Taxonomic Notes On The Eggs Of Eastern Nearctic Isoperla (Plecoptera: Perlodidae: Isoperlinae) Author Grubbs, Scott A. text Illiesia 2016 12 8 35 41 journal article 165d5532-c06a-4c7a-8b60-6b29e6702ff7 1854-0392 4757733 08341F09-DD88-42DC-B6EA-6AC7D60C81D7 Isoperla sandbergi Szczytko and Kondratieff, 2015 Cheaha Stripetail ( Figs. 7‒12 ) Plecoptera TaxonName:468960 Isoperla sandbergi Szczytko & Kondratieff, 2015:229 . Holotype ( USNM ), Dry Creek , above Cheaha Lake , Cheaha State Park , Cleburne Co. , Alabama Egg. General shape oblong, cross-section concave ( Figs. 7‒8 ); anterior and posterior poles broadly-rounded ( Figs. 9‒10 ). Color pale yellow. Collar absent ( Fig. 9 ). Hexagonal follicle cell impressions not visible; chorionic surface covered with small pits; eclosion line absent; micropyles with thickened openings, arranged in a row of 3 near anterior 1/3 of egg ( Figs. 11‒12 ). Material examined . Alabama , Calhoun Co. , spring into Cottaquilla Creek , 33.7656 , -85.7166 , 9 April 2010 , S.A. Grubbs , 10♂ , 8♀ ( WKUC ) ; same but 7 March 2012 , S.A. Grubbs , 1♂ ( WKUC ) ; Jones Branch , 33.8570 , -85.6187 , 13 April 2012 , A.L. Sheldon , 2♂ , 1♀ ( WKUC ) ; Jones Branch , 33.8454 , -85.6273 , 13 April 2012 , A.L. Sheldon , 1♂ , 2♀ ( WKUC ) ; tributary to Jones Branch , 33.8457 , -85.6280 , 13 April 2012 , A.L. Sheldon , 1♀ ( WKUC ) ; tributary to Jones Branch , 33.8572 , -85.6184 , 13 April 2012 , A.L. Sheldon , 1♀ ( WKUC ) ; Clay Co. , tributary to West Fork Hatchett Creek , 33.2945 , -86.0615 , 8 May 2005 , A.L. Sheldon , 2♂ , 1♀ ( WKUC ) ; tributary to Talladega Creek , 33.3971 , -85.8653 , 9 May 2005 , A.L. Sheldon , 1♂ ( WKUC ) ; Talladega Creek , 33.4023 , -85.8572 ; 9 May 2005 , A.L. Sheldon , 3♂ , 1♀ ( WKUC ) ; same but 8 April 2008 , A.L. Sheldon , 5♂ , 10♀ ( WKUC ) ; Talladega Creek , 33.4061 , -85.8502 ; 9 May 2005 , A.L. Sheldon , 1♂ , 1♀ ( WKUC ) ; same but 8 April 2008 , A.L. Sheldon , 3♂ ( WKUC ) ; tributary to Talladega Creek , 33.4009 , -85.8559 , 9 May 2005 , A.L. Sheldon , 1♂ ( WKUC ) ; tributary to Cheaha Creek , 33.4065 , -85.8496 , 8 April 2008 , A.L. Sheldon , 1♂ , 1♀ ( WKUC ) ; tributary to Cheaha Creek , 33.4401 , -85.8382 , 8 April 2008 , A.L. Sheldon , 4♂ , 6♀ ( WKUC ) ; tributary to Cheaha Creek , 33.4402 , -85.8328 , 12 April 2012 , A.L. Sheldon , 1♂ ( WKUC ) ; tributary to Cheaha Creek , 33.4398 , -85.8376 , 12 April 2012 , A.L. Sheldon , 1♂ , 1♀ ( WKUC ) ; tributary to Cheaha Creek , 33.4398 , -85.8389 , 12 April 2012 , A.L. Sheldon , 1♂ ( WKUC ) ; Cleburne Co. , tributary to Terrapin Creek , 33.8775 , -85.5658 , 22 May 2006 , A.L. Sheldon , 1♂ ( WKUC ) ; tributary to Terrapin Creek , 33.8777 , -85.5700 , 22 May 2006 , A.L. Sheldon , 1♀ ( WKUC ) ; tributary to Terrapin Creek , 33.8784 , -85.5510 , 9 April 2008 , A.L. Sheldon , 1♂ , ( WKUC ) . Distribution. USA : AL ( DeWalt et al. 2016 ). Diagnosis. Szczytko & Kondratieff (2015) placed I. sandbergi in the I. similis ( Hagen, 1861 ) Group with I. bellona Banks, 1911 , I. cherokee Szczytko and Kondratieff, 2015 , I. distincta Nelson, 1976 , I. major Nelson and Kondratieff, 1983 , I. similis , and I. starki Szczytko and Kondratieff, 2015 . The eggs of I. bellona and I. distincta remain undescribed. The combination of a concave profile and lack of a collar easily distinguishes the eggs of I. sandbergi from I. cherokee , I. major , I. similis , and I. starki . The eggs of I. major and I. similis are round in crosssection, possess a low raised collar, and lack a concavity ( Szczytko & Kondratieff 2015 , figs. 29.7, 51.15). The eggs of I. cherokee and I. starki have a concave profile but possess either a low, buttonlike collar ( I. cherokee ; Szczytko & Kondratieff 2015 , Figs. 7.24‒7.25 ) or a distinct, elevated collar ( I. starki ; Szczytko & Kondratieff 2015 , Fig. 55.21). Comments. This species appears to be the most common headwater Isoperla in the Talladega Mountain region (Sheldon & Grubbs unpublished data).