Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History. Part 6. Passeriformes: Prunellidae, Turdidae, Orthonychidae, Timaliidae, Paradoxornithidae, Picathartidae, And Polioptilidae Author Mary Division of Vertebrate American Museum of (lecroy @ Author Croy Zoology (Ornithology) of Natural History @ amnh. org) Author History, Bulletin Of The American Museum Of Natural Author At, Central Park West Number Issued Author Street, Th 292, 132 pp. May 5, 2005 Author York, New . Author Ny text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2005 2005-05-05 2005 292 1 132 journal article 0003-0090 Pomatorhinus erythrogenys cowensae Deignan Pomatorhinus erythrogenys cowensae Deignan, 1952: 122 (Wanhsien, eastern Szechwan). Pomatorhinus erythrocnemis cowensae Deignan, 1952 . See Vaurie, 1954: 2 . HOLOTYPE : AMNH 204833 , adult female, collected at Wanxian (5 Wanhsien), 308549N, 1088209E (Times Atlas), Sichuan , China , on 6 January 1923 , by Walter Granger (no. G.411). From the Third Asiatic Expedition. COMMENTS: The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. Deignan did not say how many specimens he examined ; however, he labeled and initialed three of the four additional specimens at AMNH . These were undoubtedly the specimens he had borrowed and are paratypes of cowensae : AMNH 204832 (G.199), female, 21 December 1921 ; AMNH 204834 (G.464), female, 8 February 1923 ; and AMNH 261527 (G.618), female, 3 March 1926 , all labeled as collected at Wanhsien. AMNH 261526 is not initialed by Deignan and is not considered a paratype . On the reverse of each label is written ‘‘Yen­Ching­Kao’’. Roy Chapman Andrews (1922: 221) wrote that Granger, paleontologist of the Third Asiatic Expedition, after reaching Wanhsien ‘‘remained at a little village called Yenchingkao, about ten miles from Wanhsien’’. He again went to Wanhsien and Yenchingkao in 1926 to search for new fossil fields, after the expedition was unable to enter western Mongolia because of hostilities in China ( American Museum of Natural History, 1927: 26 ). Deignan (1964b: 269) , Cheng (1987: 648) , and Dickinson (2003: 602) retained erythrocnemis as a subspecies of P. erythrogenys (sensu lato) and recognized Pomatorhinus erythrogenys cowensae . Sibley and Monroe (1990: 632–633) considered P. erythrogenys and P. erythrocnemis separate species, but see Inskipp et al. (1996: 182) concerning species ranges. Pomatorhinus schisticeps cryptanthus Hartert Pomatorhinus schisticeps cryptanthus Hartert, 1915c: 35 (Margherita, Upper Assam ). Now Pomatorhinus schisticeps cryptanthus Har­ tert, 1915. See Robson, 2000: 453 . HOLOTYPE : AMNH 585712 , adult male, collected at Margherita , 278179N, 958409E (Times Atlas), Upper Assam , India , on 22 February 1902 , by Henry N. Coltart. From the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS: In the original description, the type with the above data was said to be in the Rothschild Collection. It is the only such specimen that came to AMNH and it bears the Rothschild type label. Hartert said only that he had a series collected by E.C. Stuart Baker and Coltart. Three specimens are paratypes : AMNH 585713 and 585714, both females collected on 22 February 1902 by Coltart, and AMNH 585715, female collected in 1900 at Debrugarh, Upper Assam , by Stuart Baker. Pomatorhinus schisticeps fastidiosus Hartert Pomatorhinus schisticeps fastidiosus Hartert, 1916a: 81 (Ko­khan, Trang , Malay Peninsula). Now Pomatorhinus schisticeps fastidiosus Har­ tert, 1916. See Robson, 2000: 453 . HOLOTYPE : AMNH 585739 , adult male, collected at Ban Khok Khan (5 Ko­khan ), 078349N, 998389E ( Deignan, 1964b: 273 ), Thailand , on 8 January 1910 , received from Herbert C. Robinson. From the Mus. Civ. Selangor (5 Selangor State Museum , now Malaysian National Museum , Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia , mus. no. 840/10), via the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS: The description of fastidiosus was based on two specimens , both of which Rothschild received on exchange from Herbert C. Robinson. The specimen listed as the type in the orginal description was the one collected at Ko­khan. The paratype is AMNH 585740, adult male, collected at Kao Nong, 1200–1500 ft , Thailand , on 14 June 1913 .