First female description of Glyphonotus sinensis Uvarov, 1939 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Tettigoniinae) from China Author Liu, Chun-Xiang text Zootaxa 2013 3599 6 593 596 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3599.6.8 61394064-63fe-47bb-90c7-3019f36a9a58 1175-5326 219903 ACD38BD1-6964-4090-98A3-41A230FE4A95 Glyphonotus sinensis Uvarov, 1939 Glyphonotus thoracicus : Uvarov, 1933 . Ark. Zool. A 26(1):1 ( nec Fischer-Waldheim, 1846). Glyphonotus sinensis: Uvarov, 1939 . Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 11 4:137. Jin & Xia, 1994. Jour. Orth. Res. 3:28. Examined Material : China : Xinjiang Prov.: Aletai, 1 female , 880mm , Collector, Wang Shuyong, 1960. VIII.20 ; 1 female , Talate, 930mm , Collector, Wang Shuyong, 1960. VIII.13. First Description of female: Head ovoid, fastigium narrow, occiput convex and smooth. Fastigium verticis well-produced, dorsally sulcate, distinctly narrower than first segment of antenna. Fastigium frontis inversely ovoid; dorsal apex distinctly narrower than fastigium verticis, separated with fastigium verticis by a rather wide gap. Compound eye rounded, obliquely set, greatly bulging, ventral margin not extending beyond ventral margin of antennal scrobe (Figs. 1, 2, 3). Antenna thick, long. Prosternum spiniform. Pronotum with caudal margin angulate, lateral carinae parallel; surface without median carina; surface of disk tuberculate and rugose, with two deeply incised transverse grooves, between which the disk is strongly contracted and lowered; lateral carina outside the first groove tuberculate, discontinuous; lateral lobe rimmed, slightly longer than deep (Figs. 2, 3). Mesosternum and metasternum spiniform. Fore femur armed with 11 spines on both margins of ventral surface; middle femur with 13 ventral spines on dorsal surface; ventral surface of hind femur with 11 spines on internal and 18 spines on external margins. Fore tibia with 2 spines anterior and 3 spines on posterior margins of dorsal surface, and 9 spines on both margins of ventral surface; middle tibia with 4 spines on anterior and 7 spines on posterior margin of dorsal surface, 11 spines on both margins of ventral surface; hind tibia with 13 and 16 spines on internal and external margins of dorsal surface, 15 anterior and 16 posterior spines on both margins. Genicular lobe of each femur armed with a minute spine. Tegmen macropterous, distinctly surpassing end of abdomen and posterior femur at rest (Figs. 4, 6). Tegmen slightly translucent, with regular veinlets; costa distinct; subcostal vein and radial vein joined at base, then separated but closely abutted together till apical part of tegmen; radical sector distinctly branching before middle of tegmen and emitting three sub-branches from apical third one part; apex of tegmen rounded (Figs. 4, 6). Female terminalia. Ovipositor ensiform, weakly curved upwards, dorsal and ventral margins smooth; apex acute (Fig. 6). Apex of subgenital plate divided into two minute acute triangular lobes; median incision V-shaped, shallow, as long as quarter of the plate (Fig. 5). Color (museum specimens)(Fig. 4, 6): Body green. Compound eyes brown. Base of antennae, face, gena, and legs greyish white. Antennae, with exception of base, abdomen and ovipositor yellow. Caudal portion of disk of pronotum, tegmen, tegminal veins and veinlets, veins of hind wings and veinlets in anal part of hind wings green. Base of several transverse veinlets between Radial and Radial Sector veins bordered by yellowish white blocks. Veinlets of hind wings, with exception of those in anal portion, and apices of spines brown. Mesonotum, first segment of abdomen, and base of hind wing dark brown.Measurements ( Table 1 ). TABLE 1. Measurements (in mm) of females of Glyphonotus species and subspecies.
species (subspecies) sinensis body pronotu m fore femur hind femur hind tibiae tegmen oviposito r references present
880mm, Aletai 930mm, Talate, 35.0 8.5 13.5 29.0 30.0 56.5 29.0 study present
Aletai 37.0 8.5 12.5 27.2 29.0 56.0 30.5 study Redtenbache
G. thoracicus 42.0 9.5 17.5 34.0 63.0 38.0 r (1889) Miram
G. t. thoracicus 34.0 9.0 29.0 32.0 48.0 29.0 (1935) Miram
G. t. semenovi 45.0-48.0 10.1 34.0 35.0 60.0 37.0 (1935)
Variation. The spination of the legs of the specimen collected in 930mm (Fig. 4), differs from the specimen collected at 880mm (Fig. 6). This latter specimen possesses the following spination patterns. Fore femur armed with 14 spines on both margins of ventral surface; middle femur with 7 spines on anterior margin and 14 spines on posterior margins of ventral surface; hind femur with 13 spines on internal and 18 spines on outer margins of ventral surface. Fore tibia with 3 spines both margins of dorsal surface and 12 spines on both sides of ventral surface; middle tibia with 6 anterior and 8 posterior on dorsal surface, and 12 spines on each margin of ventral surface; hind tibia with 19 internal and 21 spines on external margins of dorsal surface, 15 spines on both margins of ventral surface (Fig. 6). Notes. The type species of the genus, Glyphonotus thoracicus (Fischer von Waldheim, 1846), was re-described by Redtenbacher (1889) . Uvarov (1933) recorded two males and one female of G. thoracicus from eastern Tianshan Mountain and provided measurements and a photograph of the female. Subsequently, Miram (1935) examined topotypes of G. thoracicus and some materials from eastern Tiantian mountain. He divided G. thoracicus into two subspecies G. t. thoracicus and G. t. s e m e n o v i Miram. The differences include body size ( Table 1 ). Then, based on the observations in Miram (1935) , Uvarov (1939) revised the species of Glyphonotus recorded in Uvarov (1933) as a new species G. s i n e n s i s . The female specimens of G. sinensis recorded here are more similar to G. t. thoracicus based on length of hind femur and the ovipositor than G. t. semenovi . The shape of the subgenital plate is also similar to that of G. t. thoracicus . It is distinguished with the female of G. t. thoracicus by the comparatively long tegmen, as in the original description of the male ( Uvarov 1939 ).Additionally, more material is needed to determine the value of spines as distinctive in these species. Is the statement by Rentz (1985: “the spination of the tibiae provides useful generic characters in number of spines, presence or absence of an apical spine and relative lengths of dorsal and apical spurs” applicable for this genus? PLATE I. Female of Glyphonotus sinensis Uvarov. Fig. 1 , head, frontal view; Fig. 2 , head and pronotum, dorsal view; Fig. 3 , head and pronotum, lateral view; Fig. 4 , body showing tegmen and hind wing, dorsal view; Fig . 5 , female subgenital plate, ventral view; Fig. 6 , body showing tegmen and legs, lateral view. (Photo by Mr. Guoqing Mai in IZCAS)