Descriptions of new genera and new species of Western Hemisphere checkered beetles (Coleoptera, Cleroidea, Cleridae) Author Opitz, Weston text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2019 2019-12-20 51 2 959 1076 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.3746744 3ab3ca17-b957-454a-bdcf-d664740802e6 0253-116X 3746744 Ridica OPITZ nov.gen. Type species: Ridica achira OPITZ. By present designation. D i a g n o s i s: The subfamily Epiphloeinae was revised in 2014 ( OPITZ 2014c ). This work included a key to genera. Ridica specimens key out to the genus Ichnea LAPORTE from which Ridica specimens differ by showing a more rectangulate body form and the pygidium is devoid of a membraneous triangle. Synapotypic characteristic: Slender body form. D e s c r i p t i o n: Size: Length 7.5 mm ; width 1.8 mm . Form: Oblong rectangular, about 4 times longer than broad. Vestiture: Dorsum profusely vested with short pubescence, antennal funicle densely setose, capitulum profusely vested with microsensilla, elytra abundantly vested with short light and dark setae. Head: Cranium subquadrate, profusely indented with setiferous punctures; frons about as wide as eye; gula large, trapezoidal, sutures converge, gula with two setose post-gular processes; labrum shallow, broadly incised distally; mandible, body stout, anterior dens acuminate, medial and posterior dens moderately developed, penicillus well developed; maxilla, terminal palpomere digitiform; labium, terminal palpomere digitiform; eyes large, finely facetted, ocular notch very deep; antenna capitate, comprised of 10 antennomeres, funicular antennomeres transverse, capitular antennomeres narrow-oblong or broad-oblong. Thorax: Pronotum oblong or quadrate; discal and lateral trichobothria prominent; dorsolateral carina very short, posteriorly carina extends to pronotal posterior angles where confluent with pronotal hem; disc slightly convex and finely punctated; side margins with slightlydeveloped tubercle; prointercoxal process slightly expanded distally; pronotal projections very short, they do not approximate prointercoxal process; elytral asetiferous punctures minute, profusely distributed throughout disc, epipleural fold prominent, narrowly extended to elytral apex, elytral anterior margin not carinate; legs, protibial anterior margin spinous; profemora not swollen; tibial spur formula 0-1-1, tarsal pulvillar formula 3-3-1, unguis with basal denticle. Abdomen: Pygidium scutiform. D i s t r i b u t i o n: Known from Venezuela and Bolivia . E t y m o l o g y: Ridica is a Latin noun with a meaning of "stake"; with reference to the slender body form of these beetles. Gender feminine.