Variation and taxonomic status of the aquatic coral snake Micrurus surinamensis (Cuvier, 1817) (Serpentes: Elapidae) Author Passos, Paulo Author Fernandes, Daniel S. text Zootaxa 2005 953 1 14 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.171194 cf19542c-e2ab-452c-ba87-3443b2d4db0b 1175­5326 171194 Micrurus nattereri Schmidt, 1952 (new status) Micrurus surinamensis nattereri Schmidt, 1952 , Fieldiana, Zoology, 34, 29 Holotype : Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Frankfurt, number 20708, a female from a locality between Guaramaco and San Fernando de Atabapo in upper Orinoco River, Venezuela , collected by G. Hübner in 1895 [not examined]. Diagnosis: Distinguished from other species of the genus (except from M. surinamensis ) by frontal scale narrower than supraoculars; only one supralabial (4th) contacting the eye; head flattened with nostrils and eyes directed upwards; process pseudocoronoid extremely developed; distinguished from M. surinamensis by having 180–195 (instead of 156–174) ventrals in males and 193–215 (instead of 169–187) ventrals in females; supratemporals reaching only the posterior portion of exoccipitals rather than extending well beyond exoccipitals in M.surinamensis ; posterior portion of parietal bone blunter than in M. surinamensis which has a conspicuous sharp projection in this region. Description and color in preservative: Scutellation and color pattern are like to Micrurus surinamensis . Skull: General osteological features are like to Micrurus surinamensis , except that supratemporals reach only the posterior portion of exoccipitals; posterior portion of parietal bone is blunter than in M. surinamensis ; the angle formed by the point of articulation of the dentary with surangular is of approximately 20o. Variation: Largest male 570 mm SVL, 80 mm TL; largest female 605 mm SVL, 69 mm TL; ventrals 180–195 ( x = 187.3; SD = 4.65; N = 8) in males; 193–206 ( x = 197.6; SD = 5.13; N = 5) in females; subcaudals 33–41 ( x = 38.6; SD = 2.62; N = 8) in males; 30–38 ( x = 34.0; SD = 3.8) in females; supralabials 7–8 ( x = 7.2; SD = 0.42; N = 10); infralabials 7–8 ( x = 7.1; SD = 0.3; N = 11); temporals 1+2 (N = 17 sides), 1+3 (N = 3 sides); number of triads 6–8 ( x = 7.2; SD = 0.8; N = 13); width of the central triad at the level of the midbody 5–10 scales ( x = 8.0; SD = 1.41; N = 9); width of interspaces 6–12 scales ( x = 8.8; SD = 1.92; N = 9); hemipenis ( in situ ) extends 13–15 subcaudal scales, and the retractor muscle extends 10–25 subcaudal scales. Distribution (fig. 10): Distributed along the Equatorial forest associated to upper Orinoco and Negro Rivers, from southern Venezuela and Colombia to northern Brazil .