Dyticodopoea And Pygmaeodopoea, New Genera For The Central American Cicada Species Previously Assigned To Odopoea Stål, 1861 (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea: Cicadidae: Cicadinae: Zammarini) Author S Anborn, Allen F. text Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 2020 2020-02-29 122 1 117 126 journal article 10.4289/0013-8797.122.1.117 fe944f68-7821-4adb-a603-9397b2cb8b68 3724716 Pygmaeodopoea Sanborn , new genus http://zoobank.org/ 9B5712C3-585A- 4A14-98BB-ABC1FAD5934D ( Figs. 9–8 ) Type species: Odopoea minuta Sanborn, 2007 , here designated. Included species.— Pygmaeodopoea minuta ( Sanborn 2007 ) , new combination . Material examined to produce generic description.—“ MEXICO : Colima / vic. El Terrero / 4 Oct. 1992 / R . Turnbowholotype Ơ (Georgia Museum of Natural History , Athens ) and paratype Ơ ( AFSC ). Description.—Body size small; length of body 17.7–18.0; length of fore wing 25.0; width of fore wing 7.48–7.50; length of head 2.4; width of head including eyes 6.32–6.40; width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates 8.24–8.30; width of mesonotum 5.90–5.92 ( Sanborn 2007 ). Head ( Figs. 1, 3 ): Head including eyes slightly narrower than base of the mesonotum. Frons and anteromedial vertex strongly inclined, forming a right angle with the dorsal head, vertex at area of ocelli about as long as frons. Ocelli closer to each other than to eyes. Postclypeus apex flaccidly curved when viewed from above, anterior of frons not as wide as the postclypeus apex visible from above. Postclypeus roof-shaped (flatly arched) ventrally, central sulcus very small not reaching ventral apex, the transverse ridges prominent, rostrum length species specific, reaching to hind trochanters. Seven segmented antennae. Pronotum ( Figs. 1, 3 ): Shorter than mesonotum with lateral expansions extended much further than eyes, not prominently angulated but angularly rounded, the anterior margin curved very slightly, the posterior margin with a slight depression in the middle. Mesonotum ( Figs. 1, 3 ): Longer than pronotum, cruciform elevation with open V-shaped posterior margin covering dorsal metanotum, metanotum extends laterally beyond wing groove. Trochantin 1 not split obliquely into two truncated, humpback-like distensions, with a notch on either end of the split. Legs: Fore femur primary spine finger-like adpressed to femur, secondary spine smaller, wider at base, upright or slightly angled distally, tertiary spine very small. Hind tibiae with two tibial spurs laterally and two tibial spurs medially. Opercula: Male opercula not covering medial tympanal cavity, roughly triangular, transverse posterior margin, opercula not extending medially to the midline, meracanthus triangular, elongated and tapering to a point, reaching to middle of male opercula. Wings ( Fig. 1 ): Fore wings narrow, with rounded apex, fore wing length to width ratio 3.33, narrow costal membrane widening only near the base, with eight apical cells, the origins of the median vein and cubitus anterior veins are separated by about the vein width at the basal cell, basal cell longer than broad, pterostigma present, cubitus anterior 1 shorter beyond crossvein than proximal to crossvein, radial and radiomedial crossveins almost parallel, radiomedial crossvein angled more towards body. Hind wing with six apical cells, anal vein 3 curved at distal end, anal lobe broad, slight infuscation in anal cells. Abdomen ( Fig. 1 ): Roof-shaped, about as long as the distance between the apex of the postclypeus and the cruciform elevation, lateral margins parallel at base until the abdomen begins narrowing posteriorly to the genitalia, tympana concealed by opercula. Timbal cover roughly triangular with straight upper margin exposing the dorsal timbal ( Fig. 12 ), anterior apex curved not bent mediad, ventral margin straight, timbal extending below wing bases. Male sternite VIII U-shaped. Male genitalia ( Figs. 10–11 ): Pygofer dorsal beak short and barely longer than the dorsal shoulders, distal shoulders acuminate, upper pygofer lobe absent, posteroventral margins of the pygofer recurved, basal pygofer lobe extending about half the length of the pygofer with pointed tip, median uncus lobe bent at right angle at half length, a bifurcated terminus with smoothly rounded apices, median uncus lobe lacking a semicircular notch when viewed from the side, male aedeagus simple, curving in a gentle arc with terminal membrane. Figs. 1–6. Comparison of Dyticodopoea Sanborn , n. genus , Pygmaeodopoea Sanborn , n. genus and Odopoea Stål, 1861 morphology. 1, Habitus of Dyticodopoea signoreti ( Stål, 1864 ) new combination (top), Pygmaeodopoea minuta ( Sanborn, 2007 ) new combination (middle) and Odopoea dilatata ( Fabricius, 1775 ) (bottom) the type species of Odopoea . Scale bar = 2 cm. 2, Dyticodopoea signoreti ( Stål, 1864 ) new combination dorsum. Scale bar = 5 mm. 3, Pygmaeodopoea minuta ( Sanborn, 2007 ) new combination dorsum. Scale bar = 5 mm. 4, Odopoea dilatata ( Fabricius, 1775 ) dorsum. Scale bar = 5 mm. 5, Dyticodopoea signoreti ( Stål, 1864 ) new combination ventral view of female genitalia. Scale bar = 2 mm. 6, Odopoea cariboea Uhler, 1892 ventral view of female genitalia. Scale bar = 2 mm. Figs. 7–15. Comparison of Dyticodopoea Sanborn , n. genus , Pygmaeodopoea Sanborn , n. genus and Odopoea Stål, 1861 male genitalia and timbal covers. 7, Dyticodopoea signoreti ( Stål, 1864 ) new combination lateral view of male genitalia. Scale bar = 1 mm. 8, Dyticodopoea signoreti ( Stål, 1864 ) new combination posterior view of male genitalia. Scale bar = 1 mm. 9, Dyticodopoea signoreti ( Stål, 1864 ) new combination timbal cover. Scale bar = 2 mm. 10, Pygmaeodopoea minuta ( Sanborn, 2007 ) new combination lateral view of male genitalia. Scale bar = 1 mm. 11, Pygmaeodopoea minuta ( Sanborn, 2007 ) new combination posterior view of male genitalia. Scale bar = 1 mm. 12, Pygmaeodopoea minuta ( Sanborn, 2007 ) new combination timbal cover. Scale bar = 2 mm. 13, Odopoea strigipennis ( Walker, 1858 ) lateral view of male genitalia. Scale bar = 1 mm. 14, Odopoea funestra ( Walker, 1858 ) posterior view of male genitalia. Scale bar = 1 mm. 15, Odopoea dilatata ( Fabricius, 1775 ) timbal cover. Scale bar = 2 mm. Female is unknown. Etymology.—The name is in reference to the small size (Gr. pygmaios , dwarf, pygmy) of the only known species compared to the body size of the species of Odopoea and Dyticodopoea n. gen. in combination with the previous genus in which the species was classified. Distribution.—Species of the genus have been recorded only from Colima , Mexico ( Sanborn 2007 ; 2013 ) and is geographically separated from the species of Dyticodopoea n. gen.