Review of genus Hydropsyche Pictet 1834 (Insecta: Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) from India Author Pandher, Manpreet S. Author Kaur, Simarjit Author Parey, Sajad H. Author Saini, Malkiat S. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-12-19 4365 3 331 360 journal article 31132 10.11646/zootaxa.4365.3.4 cae2635f-bcc3-44bb-b001-3df486fa2104 1175-5326 1118016 169831DD-C77A-45D9-9A31-669A4D8FF2E6 Hydropsyche golitarensis sp. nov. ( Figs. 47–51 ) Description of adult male: Color in alcohol fuscous, body covered with short, sparse, brown pubescence, dorsum of head dark brown. Length from tip of head to apices of folded forewings about 9.25 mm ; maxillary palps each about 2 mm , 2nd segment almost 2 times as long as 3rd segment, 5th segment equal to 1st–4th segments together; labial palps each about 0.75 mm long. Length of each forewing about 7 mm (n = 3); each hind wing 5.25 mm long. Male genitalia ( Figs. 47–51 ): Abdominal segment IX longitudinally short, anterolaterally convex in lateral view; dorsomedian keel triangular, granulose, pointed apically in dorsal view; posterolateral lobe on each side pointed, triangular, setose, setae in continuity with posterolateral slope of keel. Deep U-shaped depression visible on dorsal margin between segment IX and tergum X. Body of tergum X longitudinally short, quadrangular in lateral and dorsal views; lateral setose lobes (preanal appendages) indicated by two small lobes; apicoventral setose lobes small, pointed, directed posteromesad; apicodorsal lobes fused, pointed, placed medially in dorsal view; dorsal interlobular gap small between apicoventral lobes. Inferior appendages each long; basal segment concave dorsally near base, 2 times as long as apical segment; curved mesad in ventral view; apical segment broad at base, slightly tapered preapically in ventral and dorsal views. Phallic apparatus broad and strongly curved caudad at base, narrow, slender towards complex apex; endotheca slender with broad sclerotized apical lobes curved mesad in ventral view. Holotype : Male , INDIA : Sikkim : Golitar , 2200 m , 13-ix-2009 , Pandher & Parey, NPC . Paratypes : 2 males , collection data same as for holotype ( NPC ). Diagnosis: This species belongs to the Hydropsyche pluvialis Group. It is very similar to Hydropsyche pallipenne Banks 1938 ( Malaysia ) . However, tergum X is pointed medially in dorsal view and its median keel is triangular, indicating that H. golitarensis sp. nov. is a distinct species. Distribution: India : Sikkim . Etymology: This species is named after the type locality Golitar.