Taxonomic study of the genus Fujimacia Marumo, 1939 (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in China, with descriptions of four new species Author Qi, Mujie Author Li, Houhun text Zootaxa 2019 2019-08-27 4661 1 171 181 journal article 25902 10.11646/zootaxa.4661.1.9 5a46a93a-33c7-4ffe-a96b-c6dc309f2e54 1175-5326 3378638 6A6C6626-4320-4128-B614-70B973678137 Fujimacia gracilenta Qi & Li , sp. nov. ( Figs 4 , 12 , 16 ) Type material. China , Tibet : Holotype , ³, Tongmai Town ( 30.10°N , 95.08°E ), Bomi County , 2029 m , 14-VIII- 2018 , leg. Mujie Qi , genitalia slide No. QMJ18004. Paratypes : 2 ♀ , same data as holotype, genitalia slides Nos. QMJ18013, QMJ18023 ; 1 ♀ , Pailong Village ( 30.10°N , 95.08°E ), Nyingchi City , 2031 m , 19-VIII-2018 , leg. Mujie Qi , genitalia slide No. QMJ18024 . Diagnosis . This species resembles F . dayaoensis sp. nov. superficially, but it can be distinguished from the latter by the hindwing with the terminal area lighter than that of the forewing and in the male genitalia by the valva with a slender and incurved apical process and the slender phallus with the distal sclerite well-sclerotized. In F . dayaoensis sp. nov. , the hindwing has the terminal area concolorous with that of the forewing ( Fig. 3 ); the apical process of the valva is absent, and the phallus is slightly sclerotized distally in the male genitalia ( Fig. 11 ). Description . Adult ( Fig. 4 ). Wingspan 19.5–22.0 mm. Frons and vertex covered with pale brown scales. Labial palpus yellowish-brown on outer side, pale yellow on inner side, first segment slightly paler, about 1/5 length of second, second segment upturned, third segment brown, slightly porrect, same length as first. Maxillary palpus pale yellow, tiny. Antenna with scape dilated in male, flagellum with cilia ventrally. Patagium and tegula pale yellowish-brown. Forewing grayish-brown, basal area fuscous except brown at posterior half, terminal area fuscous; costal margin fuscous, except for median area interrupted with pale grayish-brown spots; antemedial line invisible, outer edge of basal area sinuous, from basal 1/4 of costa to basal 1/3 of dorsum, anterior 2/3 of boundary arched outwardly, posterior 1/3 concave inwardly; postmedial line same color as median area, edged with fuscous line on inner side, from distal 1/4 of costa to distal 1/6 of dorsum sinuously; median area with fuscous scales sparsely at posterior half, distal discoidal stigma fuscous; cilia brown at base, fuscous distally. Hindwing grayish-brown mixed with fuscous scales; ante- and postmedial lines grayish-brown, both sinuous, inner side of postmedial line and outer side of antemedial line edged with fuscous lines; median area grayish-brown, slightly mixed with fuscous scales; cilia same as that in forewing. Foreleg fuscous except tip of femur and each apex of tarsomere brown; midleg fuscous except distal half of tibia and apex of tarsomere brown; hindleg with femur and tibia brown suffused with fuscous scales, tarsus brown. Male genitalia ( Fig. 12 ). Uncus conical, setose dorsally at distal half, obtusely at apex, lateral sides slightly concave at middle, basolateral process short column-shaped, truncate at apex. Gnathos lateral arms lobe-like at middle, distal process oval, with an upturn hook at apex, about 1/3 length of uncus. Valva with basal half rectangular, distal half cylindrical, about 2/3 width of basal half; setose below base of costa; sacculus gradually narrowed towards apex, about half length of valva; setose sparsely at distal 1/2 of ventral margin of valva; apical process rather slim and incurved, about 1.5 times as long as hook of gnathos. Juxta sub-oval, concave in U shape posteriorly. Saccus rounded, about 1/2 length of juxta. Phallus with basal bulb 2/3 as long as distal part, distal sclerite sinuous and slim, cornutus thorn-shaped, about 2/3 length of phallus. FIGURES 9–13. Male genitalia of Fujimacia spp. 9. F . bicoloralis , slide No. QMJ15269; 10. F . cornutiprocera sp. nov. , holotype, slide No. QMJ17002; 11. F . dayaoensis sp. nov. , holotype, slide No. QMJ15294; 12. F . gracilenta sp. nov. , holotype, slide No. QMJ18004; 13. F . longispinosa sp. nov. , holotype, slide No. QMJ17012. (Scale bars: 0.5 mm). Female genitalia ( Fig. 16 ). Papillae anales with anterior 2/3 ovate, posterior 1/3 narrowed, gradually broadened towards apex. Apophyses anteriores about 2 times as long as apophyses posteriores. Antrum about 2 times as long as apophyses posteriores, anterior half more sclerotized and wrinkled than posterior half. Colliculum about 3/5 length of antrum. Ductus bursae membranous, anterior 1/5 scobinate on inner surface. Corpus bursae rounded, about 1/10 as long as ductus bursae, signum consisting of numeral spinules, with four longer thorns placed at center. Distribution . China ( Tibet ). Etymology . The specific name is derived from the Latin gracilentus (slim), in reference to the slim apical process at apex of valva.