Order Rodentia - Family Muridae Author Guy G. Musser Author Michael D. Carleton text 1993 Smithsonian Institution Press Washington and London Editor Don E. Wilson Editor DeeAnn M. Reeder Mammal Species of the World (2 nd Edition) 501 755 book chapter http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7353098 1-56098-217-9 7353098 Gerbillus nigeriae Thomas and Hinton, 1920 . Novit. Zool., 27:317 . TYPE LOCALITY: Nigeria , Farniso near Kano . DISTRIBUTION: N Nigeria and Burkina Faso . COMMENTS: Lay (1983) maintained this species as valid even though it has been synonymized with G. agag by some workers. The sample from Burkina Faso was documented and karyotyped by Gautun et al. (1985) .