Types of Thyatirinae (Lepidoptera: Drepanidae) in the collection of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Author Mironov, Vladimir G. Zoological Institute RAS, Universitetskaya nab. 1, RUS- 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: pugs @ zin. ru Author Zolotuhin, Vadim V. Department of Biology & Chemistry, Uljanovsk State Pedagogical University, RUS- 432700 Uljanovsk, Russia. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-06-12 4615 1 145 154 journal article 21172 10.11646/zootaxa.4615.1.7 63db7ca1-2866-4510-9ce8-b9ad97f41703 1175-5326 3995422 FE98985B-6B79-483E-A2EF-3626826D00E1 violacea Fixsen, 1887 Figs 17, 18 Thyatira Violacea Fixsen, 1887 , Mémoires sur les lépidoptères 3: 352, pl. 15, fig. 11. Type locality: [ Korea ]. In Laszlo & al. (2007: 202) “Pung Tun a ” [misspelling of Pung Tung] was fixed as the type locality for the species after designation of the lectotype . According to Fixsen (1887: 243) , Pung Tung was a small village with ca. 12–15 huts situated in a tight river valley 102 English miles NE from Seoul and 129 NE from Chemulpoo at an altitude of about 1700 ft a.s.l. (fig. 23). FIGURES 1–23. Types of Thyatirinae . 1, holotype of Cymatophora albicostata Bremer, 1861 (ZISP); 2, its reproduction from Mémoires de l’Académie impériale des sciences de St.-Pétersbourg 8(1): pl. 5, fig. 6; 3, lectotype of Cymatophora octogesima var. caucasica Krulikowsky, 1901 (ZMKU: courtesy I. Kostjuk); 4, lectotype of Gonophora dieckmanni Graeser, 1888 (ZISP); 5, correct lectotype of Thyatira hedemanni Christoph, 1885 (ZISP); 6, its reproduction from the original description (pl. 2, fig. 3); 7, holotype of Thyatira derasa var. intermedia Bremer, [1864] (ZISP); 8, holotype of Tethea ocularis ssp. opa Zolotuhin, 1997 (ZISP); 9, lectotype of Thyatira moellendorfi Fixsen, 1887 (ZISP); 10—its reproduction from the original description (pl. 15, fig. 12); 11, false lectotype of Asphalia nigrofascicula Graeser, 1888 (NHML); 12, correct lectotype of A. nigrofascicula Graes. (ZISP); 13, so-called ‘type’ of Cymatophora tancrei Graeser, 1888 , from ZMHU; 14, labels of C. tancrei enlarged and cover page of the publication issue; 15, false holotype of Cymatophora or var. terrosa Graeser, 1888 (ZMHU); 16, correct lectotype of C. or var. terrosa Graes. (ZISP); 17, lectotype of Thyatira violacea Fixsen, 1887 (ZISP); 18, its reproduction from the original description (pl. 15, fig. 11); 19, paratype of Nothoploca nigripunctata ssp. zolotarenkoi Dubatolov, 1987 (ZISP); 20, holotype of Cymatophora trifolium Alphéraky, 1895 (ZISP); 21, lectotype of Thyatira opalescens Alphéraky, 1897 (ZISP); 22, its reproduction from the original description (pl. 9, fig. 7); 23, location of Pung-Tung village on the map by Fixsen (1887) . Present status: Cymatochrocis violacea ( Fixsen, 1887 ) : Habrosynini . Taxonomic remarks: Traditionally has been considered a member of the genus Habrosyne s. lat. ; Cymatochrocis is thus its subgenus or a separate genus. We follow the second point of view. Nomenclatural notes: The type series was collected in the period from 10 to 18 August [1884]; the number of syntypes was not specified. 5 specimens in ZISP originate from O. Herz’s material collected by him from Pung- Tung, but only 2 of them ( ♂♂ : cabinet 217/drawer 6) correspond to the period given in the original description. A male specimen which was designated a lectotype by our colleagues ( László & al. 2007: 202 ) was collected on 18 August 1884 and bears the following labels: a white off quadrat with wide black frame and inscription with black ink “ | Pung | Tung” and on thereverse “18/6 8. 84 | Herz”, a white rectangle with printed «Колл. Вел. Кн. | НиколаЯ | Михайловича», red (black framed) quadrat with the printed text “ LECTOTYPUS | Thyatira violacea | Fixsen, 1887 | Designated by Gy. M. | László, G. Ronkay and | L. Ronkay, 2001”, a red rectangle “ SYNTYPUS | Habrosyne | violaceae [sic!] Fixsen”, a narrow blue rectangle with printed “ex coll. | Zool. Inst. Acad. Sci. | St.Petersburg , Russia ”, a wide white rectangle with narrow black frame and printed text “ Habrosyne | violacea | ( Fixsen, 1887 ) | det. Gy. M. László & G. | Ronkay, 2001”, and white rectangle with printed “gen. prep. No. | LG 1667 M”. Another male labeled “10. 8. 84 | 29. 7. Herz” from the collection of the Grand Duke Nikolay Mikhailovich should be considered a paralectotype of the species. Further topotypes originated from the same series but were collected on “27. 7. 84 | 15 Herz | Coll. Alph. ” ( ) ; “7. 8. 84 | 20. 7. | Herz” ( ) ; Coll. Alph. | 5. 8. 84 | Herz” ( ) . These dates do not correspond to the original de- scription and these specimens thus must be excluded from the syntype series; two of them arrived in ZISP at a later date with the S. Alphéraky collection . Two further specimens were designated with red labels by Gy.M. László, G . Ronkay and L. Ronkay in 2001 as paralectotypes and syntypes of the taxon. The female is labeled: “ Korea ” and “к. Ершова” [Erschoff’s collection] and the male: “ Korea | Jankowsky” and «Колл. Вел. Кн. | НиколаЯ | Михайловича»; neither has any connection with Fixsen’s type series and both must be also excluded from the original syntype series .