Three new species of Leptonema Guérin (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) from southeastern Brazil Author Jardim, Gabriela Abrantes Author Dumas, Leandro Lourenço Author Nessimian, Jorge Luiz text Zootaxa 2010 2654 52 60 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.198914 2390f470-cd6a-4129-b6f4-c67c36f0b9de 1175-5326 198914 Leptonema santosi sp. nov. Figs. 8–16 Leptonema santosi sp. nov. is a member of the L . speciosum Group, as defined by Flint et al. (1987) . It appears to be most closely related to L. boraceia Flint, McAlpine & Ross , with which it shares similarities in processes g and complex b-c . In L. boraceia the g processes are slender and enlarged apically, while in the new species they are short and not enlarged. Leptonema santosi sp. nov. can also be distinguished by having 3 pairs of processes directed basad and only pair 1 directed apicad, while L. boraceia bears 2 pairs of processes directed basad and 2 pairs directed apicad. Description. Adult male (Figs. 8–16): Length of forewing: 19.0–20.0 mm (n=4). Head, antennae, maxillary palps and legs stramineous in alcohol. Wings light brown, without maculae. Malar space narrow, about 1/4 height of eye. Frontal setal wart between the antennal bases; 1 pair of small antennal setal warts not clearly delimited; 1 pair of large, subtriangular posterior setal warts behind eyes; 1 pair of slender setal warts, bearing long dark setae on postgenal area. Vertex area between posterior warts with 1 pair of small, narrow elevations with a longitudinal mesal depression (probably corresponding to reduced ocelar setal warts). Maxillary palps 5-segmented, long, setose; segment III about 2/3 length of segment II; segment V extremely long, about length of all other segments together (Fig. 8). Tibial spur formula 2-4-4. Abdominal sternum II with short mesal suture; sternum V with pair of large rounded processes (Fig. 9). Male genitalia (Figs. 10–16): Segment IX short in lateral view (Fig. 10); in dorsal view with large Vshaped keel (Fig. 11). Segment X with wart a large, rounded; warts b and c absent; lateral lobes, in dorsal view, slightly expanded, each with apex rounded apically, bearing short setae on lateral margins; mesal lobes reduced (Figs. 10, 11). Inferior appendages 2-segmented, basal segments longer than apical segments, wider subapically, each basal segment with dorsal tuft of long setae on distal portion; apical segments nearly 1/3 length of basal segments, with short spinulous setae on inner margins (Fig. 12). Phallus tubular, with phallobase short, broad, truncated at apex (Fig. 10); processes g well developed, upturned, notched mesoapically (Figs. 12, 13); processes b and c fused to form complex laterally with 4 pairs of spiniform processes; 2 pairs of processes long, directed basad, dorsalmost process with minute subapical spine on left side (absent in some specimens) ( Fig. 14 ); 1 pair of processes short, directed apicad; 1 pair of processes curved cephalad; in caudodorsal view complex b -c bearing single short, spiniform, process directed apicad, between 2 branches of processes g ( Fig. 15 ); processes d , e , and f absent. Phallotremal sclerite, in dorsal view, appearing as 2 blackish points ( Fig. 16 ); in caudodorsal view horseshoe shaped ( Fig. 15 ). Female: Unknown. Holotype male: BRAZIL , Rio de Janeiro state, Nova Friburgo municipality : Lumiar, Córrego Boa Vista, Sítio Dois Irmãos, 22º19’01.5”S , 42º17’23.3”W , 910 m , 13.xi.2008 , J.L. Nessimian, G.A. Jardim, I.C. Gonçalves, B.H.L. Sampaio, V.P. Alecrim, M.R. de Souza leg . ( DZRJ 2356). Paratypes : BRAZIL , Rio de Janeiro state, Nova Friburgo municipality : Lumiar, Córrego Boa Vista, Sítio Dois Irmãos, 22º19’01.5”S , 42º17’23.3”W , 910 m , 13.xi.2008 , J.L. Nessimian, G.A. Jardim, I.C. Gonçalves, B.H.L. Sampaio, V.P. Alecrim, M.R. de Souza leg ., 1 male ( DZRJ 2357); Lumiar, Córrego Boa Vista, Cachoeira Indiana Jones, 22°19’02.1”S , 42º17’28.5”W , 900 m , 14.xi.2008 , J.L. Nessimian, G.A. Jardim, I.C. Gonçalves, B.H.L. Sampaio, V.P. Alecrim, M.R. de Souza leg ., 1 male ( DZRJ 2358); Macaé de Cima, Córrego Verdun, 22º25’27.5”S , 42º32’08.4”W , 1008 m , 29.xi.2008 , N. Ferreira-Jr, G.A. Jardim, I.C. Gonçalves, B.H.L. Sampaio, V.P. Alecrim, A.P.M. Santos leg ., 1 male ( MZSP ). Etymology. This species is dedicated to Allan Paulo Moreira dos Santos, for his important contributions to the knowledge of Brazilian caddisflies.