Type Specimens of Non-fossil Mammals in the Australian Museum, Sydney Author Parnaby, Harry E. Author Ingleby, Sandy Author Divljan, Anja text Records of the Australian Museum 2017 2017-10-06 69 5 277 420 http://dx.doi.org/10.3853/j.2201-4349.69.2017.1653 journal article 10.3853/j.2201-4349.69.2017.1653 2201-4349 5237800 68F315FF-3FEB-410E-96EC-5F494510F440 Podabrus albocaudatus Krefft, 1872c nomen oblitum The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (new series) vol. XIV (645): 598, col. 1 (9 November). Common name . White-tailed Dunnart. Current name . Sminthopsis granulipes Troughton, 1932a ; see Parnaby et al. (2015) . Holotype . PA.669 by subsequent determination by Parnaby et al. (2015) —the same specimen as the holotype of Sminthopsis granulipes Troughton, 1932a , see account for that taxon. The original writing in the Palmer Register entry for PA.669, is “ Podabrus albocaudatus , King George Sound , in alc.”. Krefft (1872c) states that he obtained his original specimen from “Mr Maxwell”. Collector not recorded in the original entry by Palmer, but subsequently, in different handwriting is added “Coll.? George Masters ? 1869?”, probably made c. 1907 during preparation of the X Register. A later entry in Troughton’s writing states “ Sminthopsis granulipes sp. nov. holotype ♀”. However, the undated AM Archives document C:10.0.01 (AMS7 Letters Received) records purchase of one “ Podabrus sp. ” from Mr George Maxwell “of King Georges Sound” which we consider most likely refers to PA.669 . Comments . We regard this taxon to be a validly published, unused senior synonym of Sminthopsis granulipes Troughton , see Parnaby et al. (2015) who declared the name a nomen oblitum . Troughton (1932a) designated PA.669 as the holotype of Sminthopsis granulipes .