Two new species of Corinnomma Karsch, 1880 from Yunnan, China (Araneae Corinnidae, Castianeirinae) Author Zhang, Lu 0000-0002-0273-9971 The Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application, Institute of Life Science and Green Development, College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, P. R. China & 786288387 @ qq. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 0273 - 9971 Author Jin, Chi 0000-0002-4694-4870 School of Landscape and Ecological Engineering, Hebei University of Engineering, Handan, Hebei 056038, P. R. China & jinchi _ spider @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4694 - 4870 Author Zhang, Feng The Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application, Institute of Life Science and Green Development, College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, P. R. China text Zootaxa 2022 2022-12-20 5222 3 240 256 journal article 53520 10.11646/zootaxa.5222.3.2 870ba8dd-481f-4ac7-be19-aee1b239d9ff 1175-5326 7461429 B0CAB82C-1485-40D2-AF17-7FC3FBB22308 Corinnomma spiralis sp. nov. ‹DzứừNjff› Figs 7–8 , 9A–B , 10E–F Type material. Holotype ♁ ( MHBU , YNM111 ) from CHINA : Yunnan Province , Mengla County , Menglun Town , Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Green Stone Forest ( 21°54′39.23″N , 101°17′00.32″E , 669 m a.s.l. ), 2 August 2021 , leg. Lu Zhang. Paratype : 1♀ ( MHBU , YNM106 ) from CHINA : Yunnan Province , Yangbi County , Shunbi Town ( 25°28′48.2″N , 99°55′28.33″E , 1498m ), 7 July 2021 , leg. Lu Zhang. Etymology. The specific name is an adjective and referring to the shape of the embolus ( Figs 8A–C ; 10E–F ). Latin spiralis = spiral. Diagnosis. The new species resembles C. severum in having a similar body color and features, but the males can be distinguished by: 1) the longer and slender embolus (vs. short and thick in C. severum ) (compare Fig. 10E–F with Fig. 10A–B ); 2) the subulate retrobasal paracymbial spine (vs. digitiform in C. severum ) (compare Fig. 9A–B with Fig. 9E–F ). The females can be recognized by the longer, S-shaped copulatory ducts (vs. short, C-shaped copulatory ducts in C. severum ), and the inverted U-shaped primary spermathecae (vs. inverted J-shaped in C . severum ) (compare Fig. 8D–E with Fig. 4D–E ). Description. Male ( holotype , YNM111, Fig. 7A–B ). Total length 5.60; carapace 2.81 long, 1.75 wide; abdomen 2.79 long, 1.43 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.13, ALE 0.09, PME 0.10, PLE 0.08; AME–AME 0.27, AME–ALE 0.19, ALE–ALE 0.60, PME–PME 0.31, PME–PLE 0.20, PLE–PLE 0.74, ALE–PLE 0.16; MOA 0.28 long; anterior width 0.34, posterior width 0.40. Clypeal height 0.16. Chelicerae with three pro- (middle largest, distal smallest) and two retromarginal teeth (same size). Measurements of legs: I 10.23 (2.87, 0.86, 2.68, 2.37, 1.45), II 9.77 (2.70, 0.81, 2.59, 2.25, 1.42), III 9.18 (2.20, 0.75, 2.13, 2.27, 1.83), IV 12.23 (3.29, 1.01, 2.96, 3.50, 1.47). Spination: femur I–IV do 3; femur I pl 2, II pl 3, III–IV pl 3 rl 3, tibia I do 1 plv 2 rlv 2, II plv 2 rlv 2, III–IV do 1 pl 2 rl 2 plv 3 rlv 3, metatarsus I–II plv 2 rlv 2, III–IV do 1 pl 3 rl 3 plv 3 rlv 3 vt 1. Carapace dark brown, oval, with smooth edge. Sternum dark brown. Abdomen dark brown, with three transverse bands covered by plumose hairs. FIGURE 7. Corinnomma spiralis sp. nov. A. Male habitus, dorsal view; B. Same, ventral view; C. Female habitus, dorsal view; D. Same, ventral view. FIGURE 8. Corinnomma spiralis sp. nov. A. Male left palp, prolateral view; B. Same, ventral view; C. Same, retrolateral view; D. Epigyne, ventral view; E. Same, dorsal view. Abbreviations: E—embolus; SD—sperm duct; T—tegulum; ST—subtegulum; CD—copulatory duct; CO—copulatory opening; FD—fertilization duct; S1—spermatheca I; S2— spermatheca II. FIGURE 9. Retrobasal paracymbial spine. A–B. Corinnomma spiralis sp. nov. ; C–D. Corinnomma simplex sp. nov. ; E–F. Corinnomma severum . A, C, E dorsal view; B, D, F retrolateral view. FIGURE 10. Embolus. A–B. Corinnomma severum ; C–D. Corinnomma simplex sp. nov. ; E–F. Corinnomma spiralis sp. nov. ; A, C, E dorsal view; B, D, F retrolateral view. Palp ( Figs 8A–C , 10E–F ): Cymbium with distinct subulate retrobasal paracymbial spine, with ridges ( Fig. 9A–B ). Embolus S-shaped, helically twisted, with two bends in ventral view ( Figs 8A–C , 10E–F ). Female (YNM106, Fig. 7C–D ). Like the male, except by the following: total length 7.13; carapace 3.51 long, 2.07 wide; abdomen 3.62 long, 2.22 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances:AME 0.15, ALE 0.14, PME 0.13, PLE 0.10; AME–AME 0.30, AME–ALE 0.20, ALE–ALE 0.68, PME–PME 0.38, PME–PLE 0.25, PLE–PLE 0.86, ALE–PLE 0.16; MOA 0.23 long; anterior width 0.43, posterior width 0.51. Clypeal height 0.26. Measurements of legs: I lost, II 8.32 (2.35, 0.65, 2.26, 1.86, 1.20), III 7.70 (2.24, 0.72, 1.81, 1.85, 1.08), IV 10.82 (2.78, 0.82, 2.74, 3.16, 1.32). Spination: leg I lost; femur II–IV do 3; femur II–IV pl 3 rl 2 (left); tibia II plv 2 rlv 2, III do 1 pl 2 rl 2 plv 2 rlv 2, IV do 1 pl 2 rl 2 plv 3 rlv 3; metatarsus II plv 2 rlv 2, III–IV pl 3 rl 3 plv 3 rlv 3 vt 1. Carapace black. Sternum black. Abdomen black, with four transverse white bands covered by plumose hairs. Epigyne as in Fig. 8D–E . Copulatory openings lying close to posterior margin of epigastric plate, with indistinct C-shaped edges ( Fig. 8D ). Copulatory ducts long, S-shaped ( Fig. 8E ), attached to thin lateral lobe of primary spermathecae. Primary spermathecae inverted U-shaped, with thin prolateral and thick retrolateral lobes, contiguous ( Fig. 8E ). Secondary spermathecae sac-like, with straight, wrinkled and contiguous proximal and diverging globular distal parts ( Fig. 8E ). Fertilization duct semi-circular, lying on secondary spermathecae and connecting with lightly sclerotized and Y-shaped sclerite on distal part of epigastric plate ( Fig. 8E ). Distribution. China ( Yunnan ).