Monographic revision of the genus Aegidinus Arrow (1904) and generic phylogeny of the world Orphninae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Orphninae). Author Colby, Julia text Insecta Mundi 2009 2009-05-08 2009 76 1 41 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5352584 1942-1354 5352584 Key to the genera of the Aegidiini 1. Clypeus reflexed, bifurcate in frontal view ( Fig. 31 ), or slightly reflexed, but not bifurcate (females, minor males). Pronotum with dense punctures; punctures vermiform to U-shaped, setigerous ( Fig. 32 ). Elytra with contiguous U-shaped punctures, each puncture with a seta in the center ( Fig. 32 ). Length less than 8 mm . Brazil , Peru . ( Fig. 32 and 33 ) .............................................. ................................................................. Paraegidium Vulcano, Pereira, and Martinez — Clypeus never reflexed and bifurcate in frontal view. Pronotum densely punctate to impunctate; punctures rarely vermiform to U-shaped, never setigerous. Elytra punctate to impunctate; punctures never contiguous and U-shaped or setose. Length 6-15 mm . ( Fig. 34-37 , 81 , 83-87 , 90-91 ) ........................................................................................................................................ 2 2(1). Labrum semicircular, exerted beyond clypeus ( Fig. 1 ). Mandibles with single, external, lateral lobe ( Fig. 1 ). South America and Trinidad . Length 6-12 mm . ( Fig. 81 , 83-87 , 90-91 ) ............... ..................................................................................................................... Aegidinus Arrow — Labrum not exerted beyond clypeus; mandibles without external lateral lobe. ( Fig. 34-37 ) ...... 3 3(2). Mesofemur (ventral view) ( Fig. 19 ) with ridge along posterior edge; surface posterior to ridge minutely roughened in both males and females (may be more visible in males). Yucatan peninsula to Bolivia , including Dominica , St. Vincent , and Guadeloupe . Length 9-20 mm . ( Fig. 34-35 ) .. ............................................................................................................... Aegidium Westwood — Mesofemur (ventral view) ( Fig. 18 ) without ridge along posterior edge; surface smooth ( Fig. 36- 37 ). Coastal Brazil . Length 8-15 mm ..................................................... Aegidiellus Paulian