Review of genus Hydropsyche Pictet 1834 (Insecta: Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) from India Author Pandher, Manpreet S. Author Kaur, Simarjit Author Parey, Sajad H. Author Saini, Malkiat S. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-12-19 4365 3 331 360 journal article 31132 10.11646/zootaxa.4365.3.4 cae2635f-bcc3-44bb-b001-3df486fa2104 1175-5326 1118016 169831DD-C77A-45D9-9A31-669A4D8FF2E6 Hydropsyche appendicularis Martynov 1931 ( Figs. 1–5 ) Hydropsyche appendicularis Martynov 1931 , 7 Redescription of adult male: Color in alcohol brownish with scattered pubescence, dorsum of head dark brown. Length from tip of head to apices of folded wings 9.25 mm ; maxillary palps each about 2.50 mm , 2nd segment twice as long as 3rd segment, 5th segment about as long as segments 1st–4th combined; labial palps each about 0.75 mm . Forewing membranes light brown, with pale maculation and reticulate pattern. Length of each forewing 8 mm (n = 2). Hind wings each about 6 mm long. Male genitalia ( Figs. 1–5 ): Abdominal segment IX longitudinally short; anterolaterally slightly convex in lateral view; dorsomedian keel projecting posterad, apically rounded in dorsal view; posterolateral lobe on each side produced, rounded, setose, its setal fringe nearly continuous with that on posterolateral slope of keel. Rounded depression visible between segment IX and tergum X in lateral view. Body of tergum X very short, triangular in lateral view; quadrate in dorsal view; apicoventral setose lobes long, sigmoid, filiform, directed dorsolaterad and posterad in lateral view; in dorsal view curved mesad to mid length and then caudad, straight posteriorly. Apicodorsal lobe bifid and placed mesally between apicoventral lobes in dorsal view; dorsal interlobular gap wide, defined laterally by apicoventral lobes. Inferior appendages each long; basal segment broad, dilated submedially, broad apically in lateral view; in ventral view almost straight and broad apically; apical segment broad basally, tapering towards apex, hooked dorsomesad preapically in lateral and ventral views. Phallic apparatus simple, sinuous in lateral view, broad at base and narrowing towards apex in ventral view; endotheca slender, pair of membranous arms with sclerotized tips directed anteroventrad, subapically with pair of dorsolaterally directed and hooked spines; apex sclerotized, bipartite, with one long posteroventral spine. Material Examined : INDIA : Himachal Pradesh : Banjar , 900 m , 30-vi-2009 , 2 males Pandher & Parey , NPC ; Chamunda devi, 950 m , 27-v-2008 , 1 male , Pandher & Parey, NZC. Diagnosis: This species belongs to the Hydropsyche formosana Group. The specimens from India are similar to H. formosana Ulmer 1911 ( Taiwan ) and H. bryanti Banks 1939 ( Indonesia : Sumatra ) in the general structure of male genitalia. Segment IX and the filiform apicoventral setose lobes of tergum X are similar in all species in lateral and dorsal views. The shape of the phallus is similar in outline to that of H. appendicularis and H. bryanti . The apical lobe (posterolateral lobe) of segment IX is much wider and more triangular in the observed specimens, whereas it is narrow and rounded in H. bryanti . Moreover, the dorsal depression between segments IX and X is very slight in these specimens, whereas this gap is much wider in H. bryanti . It resembles H. formosana in the long, curved apicoventral setose lobes of segment X directed mesad. However, the dorsomedian keel of segment IX is produced more nearly posterad and the inferior appendages in ventral view are slightly constricted medially in the observed Indian specimens (not constricted in H . formosana ). Distribution: China ; Nepal ; Pakistan ; Thailand ; Laos ; India : Himachal Pradesh .