Type material of Arctiinae (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) in the collection of the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia (Buenos Aires Argentina) Author Rodriguez-Ramirez, Joanna Author Beccacece, Hernan Mario Author Pinheiro, Lívia Rodrigues Author Grados, Juan Author Morono-Brizuela, Maria Lucila text Zootaxa 2020 2020-02-21 4742 3 442 466 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4742.3.2 3cbf8560-83cd-4890-9580-e2aa577d7301 1175-5326 3677955 A1F0F0CA-7C47-4792-86D3-2948C5575A0D Arctiinae, Arctiini , Ctenuchina and Euchromiina Charidea obsoleta Burmeister, 1878: 516 Current identity. Episcepsis obsoleta ( Burmeister, 1878 ) Type Material. Type material possibly lost or destroyed. Type locality and label information. [ Argentina ] There is no information about type locality nor type specimen in the original description ( Burmeister 1878 ) . MACN . The type material of this species was not found in MACN . Remarks. Burmeister (1878) did not mention where the material was deposited, he only mentioned habitus and color pattern. Interestingly, Hampson (1898) provides a drawing of the species, with the analysis of two males and one female and he even mentions the collector (Leech). There are two specimens corresponding to this collector in the collection of the National History Museum United Kingdom , with old labels corresponding to Hampson time. These specimens studied by Hampson are very likely not from the original description as there is no mention of the collector in the Burmeister’s description. Charidea rubricincta Burmeister, 1878: 386 ( Fig. 9 ) Current identity. Euclera rubricincta ( Burmeister, 1878 ) Type Material. Undisclosed number of syntypes . Type locality and label information. Male lectotype with the following labels: “[ Argentina ], Buen[os]. Ay[i]res.”; “ rubricincta Burm [eister].”; [ ]; “MACN-En 32740” (new catalogue number of Aurora). MACN . One male syntype in very good condition . Remarks. The only specimen found matches with the type locality and habitus of the species. The kind of label of the locality is the one that Burmeister frequently used. Gerardo Lamas previously labeled this specimen as holotype : “ HOLOTYPE , Charidea rubricincta Burmeister, 1878 , G[erardo]. LAMAS det[ermined]. 2004”. However, there is no mention of the number of specimens examined. For this reason, we did not consider this specimen as holotype and proposed hereby to designate the male specimen as lectotype in [MACN] with a red label with the inscription: “ Lectotype Charidea rubricincta Burmeister designated by Beccacece & Rodríguez-Ramírez”. Eurata frigida Burmeister, 1878: 516 ( Fig. 10 ) Current identity. Clystea frigida ( Burmeister, 1878 ) Type Material. Undisclosed number of syntypes . Type locality and label information. Male lectotype with the following labels: “Typus”, “ ARGENTINA , Environs, B[ueno]S. AIRES ”; “44858” (old catalogue number); “Col[lection]. Ruschew[eyh].”; “MACN-En 32193” (new catalogue number of Aurora). MACN . A male syntype in moderate condition because it does not have the right antenna . Remarks. This species was changed to different genus and now is included into Clystea Watson, 1980 . Here, we propose to designate the male specimen found as lectotype in [MACN] with a red label with the inscription “ Lectotype Eurata frigida Burmeister designated by Beccacece & Rodríguez-Ramírez”. Eurata hermione Burmeister, 1878: 380 ( Fig. 11 ) Current identity. Eurata hermione Burmeister, 1878 Type Material. Undisclosed number of syntypes . Type locality and label information. Male lectotype with the following labels: “[ Argentina ], Mendoza ”; “ Hermione Burm[eister]. R [epública]. A[rgentina].”; “MACN-En 33087” (new catalogue number of Aurora). Male paralectotype with the following labels: “[ Argentina ], Mendoza ”; “MACN-En 33088” (new catalogue number of Aurora). Female paralectotype with the following labels: “[ Argentina , Entre Ríos ], Paraná”; “MACN-En 33089” (new catalogue number of Aurora). MACN . Two males from Mendoza in good condition with the distal part of antennae broken. One female from Paraná [ Entre Ríos , Argentina ] in bad condition, the antennae are missing and the abdomen is broken . Remarks. Burmeister (1878) in the original description did not comment on the number of specimens. For this reason, we propose hereby to designate the male specimen from Mendoza (see Fig. 11 ) as lectotype in [MACN] with a red label with the inscription “ Lectotype Eurata hermione Burmeister designated by Beccacece & Rodríguez- Ramírez”. FIGURES 9–12. Dorsal and ventral view of type specimens with its respective labels. 9, male lectotype of Charidea rubricincta Burmeister, 1878 . 10, male lectotype of Eurata frigida Burmeister, 1878 . 11, male lectotype of Eurata hermione Burmeister, 1878 . 12, male holotype of Eurata igniventris Burmeister, 1878 . Eurata igniventris Burmeister, 1878: 378 ( Fig. 12 ) Current identity. Eurata igniventris Burmeister, 1878 Type Material. Holotype without indication of sex in the original description. Type locality and label information. Male holotype with the following labels: “ ARGENTINA , CORDOBA ”; “#44978” (old catalogue number); “ HOLOTYPUS ”; “Col[lection]. Antigua”; “MACN-En 34203” (new catalogue number of Aurora). MACN . The male holotype is housed at MACN . The specimen is in moderate to bad condition because the apex of the left forewing is missing and the antennae are broken. Remarks. The holotype was found in the Orfila collection. This author made a review of Eurata Herrich- Schäffer, [1853] and moved this specimen to his collection (Orfila 1931). The labels and characteristics of the specimen confirm that it is the holotype . Eurata patagiata Burmeister, 1878: 379 ( Fig. 13 ) Current identity. Eurata patagiata Burmeister, 1878 Type Material. Undisclosed number of syntypes from [province of Entre Ríos ], Paraná and [province of] Córdoba , Argentina . Type locality and label information. Male specimen with the following labels: “[ Argentina , Entre Ríos , Departamento de Paraná ], Paraná”; “ patagiata Burm [eister]. R [epública]. A[rgentina].”; “MACN-En 33090” (new catalogue number of Aurora) . MACN . The only syntype found is in bad condition, without antennae and the left forewing is discolored and apex broken . Remarks. There was another specimen in the drawer near to the only syntype found, however this specimen does not bear labels except a small flag of Argentina . The male specimen from Paraná (see Fig. 13 ) is designated as the lectotype in [MACN] with a red label with the inscription “ Lectotype Eurata patagiata Burmeister designated by Beccacece & Rodríguez-Ramírez”. According to Orfila (1931) there were two types in MACN. Glaucopis myrrhine Burmeister, 1878: 375 ( Fig. 14 ) Current identity. Pseudohyaleucerea vulnerata (Butler, 1875) Type Material. Holotype from Buenos Aires , Argentina , without indication of sex in the original description. Type locality and label information. Male specimen with the following labels: “Typus”; “[ Argentina ], Buenos Aires ”; “ Myrrhine Burm[eister]. Rep[ública]. Arg[entina].”; [leg. Ed. Aguirre] (information from original description only); “ HOLOTYPUS ”; “MACN-En 33190” (new catalogue number of Aurora). MACN . The holotype is in bad condition because the wings are discolored and the outer margin of the right forewing is broken . Remarks. The holotype is a male and the present senior synonymy is correct for us. Gerardo Lamas also determined this species as holotype and labeled: “ HOLOTYPE , Glaucopis myrrhine Burmeister, 1878 , G[erardo] LAMAS det[ermined]. 2004” Pseudosphex polybioides Burmeister, 1878: 372 ( Fig. 15 ) Current identity. Myrmecopsis polybioides ( Burmeister, 1878 ) Type Material. Holotype without indication of sex in the original description. Type locality and label information. Male specimen with the following labels: “[ Argentina ], [ Buenos Aires ], [Baradero], [leg. Lynch, Félix]” (information from original description only); “ Pseudosphex Hubn [er].”; “ polybioides Burm [eister]. Rep[ública]. Arg[entina].”; “ HOLOTYPUS ”; “MACN-En 33086” (new catalogue number of Aurora). MACN . The male holotype is housed at MACN . The type specimen does not have the left antenna. Remarks. The holotype was collected in northern Buenos Aires , Argentina , more specifically Santiago de Baradero. The holotype is not labeled with information of locality but it has a main label with the specific name and matches with Burmeister’s labels format ( Beccacece et al . 2014 ). Previously, Gerardo Lamas also determined this species as holotype and labeled: “ HOLOTYPE , Pseudosphex polybioides Burmeister, 1878 G[erardo]. LAMAS det[ermined]. 2004” FIGURES 13–16. Dorsal and ventral view of type specimens with its respective labels. 13, male lectotype of Eurata patagiata Burmeister, 1878 . 14, male holotype of Glaucopis myrrhine Burmeister, 1878 . 15, male holotype of Pseudosphex polybioides Burmeister, 1878 . 16, male lectotype of Charidea pretiosa Burmeister, 1880 . Charidea pretiosa Burmeister, 1880: 59 ( Fig. 16 ) Current identity. Cyanopepla pretiosa ( Burmeister, 1880 ) Type Material. Undisclosed number of syntypes . Type locality and label information. Male specimen with the following labels: “[ Argentina ], Tucumán ”; “ preciosa Burm[eister]. Rep[ública]. Arg[entina].”; “MACN-En 32741” (new catalogue number of Aurora ) . MACN . One male is in good condition and matches with the original description. Remarks. Gerardo Lamas previously labeled this specimen as holotype : “ HOLOTYPE , Charidea pretiosa Burmeister, 1880 , G[erardo] LAMAS det[ermined]. 2004”. However, there is no mention of the number of specimens examined. For this reason, we propose hereby to designate the male specimen as the lectotype in [MACN] with a red label with the inscription “ Lectotype Charidea pretiosa Burmeister designated by Beccacece & Rodríguez- Ramírez”. This species is similar to Cyanopepla hurama (Butler, 1876) described from Ecuador and Cyanopepla subgloriosa (Staudinger, 1894) . Glaucopis leucostalacta Burmeister, 1880: 59 ( Fig. 17 ) Current identity. Homoeocera acuminata (Walker, 1856) Type Material. Undisclosed number of syntypes . Type locality and label information. Male specimen with the following labels: “[ Argentina ], Prov[incia]. B[ueno]s. A[ire]s.”; “ leucosticta Burm[eister]., Buen[os]. Air[es].”; “MACN-En 33091” (new catalogue number of Aurora). MACN . A male syntype in good condition, the distal part of antennae are lost . Remarks. Gerardo Lamas previously labeled this specimen as holotype : “ HOLOTYPE , Glaucopis leucostalacta Burmeister, 1880 G[erardo]. LAMAS det[ermined]. 2004”. However, in the original description Burmeister (1880) did not mention the sex of the specimen nor the number of specimens observed, only that the species was donated by M. Henri Lynch. For this reason, wehereby designate the male specimen from Buenos Aires (see Fig. 17 ) as lectotype in [MACN] with a red label with the inscription “ Lectotype Glaucopis leucostalacta Burmeister designated by Beccacece & Rodríguez-Ramírez”. Halysidota mundula Berg, 1882: 216 Current identity. Gloora mundula ( Berg, 1882 ) Type Material. Female holotype . Type material possibly lost or destroyed. Type locality and label information. [ Argentina , Corrientes , 1876] (information of localities from original description only) . MACN . The type material of this species was not found in MACN . Remarks. Recently Grados et al. (2018) included this species into Gloora Boppré, 2018 . This genus includes several Agylla -like species. Psoloptera meisteri Berg, 1882: 153 ( Fig. 18 ) Current identity. Rhynchopyga meisteri ( Berg, 1882 ) Type Material. Holotype described on the basis of specimen collected by Father D. F. Meistere in Buenos Aires , Argentina , and paratype donated to MACN . Type locality and label information. Female holotype with the following labels: “ Psoloptera Meisteri (sic), [ Argentina ] B[uenos]. Aires, Berg [18]83; “ ”; “ HOLOTYPUS ”; “MACN-En 34201” (new catalogue number of Aurora). Male paratype with the following labels: “[ Uruguay ], Banda oriental ”; “Typus”; “ ”; “ Psoloptera Butl. 1815 ”; “ Meisteri Berg . R [epública]. A[rgentina]., [col. Margarita, de Windmüller]; “ PARATYPUS ”; “MACN-En 34202” (new catalogue number of Aurora). MACN . One female holotype in bad condition without the head, left forewing and left hind wing. One male paratype with broken antennae . Remarks. The holotype is deposited in Burmeister’s collection. A third specimen was found, but given that it was not mentioned in the original description, it cannot be part of the type series. Eurota (sic) cosquinensis Giacomelli, 1928: 679 . Current identity. Leucotmemis pleuraemata paranensis Schrottky, 1910 Type Material. Description based on a single specimen. Type material possibly lost or destroyed. Type locality and label information. [ Argentina , Córdoba , Cosquín , Calle Rioja ] (information of localities from original description only) . MACN . The type material of this species was not found in MACN . Remarks. Giacomelli (1928) did not mention where the type material was deposited. Orfila (1931) proposed for this species the corresponding synonymy with Leucotmemis pleuraemata paranensis Schrottky, 1910 . FIGURES 17–20. Dorsal and ventral view of type specimens with its respective labels. 17, male lectotype of Glaucopis leucostalacta Burmeister, 1880 . 18, female holotype of Psoloptera meisteri Berg, 1883 . 19, male holotype of Eurota (sic) julia Orfila, 1931a syn n . 20, male holotype of Eurota (sic) strigiventris famatina Orfila, 1931b . Eurota (sic) julia Orfila, 1931a: 196 ( Fig. 19 ), syn. n. Current identity. Eurata hermione Burmeister, 1878 Type Material. One male holotype , four female paratypes and one male paratype . Type locality and label information. Male holotype with the following labels: “116” (old catalogue number); “[ Argentina ], Córdoba , Cosquín, [leg. E.] Giacomelli”; “Holotipo”; “ Eurota julia = Eurota hermione polonia mihi, det[ermined]. [ R .] Orfila”; “ HOLOTYPUS ”; “MACN-En 33537” (new catalogue number of Aurora). MACN . The male holotype is in moderate condition without left antenna . Remarks. The male holotype was deposited in the Collection Orfila. The other paratypes were not found in MACN. The habitus of this species corresponds exactly to that of E. hermione . For this reason, we hereby propose the following synonymy: Eurata hermione Burmeister, 1878 = Eurota julia Orfila, 1931 syn. n. Eurota (sic) strigiventris famatina Orfila, 1931b: 311 ( Fig. 20 ) Current identity. Eurata strigiventris famatina (Orfila, 1931) Type Material. Male holotype and female paratype . Type locality and label information. Male holotype with the following labels: “[ Argentina , La Rioja , Departamento Famatina], Trapiche Durazno, N[e]v[a]do. de Famatina [Cerro General Belgrano], 1.600 -1.800 m , 1- 3.en[ero].1931”; “ Eurota strigiventris famatina mihi [ R .] Orfila Det[ermined].”; “ HOLOTYPUS ”; “MACN-En 32194” (new catalogue number of Aurora). Female paratype with the following labels: “[ Argentina , La Rioja , Departamento Famatina], Trapiche Durazno, N[e]v[a]do. de Famatina [Cerro General Belgrano], 1600–1800 m .; 1- 3.ene[ro].1931”; “ Eurota strigiventris famatina Orfila Det [ermined].”; “ALOTYPUS”; “ PARATYPUS ”; “MACN- En 32195” (new catalogue number of Aurora). MACN . Holotype in good condition exhibits all its body parts. The paratype is in bad condition without antennae and discolored. Remarks. There are 12 paratypes in the Breyer collection ( Orfila, 1931b ), which is housed in the Museo La Plata (MLP). Eurota (sic) strigiventris tucumana Orfila, 1931b: 312 (Fig. 21) Current identity. Eurata strigiventris tucumana (Orfila, 1931) Type Material. Male holotype . Type locality and label information. Male specimen with the following labels: “ Tucumán , [ Argentina ], [leg. E. Giacomelli]”; “ Eurota strigiventris tucumana mihi, Orfila Det[ermined]”; “ HOLOTYPUS ”; “MACN-En 32196” (new catalogue number of Aurora). MACN . The holotype is in moderate condition, but the left antenna is broken . Remarks. Orfila (1931b) mentioned that the type specimen was deposited in the Orfila collection, and that the specimen was donated by E. Giacomelli. Loxophlebia barberoi Jörgensen, 1935: 100 (Fig. 22) Current identity. Loxophlebia barberoi Jörgensen, 1935 Type Material. Male holotype . Type locality and label information. Male specimen with the following labels: “12”; “#32706” (old catalogue number); [ Paraguay , Departamento de Guairá , Villarrica], [ VI-1935 ] (information of localities from original description only); “Typus”; “ Loxophlebia barberoi Jorg [ensen]. Mus[eo]. Nac[ional]. Hist[oria]. Natural Buenos Aires”; “ HOLOTYPUS ”; “MACN-En 32197” (new catalogue number of Aurora). MACN . The holotype is discolored and without the right antenna . Remarks. The author confirms the donation of the holotype to the MACN in the original description. Loxophlebia ducalis Jörgensen, 1935: 101 (Fig. 23) Current identity. Loxophlebia ducalis Jörgensen, 1935 Type Material. Male holotype . Type locality and label information. Male specimen with the following labels: “#32708” (old catalogue number); [ Paraguay , Departamento de Guairá , Villarrica, VII-1935 ] (information of localities from original description only); “ Typus ”; “Loxoplebia ducalis Jorg [ensen]. Mus[eo]. Nac[ional]. Hist[oria]. Natural Buenos Aires”; “ HOLO- TYPUS ”; “MACN-En 32198” (new catalogue number of Aurora). MACN . The holotype is in bad condition, it does not have antennae, and scales are missing on the thorax . Remarks. In the original description Jörgensen (1935) comments that the holotype was donated to MACN. Loxophlebia schrollei Jörgensen, 1935: 101 (Fig. 24) Current identity. Loxophlebia schrollei Jörgensen, 1935 Type Material. Male holotype . Type locality and label information. Male specimen with the following labels: “13”; “#32707” (old catalogue number); [ Paraguay , Departamento de Guairá , Villarrica] (information of localities from original description only); “ Typus ”; “ Loxophlebia schrollei Jorg [ensen]. Mus[eo]. Nac[ional]. Hist[oria]. Natural Buenos Aires”; “ HOLOTY- PUS”; “MACN-En 32199” (new catalogue number of Aurora). MACN . The holotype is in bad condition, the left forewing, hind wing and antenna are missing . Remarks. In the original description the holotype was donated to MACN by the author. The species is very similar to Loxophlebia diaphana (Sepp, 1848) . Mesolasia splendens Jörgensen, 1935: 102 ( Fig. 25 ) Current identity. Aethria splendens ( Jörgensen, 1935 ) Type Material. Male holotype . Type locality and label information. Male specimen with the following labels: “#32711” (old catalogue number); [ Paraguay , Departamento de Guairá , Villarrica] (information of localities from original description only); “Typus”; “ Mesolasia splendens Jorg [ensen]. Mus[eo]. Nac[ional]. Hist[oria]. Natural Buenos Aires”; “ HOLOTYPUS ”; “MACN-En 32200” (new catalogue number of Aurora). MACN . The holotype is in bad condition, the left forewing, right forewing, left hind wing and the right antenna are broken . Remarks. The holotype was donated by the author. The specimen found at MACN matches with the figures and the information present in the original description. This species is very similar to Clystea frigida ( Burmeister, 1878 ) , except for the black border of the wings, which is larger. However, to make a nomenclatural change of these species, it is first necessary to review both Aethria Hübner, [1819] and Clystea Watson, 1980 . Phoenicoprocta schreiteri Jörgensen, 1935: 100 ( Fig. 26 ) Current identity. Phoenicoprocta schreiteri Jörgensen, 1935 Type Material. Holotype male and undisclosed number of paratypes . Type locality and label information. Male specimen with the following labels: “#32705”; “11” (old catalogue number); [ Paraguay , Departamento de Guairá , Villarrica] (information of localities from original description only); “ Phoenicoprocta schreiteri Jorg [ensen]. Mus[eo]. Nac[ional]. Hist[oria]. Natural Buenos Aires”; “ Typus ”; “ PARA- TYPUS ”; “MACN-En 32201” (new catalogue number of Aurora). MACN . A male paratype was found, the metallic green and blue scales are completely lost, the inner margin of the left hind wing is broken, and the abdomen is broken also at distal part . Remarks. The author confirms the donation of one paratype with the old MACN catalogue number which corresponds to the label on the male specimen found. In the original description Jörgensen (1935) did not mention where the holotype was deposited.