A new species of Cyrtodactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Vientiane Province, northern Laos Author Sitthivong, Saly Author Luu, Vinh Quang Author Ha, Ngoan Van Author Nguyen, Truong Quang Author Le, Minh Duc Author Ziegler, Thomas text Zootaxa 2019 2019-11-28 4701 3 257 275 journal article 24781 10.11646/zootaxa.4701.3.3 62abaddb-dee2-4539-b3df-b529c94b0909 1175-5326 3558025 53DF704A-FC11-41D8-B22C-50E672A346B3 Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis sp. nov. ( Figs. 2–4 ) Holotype . VNUF R.2018.32 (Field number: SL.18.32), adult male, on a karst cliff ( 18°30’N , 101°57’E , 289 m elevation), nearby Phaluoang Village , Muangfuang District , Vientiane Province , Central Laos , collected on 31 December 2018 by Saly Sitthivong and Ha Van Ngoan. Paratypes . NUOL R.2018.33 (Field number: SL.18.33), adult female , ZFMK 102701 (Field number: SL.18.40), subadult female , VNUF R.2018.41 (Field number: SL.18.41), subadult female, NUOL R.2018.39 (Field number: SL.18.39), subadult female, same collection data as the holotype . Diagnosis. The new Cyrtodactylus species can be distinguished from remaining congeners by the following combination of characters: maximum SVL reaching 83.9 mm ; dorsal pattern consisting of dark continuous nuchal loop, nape band and five dark transversal bands between limb insertions; intersupranasals two; dorsal tubercles present on occiput, body, hind limbs and tail base; 15 or 16 irregular dorsal tubercle rows at midbody; lateral folds clearly defined, without interspersed tubercles; 31–37 ventral scales between ventrolateral folds; 6 precloacal pores separated by a diastema of 6–8 poreless scales from a series of 7 (left) and 8 (right) femoral pores in enlarged femoral scales; 6 precloacal pores plus in total 10–15 femoral pores in females, which are separated by 6–8 poreless scales; enlarged precloacal and femoral scales present; one to four postcloacal tubercles on each side; median subcaudal scales transversely enlarged. Description of holotype . Adult male, SVL 79.6 mm ; body elongate (TrunkL/SVL 0.51); head elongate (HL/ SVL 0.28), relatively wide (HW/HL 0.67), depressed (HH/HL 0.41), distinguished from neck; loreal region concave; snout long (SE/HL 0.45), obtuse anteriorly, longer than diameter of orbit (OD/SE 0.55); scales on snout small, round or oval, granular, bigger than those in frontal and parietal regions; orbit large (OD/HL 0.25), pupils vertical; supraciliaries with spinous scales posteriorly; ear oval-shaped, small (EarL/HL 0.07); rostral wider than high with a straight medial suture, bordered with first supralabial and nostril on each side; supranasals in contact with each other; nostril opening oval, surrounded by supranasal, rostral, first supralabial, and two enlarged postnasals; mental triangular, slightly wider than long (ML/MW 0.88); two enlarged postmentals; 9/9 supralabials; 10/10 infralabials; dorsal scales granular; dorsal tubercles round, conical, present from occipital region to dorsum and half of tail, tubercles in 15 irregular rows at midbody, larger at midbody, each surrounded by 10 granular scales; ventrolateral body folds well defined, without interspersed tubercles; ventral scales smooth, round, midventral scales three times larger than the granules on dorsum, 34 longitudinal ventral scale rows at midbody; gular region with homogeneous, small and smooth scales; 178 ventral scales from mental to cloacal slit; precloacal groove absent; enlarged precloacal scales present; six contiguous precloacal pores, separated by 6/8 poreless scales and 7/8 femoral pores (FPl+PP+FPr: 7+6+8); enlarged precloacal and femoral scales present. Fore- and hind-limbs moderately slender (ForeL/SVL 0.18, CrusL/SVL 0.18); enlarged tubercles on dorsal surface of forelimbs absent, but covered with slightly enlarged granules; hindlimbs with distinctly developed tubercles dorsally; interdigital webbing absent; 18/18 lamellae under fourth finger; 21/22 lamellae under fourth toe. Tail partly regenerated, longer than SVL (TaL 104.1 mm , one-third of its posterior portion regenerated); 3/3 postcloacal tubercles; dorsal tail bearing distinct tubercles at base only; median subcaudal scales transversely enlarged, flat, smooth. Coloration in life. Background coloration light brownish grey, with dark brown dorsal pattern; dorsal surface of head with irregular dark brown spots; dark canthal stripe, stretching from nostril to orbit; an irregularly shaped dark nuchal loop present, edged in black, in V-shape; greyish brown nuchal band present; five dark transversal bands between limb insertions at midbody, somewhat irregularly shaped, each outlined by darker brown borders anteriorly and posteriorly; tubercles at midbody greyish brown; dorsal surface of limbs with dark spots; dorsal surface of original tail (2/ 3 in the anterior part of the tail length) light brownish grey with dark bands, dark bands slightly wider than light bands; dorsal surface of regenerated tail (1/ 3 in the posterior part of the tail length) grey with dark markings; ventral surface of head, body and limbs cream; lower surface of tail greyish cream (see Fig. 2 ). TABLE 1. Cyrtodactylus samples used in the molecular analyses.
Species GenBank no. Locality Voucher number
Cyrtodactylus bansocensis KU175573 Laos: Khammouane Province VFU R.2015.20
C. bansocensis KU175574 Laos: Khammouane Province NUOL R-2015.21
C. calamei KX064043 Laos: Khammouane Province NUOL:R-2015.22
C. calamei KX064044 Laos: Khammouane Province VNUF A.2015.28
C. darevskii HQ967221 Laos: Khammouane Province ZISP FN 256
C. darevskii HQ967223 Laos: Khammouane Province ZISP FN 187
C. hinnamnoensis KX064045 Laos: Khammouane Province IEBR:A.2013.89
C. hinnamnoensis KX064046 Laos: Khammouane Province VNUF A.2105.3
C. interdigitalis KX077901 Laos: Khammouane Province VNUF R.2014.50
C. cf. jarujini KX077907 Laos: Borikhamxay Province VNUF R.2015.7
C. jaegeri KT004364 Laos: Khammouane Province IEBR 2013.55
C. jaegeri KT004365 Laos: Khammouane Province NUOL:R2013.1
C. khammouanensis HM888467 Laos: Khammouane Province ZISP FN 191
C. khammouanensis HM888469 Laos: Khammouane Province ZISP FN 257
C. lomyenensis KJ817436 Laos: Khammouane Province KM2012.54
C. lomyenensis KP199942 Laos: Khammouane Province KM2012.52
Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis MN395826 Laos: Vientiane Province VNUF R. 2018.32
sp. nov. Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis MN395827 Laos: Vientiane Province NUOL R. 2018.33
sp. nov. Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis MN395828 Laos: Vientiane Province NUOL R. 2018.39
sp. nov. C. multiporus HM888471 Laos: Khammouane Province ZISP FN 2
C. multiporus HM888472 Laos: Khammouane Province ZISP FN 3
C. pageli KJ817431 Laos: Vientiane Province ZFMK91827
C. pageli KX077902 Laos: Vientiane Province NQT 2010.36
C. pageli KX077903 Laos: Vientiane Province NQT 2010.37
C. phongnhakebangensis KF929526 Vietnam: Quang Binh Province PNKN201130
C. phongnhakebangensis KF929527 Vietnam: Quang Binh Province PNKN201132
C. quadrivirgatus HM888465 Malaysia ZMMU RAN 1989
C. roesleri KF929531 Vietnam: Quang Binh Province PNKB20113
C. roesleri KF929532 Vietnam: Quang Binh Province PNKB201134
C. rufford KU175572 Laos: Khammouane Province VFU R.2015.14
C. soudthichaki KX077905 Laos: Khammouane Province VFU R.2015.18
C. soudthichaki KX077906 Laos: Khammouane Province IEBR:A.2015.34
C. sommerladi KX064039 Laos: Khammouane Province VNUF A.2013.22
C. sommerladi KX064041 Laos: Khammouane Province VNUF A.2013.87
C. thathomensis MG791873 Laos: Xiengkhouang Province ZMMU R-14919-1
C. thathomensis MG791874 Laos: Xiengkhouang Province ZMMU R-14919-2
C. thathomensis MG791875 Laos: Xiengkhouang Province ZMMU R-14919-3
C. teyniei KJ817430 Laos: Khammouane Province KM2012.77
C. teyniei KP199945 Laos: Khammouane Province KM2012.77
C. wayakonei KJ817438 Laos: Louangnamtha Province ZFMK91016
Sexual dimorphism and variation. The females differ from males by the absence of hemipenial swellings at the tail base. The subadult female paratype (ZFMK 102701 ) has the original tail with 11 dark bands. For further morphological characters of the paratypes see Table 2 and Fig. 4 . TABLE 2. Measurements (in mm) and morphological characters of the type series of Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis sp. nov. (for other abbreviations see material and methods; VNUF = Vietnam National University of Forestry, Hanoi , Vietnam ; National University of Laos (NUOL) ZFMK = Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany ; * = tail regenerated).
Character VNUF R.2018.32 NUOL R.2018.33 ZFMK 102701 VNUF R.2018.41 NUOL R.2018.39
( Holotype ) ( Paratype ) ( Paratype ) ( Paratype ) ( Paratype )
Sex adult male adult female subadult female subadult female subadult female
SVL 79.6 83.9 58.5 60.8 60.1
TaL 104.1 81.9* 80.1 69.1 78.9
HH 9.1 10.5 7.6 7.2 7.5
HL 22.0 21.2 15.9 15.9 15.6
HW 14.7 16.4 11.4 11.2 11.6
OD 5.5 5.2 3.8 4.1 4.2
SE 10 10 7.1 7.1 7.1
EyeEar 5.7 5.6 4.3 4.3 4.6
EarL 1.5 1.9 1.1 1.2 1.5
TrunkL 40.5 37.2 24.4 24.6 25.5
ForeL 14.3 13.2 9.5 9.6 10.1
FemurL 17.6 18.2 12.6 12.5 13.3
CrusL 14.4 13.6 12.3 12.2 12.3
LD4A 7.3 7.4 5.1 5.9 5.5
LD4P 9.4 9.3 6.2 6.3 6.3
RW 3.4 3.6 2.7 2.7 2.6
RH 1.9 1.9 1.5 1.2 1.4
MW 3.2 3.4 2.3 2.4 2.5
ML 2.8 2.7 2.1 2.1 2.1
SL 9/9 11/11 11/10 11/10 11/10
IL 10/10 10/11 9/9 10/10 9/11
N 3/3 2/3 2/2 2/2 2/2
IN 0 0 0 0 0
PM 2 2 2 2 2
GP 8 9 10 9 9
DTR 15 16 15 15 15
GST 10 10 10 10 10
V 34 36 37 31 34
SLB 178 176 177 180 182
SR 102 104 112 103 110
FPl+FPr 7+8 9+6 (pitted scales) 5+5 (pitted scales) 7+7 (pitted scales) 7+8 (pitted scales)
PP 6 6 (pitted scales) 6 (pitted scales) 6 (pitted scales) 6 (pitted scales)
PAT 3/3 4/4 3/3 4/4 1/1
LD4 18/18 19/18 17/16 18/18 18/19
LT4 21/22 23/22 18/19 20/20 21/22
Comparisons. We compared Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis sp. nov. with other congeners from Laos and neighboring countries in the mainland Indochina region, including Vietnam , Cambodia , and Thailand based on examination of specimens (see Appendix) and data from literature ( Luu et al . 2014 ; Nazarov et al . 2014 ; Nguyen et al . 2014 ; Panitvong et al . 2014 ; Pauwels et al . 2014; Pauwels & Sumontha 2014 ; Schneider et al . 2014 a ,b; Luu et al . 2015 ; Nguyen et al. 2015b ; Sumontha et al. 2014 , 2015 ; Pauwels et al . 2016 ; Le et al. 2016 ; Luu et al . 2016 a ,b,c; Luu et al . 2017 ; Nguyen et al . 2017 ; Pauwels et al . 2018 ; Nazarov et al . 2018 ; Murdoch et al . 2019 ; Pham et al . 2019 ). The new species can be differentiated from other known species of the genus Cyrtodactylus by morphological characters (see Table 3 ). Below we compared the new species with the morphologically similar species from Thailand , Vietnam , and remaining species from Laos . FIGURE 2. Dorsal view of the adult male holotype of Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis sp. nov. (VNUF R.2018.32) in life. Photo: S. Sitthivong FIGURE 3. Cloacal region (precloacal and femoral pores marked with black dots) of the holotype of Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis sp. nov. in preservative. Photo: V. Q. Luu Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis sp. nov. is morphologically similar to C. dumnuii Bauer, Kunya, Sumontha, Niyomwan, Pauwels, Chanhome & Kunya ; C. tigroides Bauer, Sumontha & Pauwels , C. khelangensis Pauwels, Sumontha, Panitvong & Varaguttanonda , C. brevipalmatus (Smith) , and C. huongsonensis Luu, Nguyen, Do & Ziegler in arrangement and the number of femoral and precloacal pores. However, the new species can be distinguished from C. dumnuii by having fewer ventral scales (31–37 versus 40), the presence of pitted scaless in females ( versus absent), nuchal band enlarged posteriorly, butterfly-shaped ( versus interrupted posteriorly), fewer body bands (5 versus 6–7), fewer dorsal tubercles at midbody (15–16 versus 18–20), and fewer dark and light caudal bands on tail (8–10 versus 12; 9–10 versus 13, respectively); from C. tigroides by having fewer precloacal pores (6 versus 8 or 9), a heterogeneous mixture of body scalation ( versus homogeneous), more numbers of conical, keeled tubercles (15–16 versus 13 small tubercle rows); from C. khelangensis by its smaller size (maximum SVL 83.9 mm versus 95.3 mm ), having more pitted scales in females (5–9+5–8 versus 2+1 femoral pores in left and right side, respectively), and more precloacal pores in males (6 versus 2–5); from C. brevipalmatus by its larger size (maximum SVL 83.9 mm versus 72 mm ), having fewer ventral scales (31–37 versus 44), having fewer femoral pores in males (6 versus 9), dorsal pattern banded ( versus blotched); from C. huongsonensis by having fewer ventral scales (31–37 versus 48), the presence of pitted scales in females ( versus absent), and fewer pitted scales in females (6 versus 8). For more details see Table 4 . FIGURE 4. Type series of Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis sp. nov. from right to left: adult male holotype (VNUF R.2018.32); adult female paratype (NUOL R.2018.33); subadult female paratype (ZFMK 102701); subadult female paratype (VNUF R.2018.41); adult female paratype (NUOL R.2018.39). Photo: V. Q. Luu Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis sp. nov. has transversely enlarged median subcaudal scales and thus differs from the following species which lack this structure: C. buchardi David, Teynié & Ohler , C. cryptus Heidrich, Rösler, Vu, Böhme & Ziegler , C. interdigitalis Ulber , C. pseudoquadrivirgatus Rösler, Vu, Nguyen, Ngo & Ziegler , C. vilaphongi Schneider, Nguyen, Le, Nophaseud, Bonkowski & Ziegler , and C. ziegleri Nazarov, Orlov, Nguyen & Ho. Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis sp. nov. has femoral pores in the male and thus differs from the following species which lack this structure: C. pageli Schneider, Nguyen, Schmitz, Kingsada, Auer & Ziegler , C. spelaeus Nazarov, Poyarkov, Orlov, Nguyen, Milto, Martynov, Konstantinov & Chulisov , C. teyniei David, Nguyen, Schneider & Ziegler , C. thathomensis Nazarov, Pauwels, Konstantinov, Chulisov, Orlov & Poyarkov. In addition, the new species differs from C. pageli by having fewer ventral scales (31–37 versus 41–44), and the presence of enlarged femoral scales ( versus absent); from C. spelaeus by the presence of enlarged femoral scales and pitted scales in females (versus absent); from C. teyniei by having body pattern banded ( versus blotched); and from C. thathomensis by the presence of enlarged femoral scales ( versus absent), and having 16-21 pitted scales in females ( versus 12 pores in females). Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis sp. nov. has six precloacal pores plus in total 21 femoral pores in the male, which are separated by poreless scales and thus differs from the following species which have a contiguous series of precloacal-femoral pores: C. bansocensis Luu, Nguyen, Le, Bonkowski & Ziegler (34), C. calamei Luu, Bonkowski, Nguyen, Le, Schneider, Ngo & Ziegler (35–39), C. darevskii Nazarov, Poyarkov, Orlov, Nguyen, Milto, Martynov, Konstantinov & Chulisov (38–44), C. hinnamnoensis Luu, Bonkowski, Nguyen, Le, Schneider, Ngo & Ziegler (36–44), C. jaegeri Luu, Calame, Bonkowski, Nguyen & Ziegler (44), C. jarujini Ulber (52–54), C. khammouanensis Nazarov, Poyarkov, Orlov, Nguyen, Milto, Martynov, Konstantinov & Chulisov (40–44), C. lomyenensis Ngo & Pauwels (39–40), C. multiporus Nazarov, Poyarkov, Orlov, Nguyen, Milto, Martynov, Konstantinov & Chulisov (58–60), C. rufford Luu, Calame, Nguyen, Le, Bonkowski & Ziegler (42–43), and C. soudthichaki Luu, Calame, Nguyen, Bonkowski & Ziegler (29). TABLE 3. Morphological comparisons between Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis sp. nov. and its congeners from Laos and neighboring countries in the Indochina region (com- piled after Luu et al . 2014 ; Nazarov et al . 2014 ; Nguyen et al . 2014 ; Panitvong et al . 2014 ; Pauwels et al . 2014; Pauwels & Sumontha 2014 ; Schneider et al . 2014; Sumontha et al. 2014, 2015 ; Nguyen et al. 2015b ; Luu et al. 2015 ; Luu et al. 2016a ,b; Le et al. 2016 ; Luu et al . 2017 ; Nguyen et al . 2017 ; Pauwels et al . 2018 ; Nazarov et al . 2018 ; Murdoch et al . 2019; Pham et al . 2019 ). Abbreviations are as follows: – = characters unobtainable from literature; * = tail regenerated; max. = maximal; SVL = snout–vent length; TaL = tail length; V = ventral scales; EFS = enlarged femoral scales; FP = femoral pores; PP = precloacal pores; LD4 = subdigital lamellae on fourth finger; TL4 = subdigital lamellae on fourth toe; FPl = femoral pores on the left side; FPr = femoral pores on the right side.
Taxa SVL TaL V EFS FP PP PP LD4 LT4 Color pattern Enlarged
(mm) (mm) (in males) (in females) of dorsum subcaudals
Cyrtodactylus muang- 79.6–83.9 81.9 *– 102.6 31–37 present present 7+6+8 5–9+6+5–8 16–19 18–23 banded present
fuangensis sp. nov. (FPl+PP+FPr) (FPl+PP+FPr
C. angularis 80.0–92.0 92–95.2 40–45 present absent 3 (pitted scales) 3 18–19 18–19 banded present
C. astrum 46.4–108.3 99.0*–109.0* 31–46 present 31–38 20–24 banded present
C. auralensis 75.9–84.3 96 37–44 present absent (FP+PP) 7–9 19–21 present
C. auribalteatus 82.8–98.1 106.5–138.7 38–40 5–7 4–5 (in 6 8–9 absent 18–21 banded banded present
C. badenensis 59.3–74.1 58.6–82.4 25–29 absent males) absent 0 0 18–22 banded present
C. bansocensis 71.0–74.0 98.5–103.5 34–35 present present 34 unknown 16–19 18–21 banded present
C. bichnganae 95.3–99.9 96.3–115.6 30–31 11–13 18 (FP+PP) 10 8 18–20 16–20 banded present
C. bidoupimontis 74.0–86.3 75.0–86.0 38–43 6–8 absent 4–6 0 15–20 18–23 banded absent
C. bobrovi 75.2–96.4 80.8–90.3 40–45 0 0 5 0 19–21 21–22 banded absent
C. bokorensis C. brevipalmatus 77.5–93 64.0–72.0 105–120 77.0 42–48 35–44 present present absent present 7–9 6+9+7 0 6+9+7 – – 18–20 – banded blotched present present
C. buchardi 60.0–65.0 46.0–54.0 30 absent absent (FPl+PP+FPr) 9 (FPl+PP+FPr) 0 14 12 blotched absent
C. bugiamapensis 58.6–76.8 65.3–83.0 36–46 6–10 absent 7–8 0–7 15–17 17–20 blotched absent
C. calamei 75.0–89.3 86.1–107.5 39–42 present present 35–39 38 16–18 18–20 banded present
C. caovansungi 90.4–94.0 120.0 38–44 8 6 (FP+PP) 9 (FP+PP) 0 22 23–25 banded present
C. cardamomensis 72–84.1 78–107.8 36–43 present absent 9–10 0 17–19 banded present
C. cattienensis 43.5– 69.0 51.0–64.7 28–42 3–8 absent 6–8 0 12–16 14–19 banded absent
......continued on the next page TABLE 3. (Continued)
Taxa SVL TaL V EFS FP PP PP LD4 LT4 Color pattern Enlarged
(mm) (mm) (in males) (in females) of dorsum subcaudals
C. chanhomeae 69.9–78.8 74.4–74.7 36–38 present present 32 34 18–20 21–23 banded present
C. chauquangensis 90.9–99.3 97.0–108.3 36–38 absent absent (FP+PP) 6 (FP+PP) 7 16 –18 19–23 banded present
C. cryptus 62.5–90.8 63.5–88.4 47–50 absent absent 9–11 0 18–19 20–23 banded absent
C. cucdongensis 55.8–65.9 22.1–27.8 35–44 present absent 5–6 4–6 8–11 15 –20 banded absent
C. cucphuongensis 96.0 79.3* 42 14 absent 0 21 24 banded present
C. darevskii 84.6–100.0 95.0–113.0 38–46 present present 38–44 24–34 17–20 18–22 banded present
C. doisuthep 62.5–90.5 61.6*–107.6 29–35 present absent (FP+PP) 6 0 6–8 11–13 banded present
C. dumnuii 76.2–84.2 100.2* 40 present present in 6+5–6+6–7 0–7 16 19 banded present
males/absent (FPl+PP+FPr)
C. eisenmanae 76.8–89.2 91.0–103.8 44–45 4–6 in females absent 0 0 18–20 17–18 banded present
C. erythrops 78.4 83.0* 28 present present 10+9+9 16 20 blotched present
C. gialaiensis 50.1–62.8 42.2*–63.6* 38–45 absent absent (FPl+PP+FPr) 9–10 0–8 14–15 15 –17 banded absent
C. grismeri 68.3–95.0 111.3–115.1 33–38 absent 0 0 16–18 16–19 banded present
C. hinnamnoensis 83.6–100.6 76.1–108.3* 35–48 present present 36–44 0–28 16–21 19–22 banded present
C. huongsonensis 73.4–89.8 90.5 41–48 7–9 15–17 (FP+PP) 10 +6+7 (FP+PP) 8 17 –19 20–23 banded present
C. huynhi 54.8–79.8 61.5–78.6 43–46 3–5 3–8 (FPl+PP+FPr) 7–9 0–8 14–17 17 –21 banded absent
C. interdigitalis 59.0–80.0 71.0–90.0 37–42 present 16–18 14 0 17–22 16–20 banded absent
C. intermedius 61.0–85.0 80.0–110.0 40–50 6–10 8–10 20 22 banded present
C. inthanon 83.5–87.3 51.7*–102.0* 39–34 present present 6+5+6 5–6+5+4–5 7–11 12 –13 banded present
C. irregularis 72.0–86.0 66.0–74.0 38–45 7–8 (FP+PP) 5–7 (FP+PP) 0–6 15–16 18 –19 blotched absent
C. jaegeri 60.0–68.5 82.4–83.4 31–32 17–19 present 44 (FP+PP) 21 17–19 20–23 banded present
C. jarujini 85.0–90.0 105.0–116.0 32–38 present present 52-54 0 15–17 18–19 blotched present
C. khammouanensis 70.8–73 83.0–95.0 32–38 present present (PP+FP) 40–44 0-17 18–20 20–23 banded present
......continued on the next page TABLE 3. (Continued)
Taxa SVL TaL V EFS FP PP PP LD4 LT4 Color pattern Enlarged
(mm) (mm) (in males) (in females) of dorsum subcaudals
C. khelangensis 72.8–95.3 max. 96.0* 32–35 present present 6+2–5+6–7 2+6+1 18 22 banded present
(FPl+PP+FPr) (FPl+PP+FPr)
C. kingsadai 83.0–94.0 max. 117.0 39–46 9–12 0–7 7–9 4–8 19–21 21 –25 banded present
C. laangensis 74.4–82.2 88.8–115.5 37–40 present absent 8–9 0 18–20 banded Present
C. lekaguli 80.5–103.5 115.0–125.0 31–43 present present 30–36 0 20–25 banded present
C. lomyenensis 57.7–71.2 72.2–86.1 35–36 17–18 present (PP+FP) 39–40 32 16–19 19–23 banded present
C. martini 64.4–96.2 76.0–101.2 39–43 14–18 absent 4 0 19–23 22–24 banded present
C. multiporus 81.0–98.0 97.0–105.0 30–38 present present 58–60 0 18–20 18–22 banded present
C. nigriocularis 82.7–107.5 70.6–121 42–49 absent absent (PP+FP) 0–2 0 17–21 uniformly present
C. oldhami 63.0–68.0 69*–70* 34–38 present absent 1–4 brown striped and present
C. otai 85.2–90.6 89.7–97.6 38–43 absent absent 7–8 0 16–19 19–22 spotted banded absent
C. pageli 76.2–81.8 85.4*–113.2* 41–44 absent absent 4 4 19 –23 19–23 banded present
C. paradoxus 52.0–84.0 80.8–111.0 32–40 present absent 0–4 0 15–18 17–23 banded present
C. phetchaburiensis 57.5 70.8 33 present absent 2–3 0 9–10 11–11 blotched or present
C. phongnhakebangensis 78.5–96.3 98.0–110.0 32–42 present present 32–42 0–41 15–20 18–26 striped banded present
(PP + FP) (PP + FP)
C. phuocbinhensis 46.0–60.4 76.1 43–47 5 absent 7 0 16–21 17–19 blotched absent
C. phuquocensis 59.9–84.2 80–94 40–42 present absent 6–7 17–19 present
C. pseudoquadrivirgatus 48.6–83.3 55.7–82.3 41–57 absent absent 5–9 0 5–10 15 –21 16–25 banded blotched absent
C. puhuensis 79.2 82.59 36 present absent 5 18 23 banded present
C. quadrivirgatus 39.0–67.0 77.0 40 present absent 4 4 striped absent
C. ranongensis 56.9–59.6 66.0–67.1 35–40 present 0 0 0 17 18 blotched absent
C. roesleri 51.1–75.3 63.4–101.0 34–40 7–10 present 20–28 17–22 17–19 17–21 banded present
(PP + FP) (PP + FP)
......continued on the next page TABLE 3. (Continued)
Taxa SVL TaL V EFS FP PP PP LD4 LT4 Color pattern Enlarged
(mm) (mm) (in males) (in females) of dorsum subcaudals
C. rufford 68.3–72.5 94.5–96.8 27–29 present present 42–43 unknown 19–20 18–19 banded present
C. saiyok 56.7–61.0 66.7–67.5 23–24 present (in males) absent (FP+PP) 5 16–17 banded present
C. samroiyot 63.2–66.9 78.8–87.5 33–34 present absent 7 6 18 19 banded absent
C. sangi 49.9–56.3 47.9* 37 present absent 6 4 banded present
C. sanook 72.9–79.5 104.2 27–28 present absent 3–4 absent 19–20 banded present
C. septimontium 68.4–84.8 74.7*–119 38–42 present absent 7–8 7–8 17–20 banded present
C. sommerladi 58.8–80.3 58.8*–89.4 31–39 present present 20–26 17–21 16–19 17–24 banded present
C. soni 88.7–103.0 70.6–113 41–45 8–11 5–8 (FP+PP) 6–7 (FP+PP) 7–8 15–19 18–22 banded present
C. sonlaensis 63.1–92.5 89.8–103.0 34–42 present present 15+8+14 13+7–8+14 17–19 18–21 banded present
C. soudthichaki 69.2–70.0 95.1*–95.2 32–33 present present (FPl+PP+FPr) 29 (FP+PP) (FPl+PP+FPr) absent 16-18 18 banded present
C. spelaeus 88.9–91.0 max. 83* 36–39 absent (in males) absent 8–9 0 19–20 22–24 banded present
C. sumonthai 61.5–70.7 89.9–94.0 33–36 absent absent 2 0 16 18 banded present
C. takouensis 74.7–81.1 77.7–91.0 39–40 3–5 0–2 3–4 0 16–17 18–20 banded present
C. taybacensis 77.6–97.5 97.1–104.1 30–38 present absent 11–13 5–15 17–19 16–20 banded present
C. taynguyenensis 60–85 66–94 42–49 absent absent 6 0 13–18 17–21 blotched absent
C. teyniei 89.9 ca. 110.0 38 23 absent unknown 13 17–18 19–20 blotched present
C. thathomensis 70.3–75.5 79–96 30–36 absent absent 10 16–17 18–20 banded present
C. thirakhupti 72.0–79.6 99.1 37–40 present absent absent 12 absent 16 20 banded present
C. thochuensis 57.2–86.3 83.0–131.5 30–40 present absent 3–5 0 10–14 banded present
C. thuongae 57.3–77.6 max. 78.1 29–44 2–5 0–3 0–1 0 14–17 14–20 blotched absent
C. thylacodactylus 44.5–74.6 74*–100 36–42 present absent 7–9 0 15–18 banded present
C. tigroides 74.3–83.2 108.5–117.0 34 present present 6+8+7 5+9+7 18–19 20–22 banded present
C. vilaphongi 60.9–86.1 61.2–68.1 34–36 0 (FPl+PP+FPr) – (FPl+PP+FPr) 0 18–19 18–20 banded absent
C. wangkulangkulae 73.9 98.7 38 absent absent 0 0 9–11 10–11 banded present
C. wayakonei 72.0–86.8 76.8–89.0 31–35 absent absent 6–8 7 17–18 19–20 banded absent
C. yangbayensis 78.5–92.3 91.3–109.1 39–46 5–16 0–2 6–8 0 16–19 15–17 banded present
C. ziegleri 84.6–93.0 95.0–107.0 33–39 8–10 0–6 5–8 0–8 16–19 18–21 banded absent
FIGURE 5. Distribution map of the Cyrtodactylus phongnhakebangensis species group and other closely related Cyrtodactylus species inhabiting Laos and adjacent areas: dark brown, C. khammouanensis ; pastel pink, C. rufford ; gold, C. bansocensis ; pastel green, C. southichacki ; silver, C. jaegeri ; beige, C. sommerladi ; teal, C. hinnamnoensis ; magenta, C. dareveskii ; green, C. calamei ; grass green, C. lomyenensis ; red, C. multiporus ; indigo, C. thathomensis ; dark grey, C. pageli ; black, Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis sp. nov. ; dark green, C. teyniei ; charcoal, C. roesleri ; red orange, C. phongnhakebangensis ; purple, C. huongsonensis ; yellow, C. jarujini ; orange, C. damnuii ; white, C. tigroides ; blue, C. khelangensis ; pastel yellow, C. brevipalmatus . FIGURE 6. Habitat of Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis sp. nov. Photo: S. Sitthivong. TABLE 4. Comparison of Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis sp. nov. with other morphologically similar species (data obtained from Smith 1923 ; Bauer et al . 2003 ; Bauer et al . 2010 ; Luu et al . 2011 ; Pauwels et al . 2014; and own data of this study). N = number of specimens * = tail regenerated; FPl = femoral pores on the left side; FPr = femoral pores on the right side.
Character Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis sp. nov. C. dumnuii C. tigroides C. khelangensis C. brevipalmatus C. huongsonensis
N 5 5 4 3 2 2
Maximal SVL (mm) 83.9 84.2 83.2 95.3 72 89.8
Tail length 104.1 100.2* 117 96* 77 90.5
Ventral scales 31–37 40 34 35 44 48
Enlarged femoral scales present present present present present present
Femoral pores in males (FPl + FPr) 7+8 6+7 6+7 6+6–7 6+7 10+7
Femoral pores in females (FPl + FPr) 5–9+5–8 (pitted scales) 0 5+7 2+1 6+7 0
Precloacal pores (in males) 6 5–6 8 2–5 9 6
Precloacal pores (in females) 6 5–7 9 6 9 8
Subdigital lamellae on fourth finger 18–19 16 18–19 18 17–19
Subdigital lamellae on fourth toe 21–23 19 20–22 22 20–23
Color pattern of dorsum banded banded banded banded blotched banded
Number of body bands 5 6–7 5 4–5 6 5
Dorsal tubercle rows at midbody 15–16 18–20 16–18 16–20 14–16
Postcloacal tubercles 3–4 3 3 2 2–3
Enlarged subcaudal scales yes yes yes yes no yes
Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis sp. nov. differs from C. sommerladi Luu, Bonkowski, Nguyen, Le, Schneider, Ngo & Ziegler by having precloacal-femoral pores interrupted by poreless scales ( versus in a continuous row), and dorsal tubercles being arranged in 15–16 rows ( versus undefined dorsal tubercles, 0–5).
Distribution. Cyrtodactylus muangfuangensis sp. nov. is currently known only from the type locality: Muangfuang District, Vientiane Province , Central Laos ( Fig. 5 ). Etymology. The specific epithet of the new species refers to the type locality of the new species in Muangfuang District, Vientiane Province , Central Laos . Suggested common names: Muangfuang Bent-toed Gecko (English), Ki Chiem Muang Fuang (Laotian). Natural history. The type series of the new species was collected between 19:00 and 21:00h, on karst cliffs, at elevations of 255–289 m a.s.l. The surrounding habitat was karst forest ( Fig. 6 ).