Taxonomy and host-plant relationships of the psyllid genus Mitrapsylla (Hemiptera: Psylloidea: Psyllidae) in Brazil Author Rendón-Mera, Diana Isabel Author Burckhardt, Daniel Author Cavichioli, Rodney R. Author Queiroz, Dalva L. text Zootaxa 2020 2020-11-30 4887 1 1 100 journal article 9451 10.11646/zootaxa.4887.1.1 dd97793c-f4a6-4204-a111-c112533f9b06 1175-5326 4297565 B9A17D69-EBE7-49F4-AB01-54CA617FED02 Mitrapsylla machaerii sp. nov. ( Figs 121 , 151 , 181 , 247 ‾249, 301, 331, 361, 378) LSID: D3A80358-6A97-4B55-AE74-04E9DCB56AF6 Material examined. Holotype ♁, Brazil : Minas Gerais , Vazante , Fazenda Bainha , near source of Curtume river , -17.8883 , -46.9200 , 640–690 m , 11.ix.2014 , degraded Cerrado vegetation, Machaerium hirtum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #145(4) ( DZUP 215419 , dry). Paratypes . Goiás : 6 ♁, 4 ♀ , Mossâmedes, Parque Estadual da Serra Dourada, park entrance, -16.0990 , -50.1870 , 710 m , 20.ii.2018 , gallery forest, Cerrado, Machaerium hirtum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #276(3) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol).— Mato Grosso : 3 ♁, 1 ♀ , Cotriguaçu, -9.8668 , -58.2277 , 230 m , 30.ix.2013 (L.A. Pezzini) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 22 ♁, 23 ♀ , Tabaporã, Fazenda Crestani, -11.3133 , -55.9617 , 330–380 m , 6–8.xi.2012 , transitional forest near river, forest edges, farm land, park vegetation, Machaerium aculeatum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #62(11) ( NHMB , slide mounted, 70% ethanol).— Mato Grosso do Sul : 1 ♁, Jardim, near BR 267, -21.4500 , -55.7917 , 380–440 m , 18–20.xi.2012 , Cerrado edge along unpaved road, gallery forest along river, single trees in field, Machaerium villosum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #76(8) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 2 ♁, 4 ♀ , Pousada Cabanas , área de parque, -21.1724 , -56.4422 , 320 m , 19.ix.2013 (D.L. Queiroz), #586 ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, 1 ♀ , Rio Verde, MS427, South of Rio Verde, -19.0183 , -54.8583 , 470 m , 14.xi.2012 , Cerrado (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #69(-) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 3 ♁, 6 ♀ , Rochedo, MS080, -19.9683 , -54.6500 , 350 m , 15.xi.2012 , Cerrado, Machaerium aculeatum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #73(7) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol).— Minas Gerais : 13 ♁, 15 ♀ , same data as holotype (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #145(4) ( DZUP , NHMB , dry); 1 ♁, Patos de Minas, Parque Mocambo, -18.5833 , -46.5050 , 840 m , 27.x.2012 , planted trees and forest edge (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #48(-) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 8 ♁, 2 ♀ , Vazante, motorway Vazante to Claro de Minas, -17.9577 , -46.9166 , 730 m , 8.iii.2019 , Machaerium sp. (D.L.Queiroz) #923(2) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 22 ♁, 20 ♀ , 22 immatures , Vazante, -17.9683 , -46.9050 , 720 m , 27.xii.2011 , disturbed vegetation along road, Machaerium hirtum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #25(1) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 11 ♀ , Vazante, Fazenda Bainha, -17.6451 , -46.7086 , 660–670 m , 29–30.x.2012 Cerrado vegetation, edges of disturbed forest, eucalypt plantation, creek Machaerium cf. ruddianum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #50 (11) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 41 ♁, 22 ♀ , same but Machaerium aculeatum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #50 (10) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 7 ♁, same but -17.8817 , -46.8833 , 900 m , 06.i.2016 (D.L. Queiroz) 747(-) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 3 ♁, 4 ♀ , same but around the house, -17.8900 , -46.9233 , 660 m , 27–28.xii.2011 , disturbed vegetation around house, Albizia sp. (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #26(4) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, 1 ♀ , same but -17.8871 , -46.9208 , 720 m , 12.vii.2018 , degraded cerrado vegetation, Machaerium amplum (D.L. Queiroz) , #2 ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 4 ♁, 1 ♀ , same but Córrego Curtume, -17.8850 , -46.9217 , 650–660 m , 21–22.ix.2011 , Cerrado along river, Machaerium sericiflorum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #16(7) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 2 ♁, 2 ♀ , same but Guariba, -17.8783 , -46.9183 , 640–660 m , 20.ix.2011 , Cerrado, edge of natural forest (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #13(-) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, 1 ♀ , same but near source of Curtume river, -17.8883 , -46.9200 , 640–690 m , 13–14.vii.2012 , degraded Cerrado vegetation Machaerium hirtum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #40(1) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 107 ♁, 128 ♀ , 185 immatures , same but Paiad„o, -17.8917 , -46.9217 , 670 m , 21.ix.2011 , Cerrado, edge of natural forest, Machaerium hirtum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #15(3) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 3 ♁, 2 ♀ , same but Enterolobium contortisiliquum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #15(4) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, Vazante, Fazenda Bocaina, Grota da Bocaina, -17.8900 , -46.9150 , 670–710 m , 22.ix.2011 , Cerrado, vinhático Plathymenia foliosa ? (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #18(2) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, Vazante, Gruta da Lapa Nova, -17.9833 , -46.8900 , 660 m , 27.xii.2011 , disturbed vegetation along forest edge (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #24(-) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 4 ♁, 2 ♀ , Vazante, Votorantim, -17.6306 , -46.6999 , 550 m , 17.iii.2015 (D.L. Queiroz), #690(-) ( NHMB , 70% etha-nol); 8 ♁, 2 ♀ , Vazante, motorway Vazante to Claro de Minas, -17.9577 , -46.9166 , 730 m , 8.iii.2019 , Machaerium sp., (D.L.Queiroz), #923(2) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol).— Rio de Janeiro : 7 ♁, 5 ♀ , Itatiaia, -22.4827 , -44.5706 , 440 m , 15–17.iv.2019 , planted trees, waste places, Machaerium hirtum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #331(6) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol).— São Paulo : 1 ♁, Araraquara, Fazenda Cambuhy, 4.ix.2005 , citrus grove, suction trap (P. Yama-moto) ( FSCA , 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, 2 ♀ , same but 6.x.2005 (P. Yamamoto) ( FSCA , 70% ethanol); 2 ♁, 4 ♀ , same but 6.x.2005 (P. Yamamoto) ( FSCA , 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, same but 13.x.2005 (P. Yamamoto) ( FSCA , 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, 2 ♀ , same but 27.iv.2006 (P. Yamamoto) ( FSCA , 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, same but 12.ix.2006 (P. Yamamoto) ( FSCA , 70% ethanol); 8 ♁, 3 ♀ , same but 14–20.ix.2005 (P. Yamamoto) ( FSCA , 70% ethanol); 2 ♁, 6 ♀ , Gavião Peixoto, Fazenda Maringá, -21.7677 , -48.4670 , 520 m , 2.ix.2014 , edges of citrus plantation, Machaerium uncinatum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #139(3) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 3 ♁, 2 ♀ , same but Arapeí, -22.6615 , -44.4492 , 500 m , 9.iv.2019 , roadside vegetation, Machaerium hirtum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #323(1) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, 2 ♀ , Matão, Fazenda Marchesan, 20.ix.2005 , citrus grove, suction trap (P. Yamamoto) ( FSCA , 70% ethanol); 2 ♁, 1 ♀ , same but 6.x.2005 (P. Yamamoto) ( FSCA , 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, same but 20.viii.2006 (P. Yama-moto) ( FSCA , 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, same but (P. Yamamoto) ( FSCA , 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, 1 ♀ , same but 8.vii.2007 (P. Yamamoto) ( FSCA , 70% ethanol); 3 ♁, 3 ♀ , same but 3.ix.2007 (P. Yamamoto) ( FSCA , 70% ethanol); 3 ♁, same but 17.ix.2007 (P. Yamamoto) ( FSCA , 70% ethanol); 5 ♁, same but 20.ix.2007 (P. Yamamoto) ( FSCA , 70% ethanol); 9 ♁, same but 1.x.2007 (P. Yamamoto) ( FSCA , 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, 2 ♀ , same but 23.x.2007 (P. Yama-moto) ( FSCA , 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, same but 3.iv.2008 (P. Yamamoto) ( FSCA , 70% ethanol). Additional material: Goiás : 1 ♁, Cristalina , Sta. Barbara - Pivô 28 - Wehrmann , -16.769 , -47.614 , 980 m, 30.ix.2015 , Cenoura Maestro, daninhas, serralha, maria pretinha ( T . Kuhn) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol) .— São Paulo : 1 ♁, Piracicaba , Esalq , -22.725 , -47.649 , 540 m, 3.x.2014 , Jiló, water tray ( T . Kuhn) ( NHMB , 70% ethanol) . Diagnosis. Paramere, in lateral view, clavate, with both margins moderately and gradually expanding towards apex; apex irregularly oblique; with subposterior and posterior sclerotised ridge, the former in lower level than the latter. Aedeagus complex tripartite; in lateral view, median lobule flattened, slightly prominent median lobule; lateral lobule larger than median lobule, elongate, suboval; ventral process with apical expansion weak, subequal in size with dorsal lobe, globular. Female subgenital plate, in lateral view, with apex moderately truncate; ventral outline slightly sinuous in basal two thirds, apical third strongly oblique; mostly covered with short setae, with group of long setae on dorsum subapically; with seta-free patch subapically; in ventral view, with apex broadly rounded, about a third the total length of the subgenital plate. Description. Colouration. Body with white striped-pattern; variation: vertex with stripes along lateral margins weak and along posterior margin absent; older specimens with markings with dark outline. Head and thorax dark yellow to orange-yellow. Gena sometimes brownish to brown anteriorly and ventrally; genal process lighter than head. Eye grey to dark red; ocelli colourless to orange. Antenna light yellow, segments 1–2 concolorous with head. Clypeus dark yellow to brownish, slightly lighter medially and slightly darker along edges; rostrum light yellow to light orange-yellow. Thorax sometimes brown ventrally, with margins of sclerites slightly darker. Forewing colourless, yellow around Cu 1b and sometimes slightly around M 1+2 , M 3+4 and Cu 1a ; veins light yellow; pterostigma concolorous or slightly lighter than veins. Hindwing colourless. Fore- and midleg dark yellow, sometimes with tarsi slightly darker, hindleg light yellow. Abdomen pale yellow to yellow-orange, sometimes brown ventrally; intersegmental membranes light straw-coloured; spiracular sclerites concolorous with abdomen to light brown. Male terminalia irregularly light to dark yellow, paramere usually lighter. Female terminalia irregularly light to dark yellow, proctiger usually brown apically. Structure. Body length ♁ 2.3–2.5 mm (2.41± 0.11 mm ), 2.3–2.8 mm (2.63± 0.18 mm ) (5 ♁, 5 ♀ ). Genal pro-cess ( Fig. 151 ) expanded, irregularly narrowing towards subacute or narrowly rounded apex, 0.5 times as long as vertex along midline. Antenna 2.5–2.8 times as long as head width; longest terminal seta about as long as segment 10. Apical labium segment 0.1–0.2 times longer than head width and 0.6–0.8 times longer than median segment. Forewing ( Fig. 181 ) 2.7–2.8 times as long as head width, 2.1–2.3 times as long as wide, obovoid, broadly rounded apically; vein M+Cu 1 0.3–0.4 times as long as Cu 1 ; ratio a/b 1.5–1.6; ratio c/d 0.7–0.9; ratio e/f 0.6–1.0. Surface spinules distinctly ( Fig. 38 ) to moderately ( Fig. 39 ) spaced, forming rhomboids; covering apical two thirds or more of cell r 1 , around radular areas of cells m 1 , m 2 and cu 1 , m 2 basally, and most of cell cu 2 ; leaving spinule-free spaces along veins ( Fig. 42 ). Radular spinules sometimes present in r 2 but inconspicuous. Metatibia 0.7 times as long as head width. Terminalia. Male. Proctiger, in lateral view, 0.4 times as long as head width; with poorly developed, tuberclelike posterior lobe. Paramere, in lateral view ( Figs 247 ‾249) 0.9 times as long as proctiger; clavate, with both margins moderately and gradually expanding towards apex; anterior margin rounded apically, almost straight before apex; posterior margin slightly expanded posteriorly and slightly angulate in apical quarter, weakly sinuous in basal three quarters; apex irregularly oblique, with subposterior and posterior sclerotised ridge, the former in lower level than the latter ( Fig. 248 ); inner surface ( Fig. 248 ) covered with long setae, longer basally and along posterior margin, with row of thick setae along apical anterior margin, several thick setae below sclerotised ridge, and group of stout setae on apical posterior margin; in dorsal view ( Fig. 301 ), with each sclerotised ridge bearing posterior tooth. Aedeagus ( Fig. 249 ) complex tripartite; in lateral view, dorsal lobe with flattened, slightly prominent median lobule; lateral lobule larger than median lobule, elongate, suboval; membranous pouch small; ventral process weakly upturned, with apical expansion weak, subequal in size with dorsal lobe, globular, bearing short, conical tubercle.—Female (Fig. 331). Proctiger, in lateral view, 0.8–0.9 times as long as head width; dorsal outline weakly to moderately concave distal to circumanal ring, apical extension almost straight to sinuous, apex moderately upturned, strongly transversally to obliquely truncate; circumanal ring 0.3 times as long as proctiger. Subgenital plate, in lateral view, 0.5–0.6 times as long as proctiger; apex moderately truncate; ventral outline slightly sinuous in basal two thirds, apical third strongly oblique; covered with short setae in apical two thirds, long setae ventrally throughout, long setae at apex, and group of long setae on dorsum subapically, with seta-free patch subapically; in ventral view ( Fig. 361 ), lateral margins abruptly narrowing at about half, with apical third subparallel, and apex broadly rounded, about a third the total length of the subgenital plate. Measurements (in mm) (3 ♁, 3 ♀ ). HW ♁ 0.56–0.61 (0.59±0.02), 0.64–0.71 (0.68±0.03); AL ♁ 1.51–1.57 (1.55±0.03), 1.61–1.94 (1.81±0.18); LAB2 ♁ 0.14–0.16 (0.14±0.01), 0.16–0.17 (0.17±0.01); LAB3 ♁ 0.08– 0.11 (0.10±0.02), 0.12; FL ♁ 1.57–1.65 (1.61±0.04), 1.71–1.95 (1.86±0.13); TL ♁ 0.40–0.43 (0.42±0.02), 0.42–0.51 (0.47±0.04); MP 0.23–0.26 (0.24±0.01); PL 0.22; DL 0.19–0.23 (0.21±0.02); FP 0.58–0.61 (0.59±0.02). Etymology. Named after its host-plant genus, Machaerium . Distribution. Brazil : Goiás , Mato Grosso , Mato Grosso do Sul , Minas Gerais , Rio de Janeiro , S„o Paulo. Host-plant. Machaerium hirtum (Vell.) Stellfeld (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae , Aeschynomeneae). Adults were collected on Machaerium aculeatum Raddi. , M. amplum Benth., M. cf. ruddianum C.V. Mendonça & A.M.G. Azevedo, M. sericiflorum Vogel , M. uncinatum (Vell.) Benth. and M. villosum Vogelwhich , which are likely hosts. Habitat. Cerrado, gallery forest, eucalypt plantation, roadside vegetation, Citrus plantation, transitional forest near river, parks. Comments. Mitrapsylla machaerii sp. nov. resembles M. clavata sp. nov. , M. securigera sp. nov. and M. surinamensis (Šulc) in the female terminalia; it differs from the latter in the female subgenital plate mostly covered with short setae (rather than long). See comments under M. clavata sp. nov. and M. securigera sp. nov.