A taxonomic review of the Leucothoidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) 3078 Author White, Kristine N. text Zootaxa 2011 2011-10-28 3078 1 1 113 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.3078.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3078.1.1 1175­5334 5243821 Leucothoe incisa ( nomen novum ) ( Robertson, 1893 ) Leucothoe furina Chevreux, 1887: 305 . — Chevreux, 1888: 9 . Leucothoe incisa Robertson, 1893: 217 . — Stebbing, 1897: 35 , pl. 10. — Chevreux, 1900: 58 . — Stebbing, 1906: 167 . — Chevreux, 1911: 194 , 195, pl. 11, figs 13–17. — Chevreux & Fage, 1925: 123 , 124, figs 117, 120. — Stephensen, 1929b: 27 . — Fage, 1933: 207 . — Chevreux, 1935: 75 . — Cecchini & Parenzan, 1935: 177 , fig. 17. — Crawford, 1936: 100 . — Reid, 1951: 226 . —Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom , 1957: 212 . —Toulmand, 1964: 321. — Toulmand & Truchot, 1964: 13 . — Salvat, 1967: 184 . — Hammond, 1967: 119 . — Ledoyer, 1968: 192 , 193. —MacQuart- Moulin, 1968: 316. — Ledoyer, 1970: 17 . — Karaman, 1971: 68 . — Bellan-Santini & Ledoyer, 1972 ( 1973 ): 917. —Krapp- Schickel, 1975: 104, 105, pls 7, 8. — Ledoyer, 1977: 368 , 369. —Lincoln, 1979a: 176, figs 77g , 79a–f. — Myers & Costello, 1986: 75–82 , figs 1, 3. — Krapp-Schickel, 1989: 445–447 , fig. 302. —Hayward, Isaac, Makings, Moyse, Naylor, & Smaldon, 1995: 374, fig. 8.30. Type locality and specimens. Balloch Bay , Cumbrae . Material examined. No material available for examination. Diagnosis based on description by Krapp- Schickel (1975). Diagnosis. Gnathopod 1 coxa with facial setae; carpus dentate; dactylus short. Gnathopod 2 basis with setose posterior margin; carpus with large subdistal tooth. Epimeron 3 posteroventral corner sinuous with simple cusp. Note. Leucothoe incisa is a new name for Leucothoe furina Chevreux, 1889 . Robertson (1983) states that M. Chevreux supposed that the sinus cusp on epimeron 3 was overlooked by Bate in his account of L. furina Savigny. Material used in all references to Leucothoe incisa should be examined to be sure they are actually L. incisa . Female (sexually dimorphic characters). Gnathopod 2 ischium more setose than in male; carpus without subdistal tooth, distally tapered; propodus convex. Habitat. Sand, mud; 8–23 m . Host. Unknown. Distribution. North Atlantic Ocean: Scotland ( Robertson 1893 ; Krapp-Schickel 1975 ; Myers & Costello 1986 a; Krapp-Schickel 1989 ), France ( Chevreux 1900 ; Stebbing 1906 ; Chevreux & Fage 1925 ; Salvat 1967 ; Ledoyer 1970 ; Bellan-Santini & Ledoyer 1972 ). Mediterranean Sea: Naples (Stephensen 1929; Cecchini & Parenzan 1935 ), Marseilles ( Ledoyer 1977 ). Adriatic Sea: British Isles ( Reid 1951 ), Montenegro ( Karaman 1971 ).