Nine new species and new records of euryglossiform Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) from South Africa Author Kuhlmann, Michael B99AE0ED-FA89-4DFE-A658-1C8DF37F9FAB Zoological Museum, University of Kiel, Hegewischstrasse 3, D- 24105 Kiel, Germany Email: Author Friehs, Thyra CE708D50-8FB6-444B-90B2-4B696ADE74C9 Zoological Museum, University of Kiel, Hegewischstrasse 3, D- 24105 Kiel, Germany text European Journal of Taxonomy 2020 2020-05-18 647 1 33 journal article 39f7fe40-f980-44e4-b0cf-4ad557bbd71f 2118-9773 3836052 35836E71-F258-41CC-A4F6-37EAE851A016 Scrapter bokkeveldensis Kuhlmann sp. nov. E525ECD2-A2BB-4493-93B5-5436A01A6E05 Fig. 2 Diagnosis The female of S. bokkeveldensis Kuhlmann sp. nov. can be separated from all other species of this group by the combination of the following characters: supraclypeal area and clypeus superficially sculptured but shiny, sparsely and coarsely punctate ( Fig. 2B ); scutum relatively densely and coarsely punctate ( Fig. 2C ); propodeum only laterally with distinct but fine carination ( Fig. 2D ); stigma brown; apical margins of metasomal terga black; terga finely and densely punctate ( Fig. 2E ). The male is unknown. Etymology Named after the Nieuwoudtville. Bokkeveld Plateau that stretches along the escarpment north and south of Material examined ( 1 specimen ) Holotype SOUTH AFRICA ; 12 km NW of Nieuwoudtville , Farm Avontuur , Fynbos ; 31°16′18″ S , 19°02′55″ E ; alt. 770 m a.s.l. ; 9 Sep. 2018 ; MK leg; RCMK . Description Female BODY LENGTH. 4.3 mm . HEAD. Head slightly wider than long. Integument black, except part of mandibles dark reddish-brown. Face sparsely covered with long, greyish, erect hair ( Fig. 2B ). Clypeus slightly convex with coarse and relatively sparse (i = 1–3 d) punctation; surface between punctures superficially sculptured but shiny ( Fig. 2B ). Malar area medially narrow, almost linear. Antenna dorsally blackish-brown, ventrally yellowish-brown. MESOSOMA. Integument black, tegula dark reddish-brown. Mesoscutal disc between punctures superficially shagreened and slightly matt; disc relatively densely (i = 1–2 d) but relatively coarsely punctate ( Fig. 2C ). Metanotum about as long as basal area of propodeum, apically with distinct narrow carinate depression ( Fig. 2D ). Propodeum basally only laterally distinctly but relatively finely carinate ( Fig. 2D ). Mesoscutum, scutellum, metanotum, mesepisternum and propodeum sparsely covered with short, greyish, erect hair ( Fig. 2A ). WINGS. Brownish; wing venation and stigma brown. LEGS. Integument black. Vestiture greyish to yellowish-brown; scopa greyish-white, dorsally brownish. METASOMA. Integument black, apical margins of terga broadly black to translucent dark reddish-brown ( Fig. 2E ). Disc of T1–T2 without hair; following terga with very short but increasingly more and longer hair; apical tergal hair bands missing on all terga ( Fig. 2E ). Prepygidial and pygidial fimbriae relatively short, brownish. T1–T4 densely (i = 0.5–1 d) and relatively coarsely punctate, T1–T2 between punctures smooth and shiny, T3–T4 between punctures superficially reticulate but shiny; T2–T4 with polished and shiny apical tergal depression ( Fig. 2E ). Fig. 2. Scrapter bokkeveldensis Kuhlmann sp. nov. , ♀, holotype (RCMK). A . Lateral view. B . Head. C . Scutum and scutellum (dorsal view). D . Metanotum and propodeum (dorsal view). E . Metasoma (dorsal view). Male Unknown. Distribution Only known from the type locality north of Nieuwoudtville. Floral hosts Brassicaceae : blue Heliophila spec. Seasonal activity September.