gular sutures reaching posterior margin of head, joining neck pits; anterior part of gula with 2 setae; posterior margin of head with 2 setae close to gular sutures. Neck with foramen magnum occupying ¾ of occiput. Antenna moniliform from antennomere 3, shorter than head and pronotum combined; antennomeres longer than wide; antennomeres 4–11 with tomentose pubescence; antennomere 1 as long as antenomeres 2 and 3 combined; antennomere 3 longer than 2. Labrum bilobed, with U-shaped emargination, with 2 dark thick seta in median line of labrum lobes ( Fig. 5A ; Supp. file 2). THORAX . Pronotum slightly wider than long, with umbilicate micropunctures, 2 paramedial and 2 lateral rows of setae. Metasternum with umbilicate micropunctuation in longitudinal rows, metasternal intercoxal process with pair of barely visible rounded processes. Elytron longer than wide, surface of elytra with moderately dense umbilicate punctures in 10–12 longitudinal rows ( Fig. 5A ; Supp. file 2). LEGS . Protibia with 3 well-developed combs of setae; mesotibial apical ctenidium on both sides, inner longer than outer; mesotarsomere 1 longer than 2, mesotarsomeres 3 and 4 as long as mesotarsomere 2, mesotarsomere 5 longer than 1; inner ctenidium of metatibia longer than outer; metatarsomere 1 as long as 2, metatarsomere 3 shorter than 1 and as long as metatarsomere 4, metatarsomere 5 longer than metatarsomere 1. ABDOMEN . Male : tergites with low-density random micropunctuation. Posterior margin of tergite VII slightly convex, almost straight ( Fig. 5B ). Posterior margin of sternite VII with wide midpoint emargination with straight angles, delimited by 2 long teeth-like processes with acute ends ( Fig. 5C ). Posterior margin of tergite VIII with elongate rounded apex ( Fig. 5D ). Posterior margin of sternite VIII with midlongitudinal V-shaped emargination, lateral angles rounded ( Fig. 5E ). Posterior margin of tergite IX with midlongitudinal deep emargination in ¾ of segment length; aedeagus, median lobe vase-shaped, rounded at base, broadening towards apex; apex notched on parameral side with elongate median hole or cavity not reaching basal foramen elevation, apical part of median lobe with 2 pairs of processes near middle, as part of joint with movable pPMS. pPMS robust, of complex form, protruding upwards, shorter than APS, upper part curved on parameral side, with multiple small denticles on curved top. pLS small, oval, obscure, shorter than other apical sclerites. APS spoon-shaped, longer than pLS and pPMS, with central emargination having acute tip and 2 acute narrow short processes on sides ( Fig. 5F–I ). Female : unknown. Fig. 5. Neolindus elegans Guzman, Tokareva & Żyła sp. nov. , holotype, ♂ (KUNHM-ENT). A . Habitus, dorsal view. B−E . Abdominal segments, posterior margin schemes. B . Tergite VII. C . Sternite VII. D . Tergite VIII. E . Sternite VIII. F−I . Aedeagus. F . Parameral view. G . Parameral view scheme. H . Lateral view. I . Lateral view scheme. Scale bars: A = 1 mm; B–I = 0.25 mm. Distribution The species is known only from the type locality in French Guyana (Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni, Saül). It was collected on Monts La Fumée between 230–400 m a.s.l. from fungus log.