Thirteen new species and additional records of Eastern Mediterranean Geostiba THOMSON (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) Author Assing, V. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2006 2006-12-29 38 2 1179 1215 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.13134870 0253-116X 13134870 Geostiba ( Tropogastrosipalia ) biformis sp.n. (Figs 54-63, Map 3 ) Holotype 3: TR [20] - Muğla , 15 km ENE Muğla , 1190 m , pasture with stones, 37°14'58N , 28°30'07E , 10.IV.2006 , V . Assing / Holotypus 3 Geostiba biformis sp.n. det. V . Assing 2006 (cAss). Paratypes : 533, 4♀♀ : same data as holotype (cAss, OÖLL ) ; 233, 1♀ : same data, but leg Wunderle (cWun) ; 333, 2♀♀ : TR [21] - Denizli , 60 km E Muğla , S Kale , 1280 m , 37°25'39N , 28°53'18E , 11.IV.2006 , V . Assing (cAss) ; 633, 10♀♀ : same data, but leg. Wunderle (cWun, cAss) ; 1♀ : TR [22] - Denizli , 60 km E Muğla , S Kale , 1240 m , 37°23'12N , 28°53'41E , 11.IV.2006 , V . Assing (cAss) . D e s c r i p t i o n: Small species, 2.2-3.0 mm (abdomen fully extended). Coloration: head dark brown; pronotum and elytra yellowish red to brown; abdomen blackish, with the apex and often also the anterior segments paler; legs testaceous; antennae yellowish brown to reddish brown. Facies as in Fig. 54. Head and pronotum with variable, shallow to distinct microreticula- 1195 tion (Fig. 55). Eyes relatively small (Fig. 56), weakly protruding from lateral outline of head, approximately 1/3 the length of postocular region in dorsal view or even smaller. Pronotum with moderately pronounced sexual dimorphism. Elytra with weak sexual dimorphism, less than 0.6 times as long as pronotum. Abdomen with distinct, but shallow microsculpture, with fine and moderately sparse puncturation; posterior margin of tergite VII with or without very narrow rudiment of a palisade fringe. 3 (large): pronotum approximately as long as wide or weakly oblong, 1.15-1.20 times as wide as head; posterior margin of pronotum in the middle broadly and weakly concave, postero-laterally sinuate (Fig. 55); elytra with moderately dense and somewhat granulose puncturation, with distinct extensive impression, elevated (somewhat bulging) lateral margins, and with narrow and weakly elevated sutural carina extending along anterior 2/3 of suture (Figs 55, 57); abdominal tergites III-IV with (Fig. 58) or without indistinct tubercles; process of tergite VII short and stout (Figs 59-60); posterior margins of tergite Figs 54-62 : Geostiba biformis sp.n. (54-57, 59-61: holotype ): ( 54 ) 3 habitus; ( 55 ) 3 forebody; ( 56 ) head in lateral view; ( 57 ) 3 elytra in lateral view; ( 58 ) 3 abdominal segments VII-VIII in lateral view; ( 59 ) 3 abdominal segments VII-X in lateral view; ( 60 ) process of 3 tergite VII in antero-dorsal view; ( 61 ) median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view; ( 62 ) spermatheca. Scale bars: 54: 1.0 mm; 55-60: 0.2 mm ; 61-62: 0.1 mm . and sternite VIII broadly convex; median lobe of aedeagus with slender cristal process (Fig. 61); apical lobe of paramere shaped as in other species of the subgenus. 1196 : pronotum approximately 1.10 times as wide as head and about as wide as long, posterior margin broadly convex; elytra unmodified, without carina, at most with very shallow impressions, and with fine puncturation; posterior margins of tergite and sternite VIII weakly convex; spermatheca as in Fig. 62.E t y m o l o g y: The name (Lat., adj.) alludes to the dimorphism of the male abdominal tergites III-IV (see comments on intraspecific variation). I n t r a s p e c i f i c v a r i a t i o n: As in other species of the subgenus, the male secondary sexual characters are subject to considerable intraspecific variation. In smaller males, the pronotum may be almost unmodified, the elytral puncturation may be weakly granulose, the elytral impression are often very shallow, and the sutural carinae and the process of the 3 tergite VII may be completely absent. Remarkably, the two sampled populations, one (1) from the area to the northeast of Muğla and the other (2) from the area approximately 60 km to the east of Muğla , are distinguished by a constant character. The abdominal tergites III-IV of the males from population 2 each have a minute median tubercle (Fig. 58), which is absent in the males from population 1. However, since no additional distinguishing characters were found and since these populations are not separated by deep valleys, this difference is here attributed to intra- (possibly clinal) rather than interspecific variation. Fig. 63 : Locality where the holotype and several paratypes of Geostiba biformis sp.n. were found (photo by P. Wunderle). C o m p a r a t i v e n o t e s: Using the key in ASSING (2005a) , G. biformis would key out at couplets (67-71). In order to account for the new species, as well as for G. 1197 aydinica sp.n. and G. solodovnikovi sp.n. , the key is modified as follows: 67 3: abdominal tergites III and IV each with smooth subcircular tubercle near anterior impression. Species from western, southern or eastern Anatolia . ( G. biformis , in which tergites III and IV may or may not have indistinct tubercles, will key out in both alternatives.).....................................................................................67a - 3: abdominal tergites III and IV unmodified. Species from northern or western Turkey , or from Konya ...............................................................................................69 67a 3: tubercles on tergites III and IV minute, almost indistinct (Fig. 58); process of tergite VII apically rounded in antero-dorsal view (Figs 59-60); median lobe of aedeagus as in Fig. 61. Western Anatolia ( Muğla , W-Denizli) ( Map 3 )......................... ............................................................................................................. G. biformis sp.n. - 3: tubercles on tergites III and IV distinct; process of tergite VII apically acute in antero-dorsal view. Eastern and southern Anatolia .....................................................68 68 Pronotum with more pronounced microreticulation. 3: elytra with wider sutural carinae (Fig. A00a: 10); aedeagus larger and with more slender cristal process (Figs A00a: 11-12). Southern Anatolia ( Antalya )............................ G. brachati ASSING - Pronotum with rather shallow microreticulation. 3: aedeagus smaller and with stouter cristal process. Eastern and northeastern Anatolia ........................................68a 68a Eyes smaller ( Fig. 21 ), approximately one third the length of postocular region in dorsal view. 3: posterior margin of pronotum usually broadly concave, margins between this concavity and posterior angles straight, i. e. pronotum posteriorly gradually tapering ( Fig. 22 ); tubercles on tergites III-IV less pronounced and not more shining than surrounding area; process of tergite VII more slender, with almost parallel sides, and apically rounded in antero-dorsal view ( Fig. 25 ); median lobe of aedeagus with slightly stouter cristal process ( Fig. 27 ). Northeastern Anatolia ( Erzurum : Mescit Dağları) ( Map 4 ).............................. G. solodovnikovi sp.n. - Eyes larger, approximately half the length of postocular region in dorsal view or nearly so (Fig. A01a: 44). 3: posterior margin of pronotum indistinctly concave to smoothly convex, margins between this concavity and posterior angles sinuate, i. e. pronotum posteriorly more abruptly tapering (Fig. A01a: 44); tubercles on tergites III-IV more pronounced and with somewhat more shine than surrounding area; process of tergite VII broad-based and apically acute (i. e. of triangular shape) in antero-dorsal view ( Fig. 43 in Assing 2001a ); median lobe of aedeagus with more slender cristal process (Figs A01a: 40-41). Eastern Anatolia ( Bitlis : surroundings of Tatvan)...................................................................................... G. bitlisensis ASSING 69 3: pronotum (in large 33!) distinctly oblong, more or less extensively depressed, strongly projecting posteriorly, and with broadly and distinctly concave hind margin ( Fig. P83b : 1); elytra with distinctly elevated (bulging) lateral margins; process of tergite VII wide-based, apically rounded, and in lateral view rather slender; aedeagus: Figs. P83b : 2-3. Southern Anatolia ( Konya )....... G. iconiensis PACE - 3: lateral margins of elytra not distinctly elevated. Species from northern and western Turkey (Thrace, northern Anatolia )...............................................................70 70 3: pronotum (in large 33!) distinctly oblong and strongly projecting posteriorly, its posterior margin in the middle narrowly concave (Fig. A00b: 1); elytra with relatively long sutural carinae; process of tergite VII in antero-dorsal view slender and apically rounded, in lateral view more massive (Figs. A00b: 3-4); aedeagus with cristal process of median lobe of characteristic shape (Figs. A00b: 2, P83b: 25-26). Northern Anatolia ( Kastamonu ) ................................. G. kastamonuensis PACE - 3: pronotum often less oblong, its posterior margin broadly concave or truncate; aedeagus with cristal process much smaller or of different shape.............................70a 70a 3: pronotum (even in large 33) usually about as long as wide, at most 1.05 times as long as wide, its posterior margin in the middle weakly concave and laterally sinuate (Fig. 55); elytra with weakly pronounced (i. e. weakly elevated) sutural carina (Figs 55, 57); median lobe of aedeagus as in Fig. 61. West Anatolia : Muğla , W-Denizli............................................................................................. G. biformis sp.n. 1198 - 3: pronotum in large 33 moderately to distinctly oblong and of different shape; elytra with more pronounced sutural carina; median lobe of aedeagus with cristal process of different shape .........................................................................................70b 70b 3: pronotum (in large 33) more oblong (up to 1.25 times as long as wide) and more strongly projecting posteriorly ( Fig. 46 ); elytra with more strongly elevated and longer sutural carina and with coarser and more distinctly granulose puncturation ( Figs 46, 48 ); process of tergite VII and median lobe of aedeagus as in Figs 49-51 . West Anatolia ( Aydın ): Aydın Dağları ......................... G. aydinica sp.n . - 3: pronotum less oblong and less strongly projecting posteriorly; elytra with less pronounced sutural carina and with finer and less distinctly granulose puncturation. Species from Thrace and northeastern Anatolia ..........................................................71 71 3: pronotum (in large 33) slightly more strongly projecting posteriorly and with weakly concave lateral margins near posterior angles (Fig. A01a: 14); abdomen less finely punctate; process of tergite VII wide-based and apically rounded or obtuse (Fig. A01a: 19); cristal process of aedeagus much longer and larger (Figs. A01a: 12-13). Northeastern Anatolia ( Artvin )............................. G. artvinensis ASSING - 3: pronotum in large 33 less strongly projecting posteriorly, lateral margins near posterior angles not distinctly concave, hind margin in the middle truncate or broadly concave; abdomen very finely punctate; process of tergite VII more slender and apically more acute; aedeagus with cristal process of median lobe very short and thin. Thrace (surroundings of Istanbul ) .................... G. turcica ( BERNHAUER ) D i s t r i b u t i o n a n d b i o n o m i c s: Geostiba biformis was recorded from three localities, one in Muğla province , in the vicinity of Muğla , and two in the west of Denizli province , some 60 km to the east of Muğla ( Map 3 ). The type specimens were found under stones and sifted from grass roots in pastures on calcareous soil ( Fig. 63 ) at altitudes of 1190-1280 m .