Data from: A revision of Sesuvium (Aizoaceae, Sesuvioideae) Author Bohley, Katharina Author Winter, Pieter J. D. Author Kadereit, Gudrun text Data in brief 2017 2017-01-03 48 1 109071 109071 journal article 10.5061/dryad.tk922 SESUVIUM CRITHMOIDES Welw., Apont. 586. 1858 . Halimum portulacastrum var. crithmoides (Welw.) Hiern, Cat. Afric. Pl. (Hiern) 1(2): 412. 1898 . TYPE: ANGOLA . Loanda [ Luanda ], Welaeitsch 2386 ( holotype : LISU 214648 digital image! ; isotypes : B !, BM , BR , COI , K !). Perennial, procumbent herb; internodes sometimes described to be red; bulging bladder cells on shoots, leaves and the outside of the flower (not on tepal teeth), dry material therefore whitish. Leaves linear, up to 70 mm long and narrow with an oval to terete cross section, leaf tip obtuse and petiole up to 8 mm long, but indistinct. Bracts in 2–4 pairs, 4–5 mm long, triangular, dark color when dry. Flowers large, 12–15 mm long, red, subsessile. Stamens numerous, less than the length of the perianth. Ovary with 3–5 carpels and the same number of styles. Fruit a many seeded capsule. Seeds ca. 1 mm long, rounded reniform and slightly flattened, smooth and black. FIG. 5. Distribution of Sesuoium congense , S. crithmoides , and S. mesembryanthemoides in Angola. A. Light grey triangles show the occurrence of S. congense . B. White circles depict the occurrence of S. crithmoides . C. Dark grey stars show the occurrence of S. mesembryanthemoides . Distribution and Habitat The species is found in Angola and may also be present in the Democratic Republic of the Congo ( Fig. 5B ). It is also introduced in Georgia, U. S. A. It grows in coastal areas and disturbed habitats on sandy soil. Vernacular Names Tropical seapurslane. Notes C 4 species ( Bohley et al. 2015 ). We do not know if Sesuoium crithmoides established a stable population in Georgia and still can be found there. Despite its distinct morphology with linear, terete leaves and large, red flowers, the species is not often found in collections. Sesuoium crithmoides and S. mesembryanthemoides appear to share the same habitat as well as sharing several traits that separate them from the other African Sesuoium species. Representative Specimens Examined ANGOLA . Loanda [ Luanda] , Welaeitsch 2386 ( K ); Baba , coast W of Namibe-Lucira Road , 14°53′ 38.0004″S , 12°12′56.9988″E , 23 Jan 2009 , P. J. D. Winter 7786 ( PRE ) ; Shark Point (near Padrao of Diego Cao ), 6°04′30.37″S , 12°19′54.35″E , 07 Sep 1874 , Naumann 2071 ( B ) . U. S. A. Georgia : Glynn County , Brunswick , 15 Aug 1902 , Harper 1524 ( MO ).