A new species of Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) De Leon and redescription of T. (A.) montanus Chant & Yoshida-Shaul from Russia Author Döker, Ismail Tyumen State University, Institute of Environmental and Agricultural Biology (X-BIO), Tyumen, Russia. & Cukurova University, Agricultural Faculty, Department of Plant Protection, Acarology Lab, Adana, Turkey. Author Khaustov, Vladimir A. Tyumen State University, Institute of Environmental and Agricultural Biology (X-BIO), Tyumen, Russia. Author Joharchi, Omid Tyumen State University, Institute of Environmental and Agricultural Biology (X-BIO), Tyumen, Russia. text Zootaxa 2021 2021-04-06 4951 2 372 380 journal article 7407 10.11646/zootaxa.4951.2.10 51ced6da-6898-4989-86fe-b815d9eedc09 1175-5326 4663907 4863DB2F-E81C-4FAD-9744-F29FE1D2CBB2 Typhlodromus ( Anthoseius ) montanus Chant & Yoshida-Shaul Typhlodromus montanus Chant & Yoshida-Shaul, 1978: 1065 . ( Figures 12–17 ) Female (n=2). Dorsum ( Figure 12 ). Dorsal setal pattern 12A:8A ( r3 and R1 off shield). Dorsal shield, sclerotised, strongly reticulated, with waist at level of seta R1 . Bearing four pairs of solenostomes ( gd2 , gd6 , gd8 and gd9 ) and fourteen pairs of poroids (sensilla). Muscle-marks (sigilla) visible mostly on podosoma, length of dorsal shield 366 (364– 367), width (at level of s4 ) 189 (187–191), width (at level of S2 ) 194 (190–197). Dorsal setae smooth, except Z5 , which slightly serrated. Measurements of dorsal setae as follows: j1 22 (21–22), j3 27 (26–27), j4 14 (13–15), j5 15 (14–15), j6 18, J2 19, J5 5, z2 19, z3 22 (21–23), z4 20 (19–21), z5 15 (14–15), Z4 27 (26–28), Z5 57, s4 25 (24–25), s6 27 (26–27), S2 26 (25–27), S4 23 (22–23), S5 17 (16–17), r3 25 and R1 24 (23–24). FIGURES 12–17. Typhlodromus ( Anthoseius ) montanus Chant & Yoshida-Shaul, 1978 female. 12. Dorsal shield; 13. Ventral idiosoma; 14. Chelicera; 15. Spermathecae; 16. Leg IV; 17. Apical sensorial setal cluster of Tarsus I. Scale bars = 100 μm for 12, 13; 20 μm for 14, 15; 50 μm for 16; 10 μm for 17. Peritreme . Short, extending to between setae z3–z4 . Venter ( Figure 13 ). Ventral setal pattern 15:JV:ZV. Sternal shield smooth, lightly sclerotised; with two pairs of setae ( ST1 and ST2 ) and two pairs of pores ( iv1 and iv2 ); length ( ST1–ST2 ) 41 (40–42), width (distance between setae ST2 ) 60; setae ST3 situated on separate platelets; metasternal setae ST4 and pair of pores ( iv3 ) on metasternal shields. Genital shield smooth, width at level of genital setae ( ST5 ) 63 (61–64), para-genital poroids iv5 on integument. Ventrianal shield pentagonal, striated. Four pairs of pre-anal setae ( JV1 , JV2 , JV3 and ZV2 ), seta ZV2 out of shield on left side; and pair of widely separated and small rounded solenostomes ( gv3 ) posteromesad setae JV3 , distance between pre-anal pores 54 (53–54). Pair of para-anal ( Pa ) and post-anal setae ( Pst ) present. Length of ventrianal shield 114 (113–115), width at level of setae ZV2 101 (99–102). Setae ZV1 , ZV3 , JV4 , JV5 and four pairs of poroids on integument surrounding ventrianal shield. Setae JV5 smooth, 34 (33–34) in length. Gnathosoma . Anterior margin of epistome rounded and smooth. Hypostomal groove with seven transverse rows of denticles, each row with two or three teeth; subcapitular setae h1 19 (18–19), h2 19 (18–19) and h3 18, slightly shorter than palp coxal setae ( pc ) 23 (22–23). Chaetotaxy of palps similar to new species described above. Chelicera ( Figure 14 ). Fixed digit 28 (27–28) long, with five teeth and pilus dentilis; movable digit 27 (26–27) long with one tooth. Spermatheca ( Figure 15 ). Calyx bell-shaped, flaring distally, 13 (12–13) in length; atrium incorporated within calyx. Legs ( Figures 16, 17 ). Length of legs (base of coxae to base of claws): leg I 301 (294–307); leg II 262 (259– 265); leg III 273 (272–274); leg IV 342 (339–344). Chaetotaxy of legs similar to new species except genu II 2 2/0 2/0 1. Apical sensorial setal cluster of tarsus I with five modified setae with different shapes. Leg IV with one blunttip macroseta, knob absent, StIV 45 (44–45). Other legs without macrosetae. Male. Unknown. World distribution. Canada ( Chant & Yoshida-Shaul, 1978 ), and Russia (this study). Material examined. Two females Pereval Seminskiy, Altai Republic , Russia (51° 02′ N, 85° 36′ E, and 1744 m above sea level). 3 August 2020 , V .A. Khaustov coll., from European birdcherry plants, Prunus padus L. ( Rosaceae ) heavily infested with eriophyid mites.