Chilocoris serratus n. sp., the first burrower bug species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae) recorded in Guinea-Bissau with an annotated checklist of the Afrotropical species of the genus Chilocoris Mayr, 1865
Lis, Jerzy A.
Lis, Barbara
journal article
Chilocoris serratus
new species
The species is named after the serrated lateral margins of the pronotum and hemelytra.
. As suggested by its name, the new species differs from all other Afrotropical representatives of the genus by the serrated margins of pronotum and hemelytra (
Figs. 1, 3–
). In these characters, it is somewhat similar to the Australian
Ch. centrostephoides
J.A. Lis, 1999
and Malaysian
Ch. costatus
J.A. Lis, 1994
. However, the newly described species can be easily separated from both those species by better developed serration of the lateral margins of the pronotum and hemelytrae (
Ch. centrostephoides
bears only a single distinct denticle on each lateral margin of the pronotum, and its costal margins are normally developed; in
Ch. costatus
, only the costal margins are serrated, whereas the lateral pronotal margins are normally developed).
Chilocoris serratus
n. sp.
: (1) body, dorsal view; (2) head, dorsal view; (3) lateral margin of pronotum, dorsal view; (4) basal two thirds of costal margin of corium, dorsal view.
: dark brown, dorsally polished, almost concolorous (
Fig. 1
); corium slightly translucent, and a little paler than the head and pronotum.
. Dorsally evenly coarsely punctured, except for impunctate clypeus; the latter broad and as long as paraclypei, basally and apically narrowed, somewhat elevated and broadened in its midlength; clypeal submargin with a pair of dark brown, long and apically slightly sharpened pegs (
Fig. 2
); paraclypei each with a submarginal row of six more or less sharply ended pegs; eyes large, pale brown, ocular index 3.3; ocelli pale brown, ocellar index 3.7, interocellar distance about six times larger than the distance between the ocellus and the eye; antennae slightly yellowish brown, paler than the head, second segment minute, three times shorter than the third, the latter almost equals the fourth segment, the fifth segment longest, about 1.4 times longer than the fourth segment; rostrum pale brown, almost reaching the midcoxae.
. Pronotum (
Figs. 1, 3
) slightly tapering anterad; pronotal disc with an anterior submarginal line and a transverse row of large coarse punctures behind the callal areas; anterior lobe impunctate on calli, and with several large coarse punctures laterally and medially; posterior lobe with numerous irregularly scattered large coarse punctures; pronotal umbones distinctly swollen and impunctate apically; lateral margins distinctly carinated and serrated, and with three setigerous punctures bearing long hair-like setae; one additional seta also present on the lateral part of the anterior submarginal line, on each side. Propleuron castaneous, polished; anterior and posterior convexities impunctate, median depression with single almost invisible colorless punctures close to the coxae.
. Scutellum (
Fig. 1
) with easily visible basal and lateral rows of punctures, the lateral ones each accompanied by an impressed line in the basal half, scutellar disc almost evenly coarsely punctured, punctures as large as or a little larger than those on the pronotum and corium. Clavus with a single incomplete row of coarse punctures; mesocorium with two rows of coarse punctures paralleling the clavo-corial suture and with almost evenly spaced punctures in its posterior third; exocorium sparsely punctured in its posterior part and with rows of coarse punctures along the R+M vein and along the exo-mesocorium suture. Costal margins serrated in its basal third (
Figs. 1, 4
), bearing no setigerous punctures; membrane translucent, embrowned, slightly surpassing the tip of the abdomen. Mesopleuron with evaporatorium typical of the genus. Legs pale brown, tibial spines dark brown, hind tibiae somewhat flattened, tarsi yellowish brown with brown claws.
. Sterna brown, polished and impunctate, except for scattered tiny punctures bearing short, shiny hair-like bristles. Female genital plates mutilated.
(in mm): body length 2.83; body width 1.55; head length 0.43; head width 0.57; pronotum length 0.85; pronotum width 1.51; scutellum length 0.75; scutellum width 0.99; antennal segments: 0.15: 0.07: 0.21: 0.20: 0.28.
, Cacheu, Bula,
, leg. S. Persson; in the collection of the Museum of Zoology, Lund University, Lund,