A new Palaearctic Thornburghiella from Transcaucasia (Diptera: Psychodidae) Author Oboňa, Jozef 1,3) &) &) University of Prešov, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences, Department of Ecology, 17. novembra 1, SK- 08116 Prešov, Slovakia; e-mails: obonaj @ centrum. sk, peter. manko @ unipo. sk & 1,3) &) Corresponding author Author Ježek, Jan ) &) National Museum, Department of Entomology, Cirkusová 1740, CZ- 19300 Praha 9 - Horní Počernice, Czech Republic; e-mail: jan. jezek @ o 2 active. cz Author Manko, Peter 1,3) &) &) University of Prešov, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences, Department of Ecology, 17. novembra 1, SK- 08116 Prešov, Slovakia; e-mails: obonaj @ centrum. sk, peter. manko @ unipo. sk text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2017 2017-06-30 57 1 205 214 https://www.aemnp.eu/acta-entomologica/volume-57-1/1674/a-new-palaearctic-thornburghiella-from-transcaucasia-diptera-psychodidae.html journal article 10.1515/aemnp-2017-0069 0374-1036 5318542 4F1DDCF8-9F35-4C5F-A57E-B8887CC6640E Thornburghiella Vaillant, 1982 Thornburghiella Vaillant, 1973: 361 (unavailable name, type-species not designated). Thornburghiella Vaillant, 1982: 299 ; VAILLANT (1983: 324) ; JEŽEK (1992: 367) ; JEŽEK (1993: 32) ; JEŽEK (1994: 69) ; JEŽEK (2001: 64) ; WAGNER (1994: 75) ; WAGNER (2003: 107) ; WAGNER & JOOST (1985: 171) . Thornburghiella ( Stupkaiella Vaillant, 1973 as subgenus), partim; DUCKHOUSE (1987: 85) . Type species. Psychoda albitarsis Banks, 1895 . Differential diagnosis. Flagellomere 1 with single row of 4–9 strong sensory spines, wings ovate without sensory fold. Apical flagellomere with apiculus shorter than base or absent. Gonostyli mostly simple, conical, not completely bifurcated; sometimes forked with branches of varying shape. Aedeagal complex ovoid to angulate or divided into a pair of elongate, narrow, pointed or truncate extensions. In Stupkaiella , gonostyli are clearly bifurcated, both parts mostly similar, hardly distinguished in qualitative parameters.Aedeagal complex mostly articulated by two apical recurrent and fusiform ear-shaped projections.